Friday, January 6, 2012

Memory and Fear

A bit of me wonders about what happened here that made me want to forget everything. Another part has no interest thinking about this at all. There aren't many things that I can remember but in the end I'm the same as everyone I tried to help. Just people who wanted attention, maybe. It's been over a year now, I'm wondering if people even come back here and write. It doesn't have to be our homework or whatever people like to call it but just to look back into our past at least to remember the good ole times we had. Though I can't remember anything, it doesn't seem like I plan to move on by remember things. It makes me curious sometimes what I did that I didn't want to remember at all. Well, it doesn't matter, what's done is done. Can't stay down about it forever. Don't want to drown in my own feelings again. Hm...talking about feelings, it's seems that people say I don't have those things called emotions anymore. I wonder if it's true. I come here sometimes to read my old work to see if just how much I've changed but I'm not sure even about that. The only things I remember up to are memories of middle school.

During the past year, I've encounter many things but one of them bother me the most. The problem is that I don't even know the problem. I wonder what is it though? I've notice it for awhile now but when people look into my eyes, there's always a strange reaction, most of the run away in fear while other...well I'm not sure what other try to do but they are sure strange. Though I wonder what is it that they see.

Fear is an emotion inside of people, it and create many things. Before we are born, there's a place we are at, that places contains nothing but darkness and us alone. When there comes a time where a child must be born into this world, all of "us" will fight to enter the light. But after enter this light, all of those memories may have been lost but the darkness and long nights will once again trigger that fear within us, never knowing why we fear the dark so much. We, people can create just by believe, the power of the mind can create and destroy as we like thought it also depends on the people. For example, people sometimes think "I'm might be getting sick" or "I think I have a fever" and a little while after "my head is hot" those thoughts eventually do bring people a fever. Just thinking about things can make them come true. As kids we think there's a monster under our bed, just because it's dark we don't dare to look down there or sometimes we think we see something and so we create this story just like in history. The things we fear most are only things create by our own fears. Another example, most people fear drowning so they won't learn how to swim, if you don't learn how to swim, how can you prevent yourself from drowning and how do you even know whether you'll drown or not. Many of us fear before trying so we lose many experience and chances in our lifetime to overcome all these fears.