Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fairy Tale

I'm hoping this post can be a replacing for homework post # 19 since I was absent that day, my post # 18 was written incorrectly so I took the time to rewrite it. I remember doing homework # 19 but it's gone now, I'm not sure how to redo it either so I hope this will be as good as that. 

It not that people can't find anything new, we tend to place ourselves in our own little world want someone else to do all the work for us. We continue to revolve a certain spot and continue to let ourselves walk around in circles. This is how we lice in a never ending fairy tale, we say we want something new but in reality we don't since we're never looking for it. When people have a need to be cool, they create more flaws in themselves, why bother creating something you're not when the real you is already unique. People that want to be cool seem to be the most predictable types. Times does effect those who want to be cool since they are looking for the newest things so that they can always stand out and stuff. In school we are here to learn but when people say learn they think of sitting there and waiting for a set of instructions or someone to place everything in front of  us and stick it into our brain. In this class people that they are bored of this unit and get the same answers everything but did we ever take the time to think deeply. We leave ourselves in this fairy tale, never ending, waiting for something new to happen because you think something will always be there but that's not sure. If we don't move our own hands and legs nothing is going to happen, we have to move on our own, we can't keep relying on others to push us to keep moving forward. This life is a gift our parents gave us to value, we don't need to be cool in order to live it, just be yourself.

When Mr. Manley taught our class the aim was why do people even care about being cool? In the song there was a part mentioning that a part of her never cared about being cool and the next part is her hating herself for it. The part that repeats by deep thinker is that there will be at least one person is this world that thinks you're cool. Even if it's not our goal or not event think about it seems to come back to us, another thing that was interesting was that "being uncool is cool, being cool is uncool" people are cool is there own ways trying to make themselves cool makes people look silly/dumb. I enjoy this lesson and Mr. Manley seems to be very positive, everything seems to be cool to him. It made me think about what people do to try to be something they're not while others just let it come.

Today's class with Matt was interesting, I agree that being cool is self motivation but in a way failing might bring a person more down than they were in the beginning. Coolness is a way for people to feel good about themselves, to have value in yourself and others, this is what we learned today. I agree that it's human need to feel valued and good about yourself, we always try to meet these needs by doing good deeds and show yourself as a walking logo. I heard this same lesson from my parents the part where doing good deeds gives a healthier life for people. It's interesting how life just works that way. Is most of our life effected by our emotional needs rather than our physical ones? The way I see cool it doesn't make a difference in how vulnerable humans become to stuff when it's a want and not a need.

If life were to spin in an endless fairy tale, it would get boring, there's nothing new, don't you ever get bored of this? Watching other people's lives and finding a familiar ending hoping something new isn't always the best thing, we may or may not like it though.

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