Sunday, January 24, 2010

HW 36 - Triangle Partner Help

To Yu Xi,
I agree with you that our environment, our culture map shapes to who we are now but there are people who just shut them self in their own world without an explanation and later on open themselves back up tot he world. The people around affect us by staying close to us and leaving us behind, in both ways we feel like we are missing something, want something or no longer want it.

The person we've become is due to the people around us. The role we play we chose it our self no one else chose it for us. Other people see us differently and so we are chosen to help them play their role. When we notice that we are being used by them, should we continue or choose to leave the stage?

Do we like things just because of others or do we like them because it's apart of who we are? Why do we seek for a new culture map, is our old one to difficult for to live in since the standards are different by time?

The person I am at school and at home is the same, a person that will continue to follow the expectations of the time before me while the moment I leave school I must put on my guard in case other people were to come after me again. It's not like I did anything wrong for what I believe rather people come after to pick a fight for me not being one of them.

I enjoyed reading your story, it made me think a lot about other possiblities we have in this world besides the ones set for us, at first I dislike one of the people I know for changing so much even though I know I should feel this way but I don't like the feeling of being replace since it feels like death comes at any moment but reading this made me realize those words I've been told many times. There's only one is this world never a second, only one of you and no one, no matter how good they are can replace you.

Thank you~

Everything around us has become an performances, the words you write are no longer the truth, do you think that we can't see it. Behind your words is a sound of laughter while you're thinking we are blind we can see it all. They way you want others to see you, if you're not honest about who you are the words people speak when you're not around will become a knife stabbing you everytime you look away. Why do you think that we can see the you behind that mask, to you the mask is a wall you're hiding behind not wanting them to know who you really are? Why do you think that way? Why did you think that we wouldn't like the person you really are? The reason I'm with you is because you won't hide anything from me, walking down a dark path, you'll hold me hand so that at the end of the path I'll know it's you and not someone else, right? I don't believe that people are really mean and I won't stop believing that, I'm sure that their is kindness in everyone, I just have to wait for those doors to open so I can walk into their world to find it. Even though those doors are open I don't want to push them open, I'm waiting till it's okay with you that I'm entering. I have my ways and you'll have yours, but pushing those doors will only let you see the fake world others see that's why there are so many that won't look at that pain even though they see it, they feel like they have to go through the trouble to open those doors.

Sorry if I don't make sense but these are my thoughts before reading the next draft, if you don't understand it's alright maybe this was only written for myself or those who need to read it =^-^=

To Maggie,
I agree with you that we continue to seek for attention and approval so that we can fill up that hole inside of us but what are people willing to give up for the things they seek, what are they willing to leave behind or throw away?

The stories we write are reflection of the person we want to be but can't be so we tell this tale to cover up for the type of person we are or can be if you like the person in the story. The things we want to be, the person we wanted to be written in a story to test if others around us will be willing to accept this character before showing it or the becoming character, the character we become because other people like their personality.

The roles we are put into, we continue to test which character would best fit with the people we are with. We act differently depending on the people we are with. We look at the roles other people play and think of one that would fit in with their but not all of us would jump in with a character sometimes we have to do it slowly. What if we walk a path with no name, no history, nothing at all, what will happen then?

How much does it take to satisfy a human? What are we willing to leave behind? The thing you seek, how do you know if it's really yours? Is anything in this world really ever yours?

I really enjoyed reading your cool paper, I think you should write how "cool" has affected. Has your way of thinking about it ever change, how do you see the people around you now that you know more about them and more about yourself? =^-^=

When I think about, we say stuff about other people and yet we don't understand them. We say bad things about and don't try, just giving up everytime. It upsets me to hear it, since I'm near them those who don't want to understand and try not to understand, are you pretending to care? I wonder a lot about it and continue to think that I should say something but won't because they won't understand me either. Acceptance and rejection when you say you are one of them, you might not be the one that you think you are. If people completely understood another person then that would be a bad thing in some way so I won't change it. I shouldn't and won't change the things I feel that I shouldn't touch and let things be. I'll do things my own way so that there's is only one of me. I never thought of doing things different from others as something cool rather it's something I enjoy. I can't control what other people think so that they think it's plain or cool. Those who seek attention way acted one way and approval another. Even if I don't want to be something at least one person in this world will think that way of me, I can't stop them from thinking such things, I'll just let them think as they want, same goes for others as well.

blank text clue:
1.text viewed through a simple marker flashed across by the fleeing mouse tied to the implement

have fun reading =^-^=

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