Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 32 - Tattoos & The Presentation of the Self

I agree with some of the reason listed of why tattoos would be cool, like the reason of an item expressing one's self and another who one is? The world is our stage we show our audience what we think of the meaning of cool is. "Make it your own" having a style that only you would start out with, choosing what fits you or what you would fit into. Either let the item choose it's owner or you choose what you want to do. Designs on tattoo show what type of person you are just as the others things you wear, way you do things.

Getting a tattoo makes a person stand you a lot just like piercing, our parents tells us not to get these things for our health or others reasons but by getting on they think rebelling against our parents show others that you're cool or brave enough to do things other people wouldn't be able to do. If our parents don't find out at that moment(though they do eventually) it makes it look cool that we are able to get away with things. We choose to do things for ourselves and could care less about others. Many people have gotten tattoo and gotten in trouble and those who care about them usually punish them while us teens are like who cares, not understand that they are just doing this because they care and are worry that if we are able to do things on our own at this age that what else are we capable of doing next(same goes for piercing).

Why bother following a trend, when we follow a trend we throw something away in order to do something new, how much of the old self do we have in us now? What good will it do for you to follow a trend? You may get a lot of attention and stuff but how can you be sure that is what you want? "Those who have it don't want it and those who want it don't have it" both sides we realize something important, those people who have everything don't know what to do with it that they no longer want it anymore, those who want it will continue to do whatever it takes to get what they want forgot who they once were. Humans make mistakes, are you ever willing to make a permanent one? A mistake of your life, do you ever regret it? Do you ever think about what would those who really care about you would think? Think about how much it would effect others before yourself? What are the possible ending for your story? Who are you doing all of this for? Is it for those hi, bye people or for those who really care?

We let our desire get in the way because we don't have everything to begin with so we keep on reaching for this everything, if we had this everything to begin with then we wouldn't know what to do with it and no longer want it. Those poor do not think the rich would understand and those rich think the poor do not understand, there are only a few would take the time to understand how the other feel. How much of our desire will only benefit ourself and no one else? Some of us just lie to ourselves that it's not only for me it's for others to see what I can do. What one can do alone isn't much when you decide things on your own, we should ask others people but not always the people who you know will agree with you but those most capable of making the right decision.

In middle school lots of students would have their ears pierce so that they could wear earrings, people would hang out in groups, things would get annoying walking up the stairs since people would stick together rather then walking correctly up the stairs. Another problem was that the boys and girls were separate among the five staircases, knowing that the girls staircase would be crowd I took another one closest to the one I'm taking even though the boys complain it's better then listening to my classmate telling me about how cute the others boys are,(-.-;;) besides it's a faster way to class. I know my way around school so people tend to follow me(I used to hate that, since they were using me) I remember that same classmate ask me if I was busy after school(I would always ask why to see what's more important) she said she wanted to get her ears pierced, I asked why would you want to do that? Then she gave a speech about wanting to look cute/cool in front of that guy before she ask him to be her boyfriend. I thought that was a waste of time and I couldn't go anyway so she said she would get me one if I went with her and my answer became a definite no. I know I tend to do a lot of things without permission but this is one of the things that I don't want to regret so I left and the next day she came complaining to me about how it swelled up and it's hurting a lot(I'm not a doctor -.-;;) she told me about how her parents got upset and people just get over.
Things happened, we regret it and then get over it or it could leave a scar forever so that we can remember the mistakes other people made and blame on them for making that choice for us.

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