Sunday, January 24, 2010

HW 37 - Cool Paper Done Draft

How does it feel like know that someone in this world is capable of replacing you? If you were to disappear one day, no one would realize it, maybe they would but not if your existence is no longer in this world. In many books they try to get readers to realize that in this world there are only be one of us and that you are the only you, no can replace us but someone inside of us we have doubt. We create an illusion that one day someone better than you will come along and replace you so we try are best to make sure that person doesn't ever have a chance to do so.

Up on that stage many people walk by and think about the way we act and things we do, we continue to test which possible us do these people like the most and people that person. We crave of attention and approval. We don't want just one person to accepted us, we want more(yes we are very greedy people -.-;;, that's why we are humans -o-). Even though we have everything we want we continue to search for more and constantly change a part of us to fit in with the people around us. The feeling of others trying to replace you, it's painful, the people you trust most leaving you behind for someone else. But the truth is that we are thinking about it too much, other people want to be accepted too, you can't just keep them all to yourself because you'll forget how to walk on your own two feet. Maybe the people you thought that left you really didn't it's just the illusion you created inside of you because you are afraid of them leaving so inside of you there is a negative feeling of wanting to get them back, get back the people that have never left you.

I was watching a detective conan episode where a girl want to fit in with these people and so she pretended to be a rich girl but her friend found out and told her other friends. The girl over heard the conversation and later on ended up killing her friend. She spend so much money for these people she wanted to be friends with and never realized that friends are people that will give and ask for nothing is return. She wasted so much money just to be with them(in debt too) but they were never really friends.

The person we are now may not have started out the way we did, those around us and the things around us have changed and shaped us into who we are now. We feel a need to live with a reason, without a reason we don't know which path to take. Out there in that big world is an audition to see who fits the role best, if you not the one to play this role they kick you off the stage and you'll have to audition for another one, you'll keep trying till you find one. We continue to observe the people around us to find a reason for their actions and they finding a reason for ours. There are many things we don't understand so we watch carefully before making a move, just like a game of chess or GO, if you make the wrong move find a way to turn things around to fit you. People use you for the things your good act or someone just to blame everything on. We are constantly used by others to improve our performance. People who want to be just like others no longer know what they want or are confused about what they are looking for, why be someone else there's nothing you can get out of it and even if there is something you just might end up regretting your decision. You should never want to anyone else other than yourself because it's your life, live how you want to live it and not how others want to live it.

I remember reading about an lady who ruined her face so that she would look just like the owner of the mansion. She was looking for the treasure within the mansion, there were clues left behind but in the end the treasure was not what she excepted it to be. When people think of treasure the first thing that comes up is gold and expensive jewelry but the treasure was the view of a beautiful sunset. Those who have it no longer want it and those who want it are willing to give up anything to get what they want.

There is one thing. If you do this for people, you will go to hell. If you do this for yourself, you will go to heaven. Rich people want this. Poor people have it. If you eat this you will die. What is it?*Nothing*

Everything around us has become an performances, the words you write are no longer the truth, do you think that we can't see it. Behind your words is a sound of laughter while you're thinking we are blind we can see it all. They way you want others to see you, if you're not honest about who you are the words people speak when you're not around will become a knife stabbing you everytime you look away. Why do you think that we can see the you behind that mask, to you the mask is a wall you're hiding behind not wanting them to know who you really are? Why do you think that way? Why did you think that we wouldn't like the person you really are? The reason I'm with you is because you won't hide anything from me, walking down a dark path, you'll hold me hand so that at the end of the path I'll know it's you and not someone else, right? I don't believe that people are really mean and I won't stop believing that, I'm sure that their is kindness in everyone, I just have to wait for those doors to open so I can walk into their world to find it. Even though those doors are open I don't want to push them open, I'm waiting till it's okay with you that I'm entering. I have my ways and you'll have yours, but pushing those doors will only let you see the fake world others see that's why there are so many that won't look at that pain even though they see it, they feel like they have to go through the trouble to open those doors.

What can bring back the dead; make us cry, make us laugh, make us young, born in an instant yet last a life time? *Memories*

When I think about, we say stuff about other people and yet we don't understand them. We say bad things about and don't try, just giving up everytime. It upsets me to hear it, since I'm near them those who don't want to understand and try not to understand, are you pretending to care? I wonder a lot about it and continue to think that I should say something but won't because they won't understand me either. Acceptance and rejection when you say you are one of them, you might not be the one that you think you are. If people completely understood another person then that would be a bad thing in some way so I won't change it. I shouldn't and won't change the things I feel that I shouldn't touch and let things be. I'll do things my own way so that there's is only one of me. I never thought of doing things different from others as something cool rather it's something I enjoy. I can't control what other people think so that they think it's plain or cool. Those who seek attention way acted one way and approval another. Even if I don't want to be something at least one person in this world will think that way of me, I can't stop them from thinking such things, I'll just let them think as they want, same goes for others as well.

I am the riddle of life. Know me and you will know yourself. *DNA*

No one wants to be replaced by other and no matter what is necessary to keep us in the picture, we are capable of doing anything. No one is this world can ever be the same as you, aren't all of our DNA different. That's a part of us that makes us unique but people forget about. I forget many times that there's only one of me, when I forget I would be by myself thinking about how lame and stupid this person is for trying to be someone else they aren't. I want to tell them to give up and move on but I just won't do that since life is suppose to have many obstacles, if I tell them they will only be taking the shortcut and won't learn anything.

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