Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hw 53 - Homework Analysis

Part 2:

While taking the test, it makes me things more about the closeness I have with other people and where I draw the line. I'm very distance with others because I don't understand the knowledge they have as a teen and this keeps pushing them away from me. Usually when answering question I would answer with "I don't know" but for this survey I wanted to take the time and answer them. People want attention even if they say they don't want it, realizing this is a bit annoying, I'd sometime rather not know it at all. Even if I try avoiding it, it'll eventually slip out, not everyone can stand the loneliness. I don't mind sitting there and listening to people talk forever until the point I no longer want to hear anything anymore. Most of the time I take things very personally since I don't like how people think they are the one suffering the most. I'm not sure how other people answer their questions but I take the time to think whether I want to give a real answer or not or even whether I should or shouldn't answer the question. I'm a simple minded person when it comes to think, I don't do much work, it takes too much work. Maybe I'm just lazy since I'm tired or life and want to move on quickly. Even though life is important everyday I sit in front of the computer talking to people telling them their is a meaning to life and yet I, myself am not convince when I tell myself this but convinced when I tell others. Maybe I'm also tired of telling others this and want someone else to answer this question in ways I won't be able to argue against. As I take this survey I realize the differences and similarities I have with others, even though we don't talk at school, there are reasons to step outside of the box.

Part 3:
Nothing surprising because we want others to care, not many can live in a world all alone, we count on others to give us what we want and we can either choose to do the same for them or not. We are only puppets use for others, the only person that stand in the way of reaching your goal is always you. Okay, so we're all human, we got our 5 senses, the only thing different is how we choose to live our life. A mother gave birth to us and we choose the rest of our path, even though we blame others that we are who we are now, it's mostly out fault because we choose to take things that way. I do feel similar to many of the students in our class but I don't choose to live their way, I dislike my cage so I look for ways to break free even if the cage life is more successful I want to find another way. I don't want to lose hope of something just because other people put thoughts in my mind making everything impossible. I wonder why people cry, does it make them feel better? Does let go instead saving the feelings until the last moment before it finally rain. I see no point in crying, so you get people's attention and they pretend to care about you for a moment, is that what you want? Do you want people to pretend to care about you? Well, know this, if you crying because you think you're the one suffering the most in this world, then you have no care for anyone but yourself, in your world there will only be room for you and you alone. There's always people who have gone through worst and look at yourself, at least you can walk on your own two legs. There are those who have to suffer in order to understand and those who want to suffer to help. The world has layed out everything for you, that giant map your walking one, no matter how the road will twist and turn, will you walk it? Differences? I can say people are so ungrateful for the life they are living, looking at all those humans who don't have to worry about having their life at the edge of life and death, no materr how many times parents teach them this, it's better that they learn it the hard way. Maybe if they lost their home they'll realize how important family is to them. Humans walking around in the school talking about last night's show or whatever they were watching, yet do they really anything how people really feel. Words like "I feel so sorry for him" do they mean anything? Is it pity? Can you really feel for someone? If your really sorry, do something instead of just saying it. What's the point of pretending to know, to understand if you really don't, will you ever be able to save anyone like that? In the end we are still a bunch of kids trying to act like adults, trying to act mature when we know we aren't. This act we use to try and cover up all of our flaws so when we don't know what to do anymore we cry, hoping someone would come and tell us "it's alright, everything will be ok" or maybe this is just the writer in me wanting to continue a story that never ends.

Part 4:
There's always a cause and an effect so something cause the students to behave this way and effect is students bringing weapon, fighting, doing drugs, etc. Usually the cause of this would be bullying at school, problems at home or even friends, and relationships. Just like a game when everything is taken away from you do you choose to continue or give up, that's just how life is, a series of test to see what you are capable of as well as molding your personality. I'm not sure anymore, i'm not sure about it, myself because time continues to change people. There are those who try to fight back or push their pain on others. They want someone to care in a kind way, they want attention and friends that will stand by their side and fight. It's like a fairy tale but those are the type of people we think we can trust. The world is filled with many obstacles and we don't want to face them alone, it's a dark and lonely world we have to face. We want to walk together to get to the end of the road leaving no one behind.

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