Tuesday, January 12, 2010

HW 34 - The Cool Pose and Various Approaches to Life Rooted in Class, Race, Gender, Age, etc.

Our perspective in this world has been different, we are affected by the people around us, they change us and we do the same to them. Sometimes the things we see are illusions we create inside our own mind. If there is a pattern do we want to see it? Do we need to follow it? Why not make your own that's more unique? Is there a prize for being cool? Many of us aim for perfection, though it's impossible and yet we try not to think this way. We believe that there is always a way for everything, there is a prize but it's something you can't hold or won't hold. The prize is an emotion, different emotions, you may love it or come to hate it. There is a positive and negative side to everything. Like a rose representing love to accept the rose you must also accept the thorns that come with it.

People do think about death and we think about it more when we are closer to death. I think people don't talk about it because it causes sadness thinking about the people around them, those they have lost and don't want to lose. Death is a part of the cycle of life, to never talk about would be a waste, don't you ever wonder what will happen to that soul of yours after your body rots? Death isn't the end it's a new beginning, as long as there is time, if time continues to keep moving than there really isn't an end, just an illusion. The end of a beginning is a new beginning, the beginning is a new ending.

Our world are empty from the beginning, as we grow those around us add things in our world. We watch other people walk around in our world and they leave behind a memory every time. Our world may be clouded and we shut ourselves but some of those may enter and open their world once again. We don't have to follow everything that others plant in our world though they want those things, we may choose to follow or create our own path. Those whose world are fully grown know more than us and try to protect our world from being polluted/contaminated. Being cool is something that other people leave behind, to me it's only something that very interesting but it does not mean that I want it, I would follow it or I'd be with these people because ot that. People don't say what they really mean.

What do we want? What can we get out of all of this? What more are we looking for? What are we searching for? Looking for something to fill that empty glass heart, the emptiness takes away everything you no longer can feel anything, no longer know what your purpose is. When we have it, we may no longer want it, like having coolness may give you attention and that eventually might become too much and it will become something we don't want, regret but we learned.

Doing something different from others, wanting to think more, wanting to know more about our creation. What are we? WE call ourselves humans but others may call us monsters or something else. How did we come to be? There is a story that God created us but how do I know it's true, people have come and plant that thought in my world but the more I look at it, the more I compare it to science, it doesn't fit. Is there a missing piece of the puzzle? I'm always missing something, we know something is missing but don't exactly know what is it. Is there a piece of the truth that humans must never know? There are times where we feel we had done this thing twice or this happened to us before but not sure what it is, we give it the name déjà vu. There are many things that humans can't explain how they know these stuff or can't find a reason why these weird things and we just say it's a coincidence later on forgetting it ever happened.

Everyday I just keep looking around and eventually over hear other people chatting or watch people, it makes me think what will s/he do next? If you keep watching a person carefully, eventually you'll know their next move, that will eventually bore you so you move on to someone else. What do people think about? How does this person really seen me as? They could be saying one thing and in their minds thinking another. So even if they say we are cool, are they really thinking that? Do you know that person enough to know exactly when they are lying and when they are telling the truth? A person understands you enough when you no longer have to speak in order for them to know you want something from them. When you do speak it shows that they don't know so you have to tell them which means the words they speak have been thought about in order to make you feel a certain way. The things I say don't fit the role I play but it makes me want to reach for the truth no matter how disgusting my world may become because it's what fills my emtpy glass heart.

Our glass heart is empty in the beginning and each person comes by filling it with something. When we first open it, it's filled with water and then they fill it up with something, a feeling. Once in awhile someone would come to change the water in the glass and it continues until the glass is closed.

Thank you for reading! =^-^=

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