Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HW 35 - Cool Paper Rough Draft

Nothing in this world ever comes for free. What are you willing to give up for your wish? Wanting to become someone your not in trade we lose who we really are and no longer know ourselves. The life we are giving, the thing you really want is to know who you are, the thing we seek is all for our self, to find our self, the path that lead back to yourself, your true self. Throughout life we tend to forgot who we are, losing our self, we become lost. Searching for our self, who we are, the rest of our life leads us back to that path.

The world, our stage, we continue to preform on it hoping that someone will stop to notice us. Humans long for attention unless they were emotional hurt be their own kind, then they begin to close their doors, when that happened the only thing we can do is support and hope that someone would come and notice the person lock behind those doors. Inside of us there we have a heart, we believe that it's the center of us, the thing that keeps all of our emotions. I think the brain is the illusion of my emotions, the thing that hurts us is the words used be others, they help create an illusion within us, a way of brain control. The things that we feel don't really exist, it's said create by our mind, our needs and wants can also create these feelings as well as the emptiness inside of us. If humans really did come in the three parts soul, spirit, and body, the spirit that ties the body and soul together, the soul which comes to exist without any data and the body, an empty capsule that contains all of the data. The body that is empty and our soul that keeps the body moving and alive we are similar to robots, the only thing different is that we contain emotions.

The characters we create become another possible you that you want to be but this character might not be the true you. We have many reason for creating this character, usually to fit in, to protect, wanting something, giving something, etc. The past continues to exist, without a past there is no future, history is meant to repeat itself. The person we are now may or may not be the really us but we all have reasons. We also have reason to no longer be the person we once were, it's time to move on, there's no turning back, walking straight forward. The path we walk in find ourselves. Every person has their own secret either to share or hide with those around them. Those who need to know will know when the time is right, the rest "need not to know" we believe we can trust show with our secret. The character I chose was to protect and therefore I gave up a part of me, even though there is fear inside of me I still want this character to protect those I care about, I don't want to see others get hurt because of me. When I no longer need this character I throw it away because it just wasn't me but every time I throw it away, those people bring it back. Just wanting the courage and yet don't have it.

Wanting something makes us too predictable, it gives us an opening, a weak point other people will eventually find out about. How long can we keep hiding the person inside of us? We are nothing but an empty shell, inside of us there is only our soul but it feels dark though nothing is there. Walking around in the darkness, there is nothing but an endless space is every direction, a small yet big world inside of us. We want to fill that darkness, looking and continue to look for something a reason that we are living and why we are with the people we are with. We look for those answers hoping to find the truth, the things that people would not normal look for or talk about we look for it when we don't understand why a person is the way they are now.

Watching others wanting to be cool and giving up the person they once were is painful. They are willing to give up so much for the acceptance of another person. Apart of me thinks it's really dumb for people to do such things and makes me wonder if I did the same before hoping that I won't do those things again. I won't do things just because you tell me too, I don't just because your a friend, I don't want to do things for other people, I want to do things because I believe it's right. On facebook, people ask for stuff and I give it to them but if they keep asking and I feel like their is not manner in the way they are speaking I will no longer speak with them. These kid games are too easy to read now, I get bored because I can tell what they want from me and what their aim is, I won't give them what they want. I'll do what I feel like doing, realizing things we become closer to our self and closer to finding out who we really want to be. Life is a path that we continue to walk, we think the path is straight since it's long that we won't notice the curves but in the and we end up back at the starting point again. By then the thing that has changed is that we realize the meaning of our life and what we've been searching for. Maybe being cool or trying to be cool eliminates one of our choices of the person we might be like 2 + 2, we eliminate all the answers it can't be until we only have 4 as an answer.

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