Monday, January 11, 2010

-under construction-

Our limit
When we look up, do you see a distance sky or a ceiling closing on you? The one thing, the one person that limits a person is themselves. There is no limit to knowledge, the only person who no longer wants to learn more puts a ceiling over their roof so that nothing can come in. There are those who keep believing that there will always be a way to everything will keep reaching for the sky, hoping that it can take us to a place that normal people would not be able to reach.

A wish
Humans believe that if we wish hard enough, our wish will come true. Is that really true? If you think about this world when does anything comes into your hands for free, people either work hard for it or spend their money to get it. Have you ever made a wish? Was your wish granted? Did things go as you wanted it? What did you lose after your wish was granted? I believe like many other that wishes are like items you buy at a shop, in order for the wish to be granted you must pay a proper/fair price for it. It's also like a contract making a wish you must give up something of equal value for it to be granted, if you don't name the price you are paying you will lose something very important to you.

Life is a endless fairy tale
As kids we were taught to read many books and to keep reading so that we can improve our skills but I stop reading. Everything became just like the books. Comparing the people around you to the characters in the book, how similar are they? Don't people get tired of watching the same things over and over again? I wonder if I was living in someone else fairy tale and I don't really exist, there's only one main character and the rest of us are just there to make the story really. The creator, our creator watching over us and writing our story, our world has intercepted with others. Our books have link together at one point and then we eventually leave. Humans are special, we can enter the world of others to change their future, manipulate them as well. Things become dangerous if humans had the knowledge to do such things.

A Rose
The flower that most people would pick for their love, it's beautiful yet painful. To fall in love you must as well prepare yourself for some pain. Why can't people just pick other flowers instead? In the beginning that rose may be pretty but those who come to touch will cause the petals to fall off. Each time the rose comes back someone new will appear. What if the rose wasn't meant to be touch by others? Maybe the rose doesn't want to be near others in a form where it can only hurt those that it loves. It doesn't want to be heal, it's not strong like other think they are, it just wants to protect the thing that hurts the most just like a person.

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