Monday, December 21, 2009

HW 31 - Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A, & Aggrandizing the Self

Part 1:
The answer I got was that everyone is doing something to meet others people expectations so you can't ever do something for ourselves, we're always doing something for others. Meeting those expectations may be cool to some people while to others is a something that they come to hate. The more truthful answer people would give is I'm doing for others as well as myself. By doing things for other people we lose and gain depending on the situation though not all people do things just because they know they will gain something in the end. We may do things because we need to do it not wanting to do it. What we do is for the world to see, to know... We always give more than we get so people stop giving and find ways to get anything. To fill a hole of emptiness too much of too little is pain. Expectations, too hard to keep up with, too hard to follow, we're just made of sins that leads to an endless path because time is endless as well...

Part 2:
During the weekends I sat in front of my computer the whole day listening to other people's love problem, I did do it for myself but whether I did it for someone else I'm not sure since they'll eventually come back to it. I did it because I didn't want them to feel that same emptiness I did back then it's not like a movie where you watch the characters suffer all alone, I don't want any of that. I don't try to push myself into other people with these problems I wait for them to open up to me so it's easier and won't make things worst. I could care less if they won't come to me or ignore me or maybe it's just me with my second thought. My parents tell me that doing things for other people is good but I should also think about myself, I think that's just selfish of me if I change to fit that. We give to get, is that how life really works, even if i give the thing that returns is pain that exist in them and passed on to another body. Feelings are endless, I was told to give up, should I? Why should we keep hurting ourselves for others? Why do we want it for ourselves?

The world is are stage even if not every person may stop to look at you, they think, they know that you exist and that is all that there is. The quotes from Shakespeare remind of the time where I asked my sister what if life was a book and the creator wrote in it everyday. We are just characters, the mains characters of our own separate book, the people we see may exist today but no tomorrow because we may never know whose dead or alive, it's a story. The creator watches over us like guardians and controls us like puppets on a string. When he gets bored he'll write a new problems to see how we will face this life, the illusion placed into front of us we live it and we learn it, one step at a time we find the reasons why this happen, we become stronger by facing the truth not running away. We have believes and doubts in us that we can ever make it, we dress up everyday to walk on that stage, given 24 hours to show the world what we've got. In a way it shows importance and gives existence, a reason for living we look for it, everyday we keep searching deep down inside. I realize that we search for a reason because when I did so call therapy these people kept saying I want to die and told me many ways they could/would die, I asked why and they said it hurt so much(our emptiness, a hole that just swallows it all, we let it controls us and looks towards the path of darkness to fade away) it wasn't that they want to die but they want a reason to live, someone to live for, someone to share that emptiness that won't be something that could swallow them up rather the emptiness from letting go.
I'm confused about the phrase "I'm not doing it for others, I'm doing it for myself" I thought about this in two ways. In the beginning I just wrote thinking too much about it but I think I was thinking about it the wrong way. Maybe it's just as it says, something simple but i didn't understand why people would tell the truth or is it that I'm confused again. Even though people don't think about it at that moment later on they so, humans do the things that do because they believe they will benefit from it, no matter what we do we believe there is a benefit in the things we do so we are doing for ourselves and no other people. Is that the reason that many people don't mind helping strangers? Why is it that we have get paid when we doing something rather then doing it for free? We look towards those that we can benefit from, we want something back, that's right nothing in this world is ever free, there is a price tag on everything. You don't have to pay for it with money, how about your life?

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