Monday, December 21, 2009

HW 31 - Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A, & Aggrandizing the Self

Part 1:
The answer I got was that everyone is doing something to meet others people expectations so you can't ever do something for ourselves, we're always doing something for others. Meeting those expectations may be cool to some people while to others is a something that they come to hate. The more truthful answer people would give is I'm doing for others as well as myself. By doing things for other people we lose and gain depending on the situation though not all people do things just because they know they will gain something in the end. We may do things because we need to do it not wanting to do it. What we do is for the world to see, to know... We always give more than we get so people stop giving and find ways to get anything. To fill a hole of emptiness too much of too little is pain. Expectations, too hard to keep up with, too hard to follow, we're just made of sins that leads to an endless path because time is endless as well...

Part 2:
During the weekends I sat in front of my computer the whole day listening to other people's love problem, I did do it for myself but whether I did it for someone else I'm not sure since they'll eventually come back to it. I did it because I didn't want them to feel that same emptiness I did back then it's not like a movie where you watch the characters suffer all alone, I don't want any of that. I don't try to push myself into other people with these problems I wait for them to open up to me so it's easier and won't make things worst. I could care less if they won't come to me or ignore me or maybe it's just me with my second thought. My parents tell me that doing things for other people is good but I should also think about myself, I think that's just selfish of me if I change to fit that. We give to get, is that how life really works, even if i give the thing that returns is pain that exist in them and passed on to another body. Feelings are endless, I was told to give up, should I? Why should we keep hurting ourselves for others? Why do we want it for ourselves?

The world is are stage even if not every person may stop to look at you, they think, they know that you exist and that is all that there is. The quotes from Shakespeare remind of the time where I asked my sister what if life was a book and the creator wrote in it everyday. We are just characters, the mains characters of our own separate book, the people we see may exist today but no tomorrow because we may never know whose dead or alive, it's a story. The creator watches over us like guardians and controls us like puppets on a string. When he gets bored he'll write a new problems to see how we will face this life, the illusion placed into front of us we live it and we learn it, one step at a time we find the reasons why this happen, we become stronger by facing the truth not running away. We have believes and doubts in us that we can ever make it, we dress up everyday to walk on that stage, given 24 hours to show the world what we've got. In a way it shows importance and gives existence, a reason for living we look for it, everyday we keep searching deep down inside. I realize that we search for a reason because when I did so call therapy these people kept saying I want to die and told me many ways they could/would die, I asked why and they said it hurt so much(our emptiness, a hole that just swallows it all, we let it controls us and looks towards the path of darkness to fade away) it wasn't that they want to die but they want a reason to live, someone to live for, someone to share that emptiness that won't be something that could swallow them up rather the emptiness from letting go.
I'm confused about the phrase "I'm not doing it for others, I'm doing it for myself" I thought about this in two ways. In the beginning I just wrote thinking too much about it but I think I was thinking about it the wrong way. Maybe it's just as it says, something simple but i didn't understand why people would tell the truth or is it that I'm confused again. Even though people don't think about it at that moment later on they so, humans do the things that do because they believe they will benefit from it, no matter what we do we believe there is a benefit in the things we do so we are doing for ourselves and no other people. Is that the reason that many people don't mind helping strangers? Why is it that we have get paid when we doing something rather then doing it for free? We look towards those that we can benefit from, we want something back, that's right nothing in this world is ever free, there is a price tag on everything. You don't have to pay for it with money, how about your life?

Monday, December 14, 2009

HW 30 - Psychological and Philosophical Theorizing of Cool

How does this emptiness feel?
Emptiness doesn't exist physically, it's a feeling that's is in our mind, we feel this way when there's nothing. It's like a black hole, parasite that feeds off of our negative feelings, a giant hole in us that we feel there is a need to fill it up because we are scared of what might come out of that hole, it might swallow our soul up and replace us. That emptiness is a dark space where we try so hard too look for the light, a maze that acts from your feelings. When emptiness takes over it locks up our heart, we begin to lose ourselves in that dark path, wandering endlessly looking for the key even though we, ourselves had the key all along.

What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?
Emptiness means there's nothing there, something is missing, but what is? Humans have always wanted that hole to be filled, it's a way to satisfy their need in being human. With emptiness we feel closer to the truth and to death, by filling this hole up we feel like there is a meaning for us to live on. If we left the hole in us, we begin to give up on life and move toward death. In fairy tales we see that people fill this darkness to make themselves feel better and it works in real life as well because we transform our whole life into that same fairy tale. Human wanting to fill that hole become too predictable, what they do, things they like, none of it is a surprise anymore.

How does cool relate to our attempt to live in relation to this emptiness?
Some people think that being in a relationship with another they would stand out more, people would talk about you and think it;s cool how this person did the impossible of something like that. The roles we throw other in to make ourselves stand out, do you ever regret it? Wanting the fairy tale to come to life, was it really worth all of your time, thinking you've finally found the right person for you. Getting all of that attention, we get used to it even if we make a fool out ourselves. It's a repeating cycle as long as we can leave that darkness. To fill up that hole in us, people can and will do almost anything, just like the stories that never end. How will it take to satisfy you? How make will it take to fill that emptiness? What are you willing to give up knowing the truth? Is being cool really worth all of this?

I once agreed with the referring to humans as in "distinguishes mortals" because people were just giving up too much to want to be cool. Making other suffer wasn't a big sacrifice to them, they weren't giving up anything. I hate myself for taking all of this in, I just wanted to give up so badly but kept fighting because I don't want to be force back into the place with no one. Being born is freedom, dream is a cage to look into the future, the past is us falling into a shadow. My belief tells me not to dream of the future, not to dwell in the past, the present is where we should be but I can't do either. The more I hope to forget the more I lose the things I want to remember. That feeling of emptiness just keeps swallowing it away till you have nothing left but a shadow to replace you. I stopped looking for my light, "when we look for the things we want, we will never get them" I guessing this means stop looking just wait for time to give it to you. Even if the black hole is about to swallow you in, just accept that darkness. After Buddhism was shown to me, I let go of all that rejection and accept what was given, we don't need more than we have, philosophy and therapy became my interest. Emptiness can be a good thing like enlightenment, feeling empty to calm the mind while emptiness can also be hollow, a hole you create inside of yourself by having doubts.

No matter what we do, what we say, we cage ourselves in this endless history, repeating over and over again to tell the same tale told long ago. If we ask for something new, we create a new road that eventually won't be so new anymore, just like cool doing something over and over again will eventually bore us... so we eventually go look for something more new.

Life is a tale by an idiot, maybe that's why there won't be anything new. I imagine humans to start the same way as computers do. When we buy them we give them life by turning on the power. It started out with 1-3Gb something like that while humans start out with organs and brain. Every time we use it, it will remember something while for humans when our parents interact with us we receive information. But ways we continue to learn and care for those things, if we leave them alone for too long they grow lonely, unhappy something in them grow like a deep darkness. Computer might get out of date and stop working while humans may shut themselves in their own world.

Looking at zen, "I possess the true Dharma eye, the marvelous mind of Nirvana, the true form of the formless, the subtle dharma gate that does not rest on words or letters but is a special transmission outside of the scriptures. This I entrust to Mahākāśyapa" how do we know if we really have this? Meditation to attain enlightenment, but how can we be sure that we have really attain it, we're human how is it that we know it's this feeling and not another create by our illusion" I don't really understand this but I do believe that everything is create by our own illusion. Feelings are a part of that like when we feel that we can no longer move on, we build a wall between us and other people create doubt inside of us. Any feelings that we create shutting ourselves into our own world is negative and creates the illusion of emptiness. I think illusions are created so that we can run away from the truth.

I was reading Fullmetal Alchemist and I really like their philosophy on the relationship between humans and the gods. Those who have it don't want it, those who want it don't have it. It also shows that the truth is disgusting, the thing that you want most will always be taking from you, all humans are made up of the 7 sins and continue to sin forever and ever no matter which life we are living. It will always be the same, our desires as long as we have that we want to live on or at least die placing your dreams onto someone else.

Hw 29 - Merchants of Cool

Having your own sense of style makes a person stand out more, with people asking what you like or why you are wearing the things you are wearing, people wouldn't just say it's because I was force to wear rather they try to make it their own. When people come directly up to you asking what type of fashion do you think is most popular it takes a moment before a person can open up to you and tell you what they think. We don't want to make a fool of ourselves and say something that doesn't impress a crowd.

There are a lot of people walking around the streets with clothes that have a really big logo and the ways they wear their clothes, people that stick in groups is like a stage for others to see what's on display and what's so popular, it doesn't even take a word to find out these things, interview other kids that feel that they have become like a kid and know what they think but they don't fully understand what people like since we are all different. What those people like are only a certain percentage of us teenagers.

Advertising shouldn't be banned because it's like a guidance, even though it makes us seem like we don't have a choice it's better than feeling like you don't have a chioce at all. In our society the higher ups makes it seem like we have a choice by letting the people give their opinion but none of the opinion really matter it's just an act they put on so that feel like we have equal power.

Is it evil? People have always been using other people to make money, most of us may or may not be use to this already. This is one of the few things you have to expect in life. We hate the truth at first but as time moves on we realize there's nothing we can ever do. People walk a path endlessly hurting others around them, it's the truth and by avoiding it we hurt more people, we can't do anything about it. The world is just program that way.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Everyone Else in this City is Wanting to be Someone Else Other Than Themselves

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Doing this cool unit, it reminds me of this song "Everyone Else in this City is Wanting to be Someone Else Other Than Themselves." Wanting to be someone other than yourself is a bad thing, we can see a change in our life, learn from our mistakes. I'll keep pushing myself to protect those I care about. Step by step I'll walk this road with courage facing what's ahead of me. I'll keep trying, getting back on my feet till it's okay. Day by day we change looking forward for our tomorrow. In our world, people want to be someone else other than themselves, is it that they want to be someone that is more cooler than themselves? Why would we want to be someone else when we, ourselves can be more unique than others. Each and every person is unique/special in our own way. It's wrong of me to judge someone in anyway since we don't know much just by looking at other people, they may have a hidden talent. Why is it that humans can reject others so quickly without wanting to know what makes this person unique? Why can't we accept other without thinking about whether they are cool or not, whether they fit in or not? If we come to accept this person, we can find many things about them that we would have never knew if we rejected them at that moment. If we accept them for their coolness, after find the truth about them, you just might reject them with her knowing this already adn you regretting your decision thinking about it's not about cool or not it's the things you shared, the time you've spent, etc. Why are we letting coolness get in the way of how we live our life?

Kono Machi deha Dare mo ga Minna Jibun igai no Nani ka ni Naritagaru
Everyone Else in this City is Wanting to be Someone Else Other Than Themselves

Kono machi de ha dare mo ga mina jibun igai no nani ka ni naritagaru
Boku ha...


Kagami mitsume fui ni omou kimi to mirai
Itsumo sukoshi fuan nano sa tsurai

Akogareru kimochi ha aoi shirushi desu ka?
Takuwaetekita yume naraba mada yawarakai

WOW WOW Kono machi de ha dare mo ga mina jibun igai no nani ka ni naritagaru
Ima no boku ga sou dakedo
WOW WOW Mukai kaze mo toori kaze mo oi kaze to ii kikase
Samui sora ni ho wo age susume

Sukoshi nareta kaeri michi wo hitori aruku
Kumo ga kimi ni miete mune ga tsumaru

Hito sabishii kimochi ha yowai shirushi desu ka?
Sagashi tsuzuketa oto-tachi ha mimimoto ni iru

WOW WOW kono machi de ha dare mo ga mina jibun ni chikai dare ka wo hoshigatteru
Tatoeba hora kimi no youni
WOW WOW Mawari michi mo kemono michi mo yume ni tsuzuku michi nara
Kamawanai hadashi de susume

Kako wo furikaeru tabi kuyamazu ni sumuyouna
Sonna hibi dake wo kasanetai yo zutto

WOW WOW kono machi de ha dare mo ga mina jibun igai no nani ka ni naritagaru
Ima ha boku mo sou dakedo
WOW WOW Sono saki de tadoritsukitai [jibun] ga mietekita yo
Ima ha mada todokanai ima ha tada mae ni susume


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fairy Tale

I'm hoping this post can be a replacing for homework post # 19 since I was absent that day, my post # 18 was written incorrectly so I took the time to rewrite it. I remember doing homework # 19 but it's gone now, I'm not sure how to redo it either so I hope this will be as good as that. 

It not that people can't find anything new, we tend to place ourselves in our own little world want someone else to do all the work for us. We continue to revolve a certain spot and continue to let ourselves walk around in circles. This is how we lice in a never ending fairy tale, we say we want something new but in reality we don't since we're never looking for it. When people have a need to be cool, they create more flaws in themselves, why bother creating something you're not when the real you is already unique. People that want to be cool seem to be the most predictable types. Times does effect those who want to be cool since they are looking for the newest things so that they can always stand out and stuff. In school we are here to learn but when people say learn they think of sitting there and waiting for a set of instructions or someone to place everything in front of  us and stick it into our brain. In this class people that they are bored of this unit and get the same answers everything but did we ever take the time to think deeply. We leave ourselves in this fairy tale, never ending, waiting for something new to happen because you think something will always be there but that's not sure. If we don't move our own hands and legs nothing is going to happen, we have to move on our own, we can't keep relying on others to push us to keep moving forward. This life is a gift our parents gave us to value, we don't need to be cool in order to live it, just be yourself.

When Mr. Manley taught our class the aim was why do people even care about being cool? In the song there was a part mentioning that a part of her never cared about being cool and the next part is her hating herself for it. The part that repeats by deep thinker is that there will be at least one person is this world that thinks you're cool. Even if it's not our goal or not event think about it seems to come back to us, another thing that was interesting was that "being uncool is cool, being cool is uncool" people are cool is there own ways trying to make themselves cool makes people look silly/dumb. I enjoy this lesson and Mr. Manley seems to be very positive, everything seems to be cool to him. It made me think about what people do to try to be something they're not while others just let it come.

Today's class with Matt was interesting, I agree that being cool is self motivation but in a way failing might bring a person more down than they were in the beginning. Coolness is a way for people to feel good about themselves, to have value in yourself and others, this is what we learned today. I agree that it's human need to feel valued and good about yourself, we always try to meet these needs by doing good deeds and show yourself as a walking logo. I heard this same lesson from my parents the part where doing good deeds gives a healthier life for people. It's interesting how life just works that way. Is most of our life effected by our emotional needs rather than our physical ones? The way I see cool it doesn't make a difference in how vulnerable humans become to stuff when it's a want and not a need.

If life were to spin in an endless fairy tale, it would get boring, there's nothing new, don't you ever get bored of this? Watching other people's lives and finding a familiar ending hoping something new isn't always the best thing, we may or may not like it though.

Monday, December 7, 2009

HW 28 - Informal Research - Internet, Magazines, and TV Shows

I think this site is cool as in awesome cool so I wanted to share the fun. =]
♪♥♫♥♪ ♀♥ Welcome to the Mind Reading Game(Sorta) ♥♂ ♪♥♫♥♪
I don't think I should have left website first, most people would click and go right on ahead to play first and that's what make people predictable, it's not about being able to mind read, other people think it's cool but there's a trick to how the mind works. If the game isn't working for you I'll go over the instructions so that it's easier to understand I hope. =o='''

Step 1: Pick a two digit number(example: 18)
Step 2: Take the first digit and second digit and add them together(1 + 8 =9)
Step 3: Find the difference from the original number (18 – 9 = 9)
Step 4: Find the symbol and click the magic crystal.
If it didn't work, that means you didn't follow the steps correctly usually or didn’t' even read the instructions. I worked just fine for me, it's fun at first but time takes over for most people and it gets boring so we move on and find something more interesting.
*Go to
☀ ★ ☼ ✿ ♪ ƸӜƷWelcome to the Trick of the Game ƸӜƷ ♪ ✿ ☼ ★ ☀ (at the end of this post)to find the trick to this game =^-^= please enjoy*
“What does it mean “to be Cool”” by Colin Oldman, this article shows that people over the years have many ways of defining cool. Coolness changes over time, coolness is like another character we create to leave our shell, a person that can make them feel a certain way. Cool gives people an identity that’s different from others; each person is unique in their own way.
Every person is cool in his or her own way even if we don’t want to be cool; at least one person in this world thinks your cool. In a society where people think you don’t fit in, you’ll do your best to fit in somewhere as long as you have your place there. Even though we tried not to show it everyone longs for attention. “We have to remember what our values are, and what is most important to us. Being cool is what we make of ourselves, not what others create for us. It is when we learn to be hurtful that we become hurtful to a targeted group. We think that we are being cool when we do this, but is not cool, it's racist, a form of hate and crime.” Many people tend to forget who they are trying their best to fit into a cool society and losing who we are can lead us to do some cool things that many other may not think it’s cool since it has become too dangerous.
"How to Be Cool at School" by edited many authors, this site shows steps on how to become cool at school. Giving the readers steps, tips and warning. On the same site there are ads. There are different ways of becoming cool like avoiding bullying, having own sense of style, becoming independent, respecting others, opened minded and so on.
This guide gives readers a sense of confidence in who they are. It gives different possibilities on who you can be. Different choices on their style of cool, we might not always like the outcome of who we’ve become and realize just being ourselves is the best. But can we really be ourselves?
Wanting to change things a bit, Otaku by edited authors and “Living A Fairy Tale” by Strawberry Daiquiri, edited by Woei. An otaku is basically a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, and video games. Many people turn their life around so that it fits into this story. People think it’s cool and fun that we are living in this fairy tale but I think it’s rather dangerous. People know that the world is a living fairy tale and yet they like the way it is. Is this kind of world cool? Everyone tires to fit their whole life into this fairy tale knowing that people have to die for it to happen and yet they don’t mind. We destroy the fairy tales of other to make ours come true, is that cool? Cosplay, dressing up like their favorite character in a story, makes people feel a certain way like they can be someone better than themselves.
There are so many stories about fairy tales coming to life, people think it's just a play but it isn't. When we compare our life to the stories, we already know how life is going to end by now. We expected the happy ending but we don't want to realize this since we learned that life never goes as we plan them. too

☀ ★ ☼ ✿ ♪ ƸӜƷWelcome to the Trick of the GameƸӜƷ ♪ ✿ ☼ ★ ☀
If you think that was cool, it's not(jk, it's awesome) here’s the trick:
Any number that you choose will get you an answer that equals the multiples of the 9(multiples of 9 are: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72,&81) those all have the same symbol, each time the crystal ball is use the symbols switches for all nine multiples but they are still the same.