Sunday, January 10, 2010

HW 33 - Cool Paper Outline

Thesis: When is a person their true self, observing humans everyday, learning, looking for the real them. The person standing in front of me, is that the person they really want to be?

*People are cool in their own way, just as each person is unique.

*Many of those who look for ways to be cool begin to lose themselves and become unsure about who the real them is.

*The world is a stage, we fit ourselves and others into the roles that best fit then, when things go wrong then we take them off the stage or we can accept them. We live into our little worlds, everyday we open those doors letting people come and go, we change with every meeting

*The emptiness in us cause by the same people who gave us wonderful feelings, we look for something to fill it up again. Not wanting to be swallowed up be the dark hole.

*Following what everyone else is doing is cool, rebelling is also cool, what is not consider cool then? There will always be at least one person in this world that thinks your cool.

*Life is a fairy tale, the story we base our lives off of, even when we try to escape it we are still following that same fairy tale

* From birth people have given us attention, there is always someone watching over us, when we feel that no one is there to watch over us, we feel a need to find something to make us stand out so that they will talk to us again

*The person we put out there to let the audience see who we are and what we are capable of, wanting to be known. More people will talk and think about you, like famous, your name will be like a ring tone that starts a conversation.

*Kids have been a source of money, parents giving us what they couldn't have, spoiling us, hoping that giving us what we want helps us. We go out and buy things that are popular thinking that you would fit in a group with people that have the same clothes as you or more people would look at how awesome your style is.

*Having Style: tattoo, piercing, etc. getting your hands on one of these even though you probably would get in trouble, it's something that makes you the real you and when you show it if to others they will think it's cool or how brave you were to take on this challenge.

Looking for something that is perfect, somewhere near perfection, a character that people would like to be with. Wanting that acceptance, even if it's only for awhile, just wanting a chance, give me a chance to play this part, if I'm not good enough then I'll leave, but I'll keep trying the next time I see an opening. I want to be able to play this part better than what you imagine, so that you can come to accept me as one of you.

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