Friday, January 6, 2012

Memory and Fear

A bit of me wonders about what happened here that made me want to forget everything. Another part has no interest thinking about this at all. There aren't many things that I can remember but in the end I'm the same as everyone I tried to help. Just people who wanted attention, maybe. It's been over a year now, I'm wondering if people even come back here and write. It doesn't have to be our homework or whatever people like to call it but just to look back into our past at least to remember the good ole times we had. Though I can't remember anything, it doesn't seem like I plan to move on by remember things. It makes me curious sometimes what I did that I didn't want to remember at all. Well, it doesn't matter, what's done is done. Can't stay down about it forever. Don't want to drown in my own feelings again. Hm...talking about feelings, it's seems that people say I don't have those things called emotions anymore. I wonder if it's true. I come here sometimes to read my old work to see if just how much I've changed but I'm not sure even about that. The only things I remember up to are memories of middle school.

During the past year, I've encounter many things but one of them bother me the most. The problem is that I don't even know the problem. I wonder what is it though? I've notice it for awhile now but when people look into my eyes, there's always a strange reaction, most of the run away in fear while other...well I'm not sure what other try to do but they are sure strange. Though I wonder what is it that they see.

Fear is an emotion inside of people, it and create many things. Before we are born, there's a place we are at, that places contains nothing but darkness and us alone. When there comes a time where a child must be born into this world, all of "us" will fight to enter the light. But after enter this light, all of those memories may have been lost but the darkness and long nights will once again trigger that fear within us, never knowing why we fear the dark so much. We, people can create just by believe, the power of the mind can create and destroy as we like thought it also depends on the people. For example, people sometimes think "I'm might be getting sick" or "I think I have a fever" and a little while after "my head is hot" those thoughts eventually do bring people a fever. Just thinking about things can make them come true. As kids we think there's a monster under our bed, just because it's dark we don't dare to look down there or sometimes we think we see something and so we create this story just like in history. The things we fear most are only things create by our own fears. Another example, most people fear drowning so they won't learn how to swim, if you don't learn how to swim, how can you prevent yourself from drowning and how do you even know whether you'll drown or not. Many of us fear before trying so we lose many experience and chances in our lifetime to overcome all these fears.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hw 53 - Homework Analysis

Part 2:

While taking the test, it makes me things more about the closeness I have with other people and where I draw the line. I'm very distance with others because I don't understand the knowledge they have as a teen and this keeps pushing them away from me. Usually when answering question I would answer with "I don't know" but for this survey I wanted to take the time and answer them. People want attention even if they say they don't want it, realizing this is a bit annoying, I'd sometime rather not know it at all. Even if I try avoiding it, it'll eventually slip out, not everyone can stand the loneliness. I don't mind sitting there and listening to people talk forever until the point I no longer want to hear anything anymore. Most of the time I take things very personally since I don't like how people think they are the one suffering the most. I'm not sure how other people answer their questions but I take the time to think whether I want to give a real answer or not or even whether I should or shouldn't answer the question. I'm a simple minded person when it comes to think, I don't do much work, it takes too much work. Maybe I'm just lazy since I'm tired or life and want to move on quickly. Even though life is important everyday I sit in front of the computer talking to people telling them their is a meaning to life and yet I, myself am not convince when I tell myself this but convinced when I tell others. Maybe I'm also tired of telling others this and want someone else to answer this question in ways I won't be able to argue against. As I take this survey I realize the differences and similarities I have with others, even though we don't talk at school, there are reasons to step outside of the box.

Part 3:
Nothing surprising because we want others to care, not many can live in a world all alone, we count on others to give us what we want and we can either choose to do the same for them or not. We are only puppets use for others, the only person that stand in the way of reaching your goal is always you. Okay, so we're all human, we got our 5 senses, the only thing different is how we choose to live our life. A mother gave birth to us and we choose the rest of our path, even though we blame others that we are who we are now, it's mostly out fault because we choose to take things that way. I do feel similar to many of the students in our class but I don't choose to live their way, I dislike my cage so I look for ways to break free even if the cage life is more successful I want to find another way. I don't want to lose hope of something just because other people put thoughts in my mind making everything impossible. I wonder why people cry, does it make them feel better? Does let go instead saving the feelings until the last moment before it finally rain. I see no point in crying, so you get people's attention and they pretend to care about you for a moment, is that what you want? Do you want people to pretend to care about you? Well, know this, if you crying because you think you're the one suffering the most in this world, then you have no care for anyone but yourself, in your world there will only be room for you and you alone. There's always people who have gone through worst and look at yourself, at least you can walk on your own two legs. There are those who have to suffer in order to understand and those who want to suffer to help. The world has layed out everything for you, that giant map your walking one, no matter how the road will twist and turn, will you walk it? Differences? I can say people are so ungrateful for the life they are living, looking at all those humans who don't have to worry about having their life at the edge of life and death, no materr how many times parents teach them this, it's better that they learn it the hard way. Maybe if they lost their home they'll realize how important family is to them. Humans walking around in the school talking about last night's show or whatever they were watching, yet do they really anything how people really feel. Words like "I feel so sorry for him" do they mean anything? Is it pity? Can you really feel for someone? If your really sorry, do something instead of just saying it. What's the point of pretending to know, to understand if you really don't, will you ever be able to save anyone like that? In the end we are still a bunch of kids trying to act like adults, trying to act mature when we know we aren't. This act we use to try and cover up all of our flaws so when we don't know what to do anymore we cry, hoping someone would come and tell us "it's alright, everything will be ok" or maybe this is just the writer in me wanting to continue a story that never ends.

Part 4:
There's always a cause and an effect so something cause the students to behave this way and effect is students bringing weapon, fighting, doing drugs, etc. Usually the cause of this would be bullying at school, problems at home or even friends, and relationships. Just like a game when everything is taken away from you do you choose to continue or give up, that's just how life is, a series of test to see what you are capable of as well as molding your personality. I'm not sure anymore, i'm not sure about it, myself because time continues to change people. There are those who try to fight back or push their pain on others. They want someone to care in a kind way, they want attention and friends that will stand by their side and fight. It's like a fairy tale but those are the type of people we think we can trust. The world is filled with many obstacles and we don't want to face them alone, it's a dark and lonely world we have to face. We want to walk together to get to the end of the road leaving no one behind.

HW 52 - Initial Theories of Human Relationships

I'm living too different lives in two different worlds, it's weird and hard but it's what I want from the very beginning. I know the world isn't as beautiful as many dream but not everyone is ugly inside. In the world, where I have to go to school everyday, people around me interact and inside of me there's are seconds thoughts. Those who believe in god, become a sacrifice, they way I see it, they say put others before yourself, those who follow this may become a capsule of pain, even though they are suffering inside, they won't say anything, it's the same as being swallowed up by the darkness, no positive emotion. Can a regular human hold it in? I think not since most people think that "why is it that i have to suffer so much? Why it is it only me?" not realizing that the person sitting next to you might have a worst experience.

Throughout this post, I've decide to disagree with some theories I can think of. I want to make the impossible, possible for people. So does the word impossible exist in your dictionary?

"One can never stay with another forever"
Well, eventually we died and no longer see each other but the bond between humans are still there. That bond is like a string tying all people together in one way or another. We can decide to cut that string or leave the way it is. In big family that I have, most of the members are jealous of the family, I'm living in since ours is very different. My family is the only one with children of both genders, our relatives may have 5-7 kids but they end up with the same gender, either all boys or all girls. As a kids when others say "Your kids are so well behave" many of your parents would say "Oh, that's not good at all, they cause a lot of trouble, your children are better" when we hear this, we try to improve or do something to change it and waiting to change that usually effects in a bad way. My relatives love my little sister, her name suppose to mean "beautiful" so they would say things like "want don't you live with me, we'll take good care of you" even though it was meant as a joke, part of those words are true. As kids are can sometimes sense the true intentions of people are no longer want to see them anymore, since our relatives treated her like that, she would hide whenever they would come. I would stay outside and watch hoping they would leave soon, they look down on us since we don't have a restaurant, it's not a family tradition, it's just that we aren't greedy people. I remember I asked once why do they all have restaurant and we don't. She told me because we can't be greedy like other people. She told me that even though both sides of my grandparents died, she did not take a valuables left behind because it wasn't really ours, it belong to our grandparents, it's there treasure. Even though I've never seen any of my grandparents except my grandfather from my mom's side, they left us all with some kind of gift. My mom always told me how hard it was to grow up without parents being there for her and I understood the point of the story is that I would have to work hard to get what she didn't and what i never had but instead I want to see things for myself. Eventually people die, we can't bring back the dead but the bond remains. No, people don't really die, they body may rot but the time we spent or even a piece of memories of them keep that person alive in us.

"It's impossible for people to treat others how they want to be treated."
My life has a lot of twist and turns but I never gave in to that, I just can't because I believe that there are people working harder than me but even so I don't care much about them. I want to take things at my own pace, I don't want to just be a piece of living information walking around places and be useless like every other zombie in this world. When I was really little I remember running away from a hospital but I saw a girl who looked like me running in the opposite direction but I didn't stop all I knew was that I was tired of that place. An old man grabbed me and said where are you going?! I didn't know him but he pulled me to the place they called home and I saw a little girl. She looked at me and back to the television, after that I was locked into a room and wasn't allowed out until it was time to eat. A few days after I was sent to school, I didn't know anything they were saying but when school came to an end, I walked as big people came to pick up the little people. I was going to run but my teacher pulled me back so I pointed at the wall and she let go. I ran around the corner and looked at the door, I wasn't taller enough to reach the door knob. It was like a gate/fence so I looked at the buzzer and tried to reach for the #21, I still wasn't tall enough so I use the broom I saw and tried to hit the number with it, it didn't work but I kept trying. I just wanted to get back inside so I kept trying, there was a bike so I climb it but fell over before pressing the button, there was a lot of scratches for falling so I put the broom back and tried to climb on the side of the stairs. A few minutes after, a young man came down leaving the building so I quickly jumped down and went inside. I remember that the room was on the top floor, so I ran upstairs, instead of going inside, I waited for him to notice it's time to pick me up from school. When he finally noticed I walked inside, he looked at me and I looked at the girl sitting on the bed watching television. I still remember those wishes I tried to reach for a buzzer, I said to myself "I wish one day I would understand humans not matter what the price for that wish is, I'd keep going, no matter how rocky the road is I'd have to walk it." As life moved on, I came to Manhattan and went to school, in school I didn't understand a lot of things and why other picked on me. I thought about and told myself, it's alright, it hurt so much, not being able to do anything, just holding it all in. Instead of fighting back, as each blow hits me, I think "why, what's inside of you that makes you do this?" Another person kept yelling at me for all the things I'm bad at, "it's alright, I can change to be someone better" even though I can't change to be what everyone wants as long as I can satisfy that one person's lonely and painful heart I'm happy. Even thought he kept yelling at me I just thought "do you hate me because you see those things in yourself too, I don't mind if you're like that, it's okay, you can cry now" it's okay to cry because it makes you feel better letting out all of those feelings trapped inside. Inside of that person he wanted to be accepted for who he is, no matter how mean of a character he is on the outside, inside of him is actually a nice and caring person. It wasn't impossible for me to treat him the way he wanted because I wanted to understand and see him for who he really is, even if other people hate him, I don't have any reason to, I know what it's like to be torture by others and not being able to hold it in, we have our own ways to show it hurts.

Humanoid (Prototype vs. Clones) "If the world was only had me, copies of me, it'd be a lot easier"
Clones tend to be very annoying people when you know everyone can see it clearly but won't say a thing. People don't see me as a human rather a humanoid, a person that doesn't really exist, I don't mind any of this. But when I'm gone for a little while and come back I see the friends of the same gender that look a lot like me. I thought it was okay at first and maybe I was just thinking too much about all these things but after listening to them talk and the things they do, I feel like they want to replace me. For some reason a part of me just gets so upset I don't really understand why or maybe I do but won't face this fact. I try to keep the lines "No one is this world can ever replace your existences" but it's not working because the existence is already disappearing, I watch as all those other people around notice but not saying one word at all. This is my reason for shutting myself in a world of my own but I don't have a world that I belong too so I travel from the world others to another studying what they are thinking inside. People look for ways to be better than others even if it means taking everything from the person they want to replace. I'm thinking to myself, what's there to take, I'm not have rich as you, not as pretty, no feelings of relationship exist inside of me, inside of me there it nothing except darkness. I see a whole bunch of clones that look like me walking in the digital world and a few in the real world, like one clone isn't enough. I'd rather prefer my real clone over these wannabe, even if the risk of meeting her is death(a story told among many people, no two people that are alike should live in close range, twins don't count). How would you feel if people started to act/look like you all of a sudden, at frist it may be cool but it gets lame and then annoying.

What motivates me?
The things that motivates me most is finding out who I really am, wanting to understand what I am, what you are? All those questions even though they have simple answers, they force humans to think about things and new ways to veiw the world. The world may be a smaller place then you think it is, it's like a tree looking at the branches they are all connected somehow and in the center it leads to the Earth. Another way I was thinking of is string, even though we don't really come face to face, somehow the end of my string get tied with all these others and they continue to create a bond, we aren't really that strange, once we talked or see each other, a new bond inside of us begins to form. I knew what I wanted before but now I'm lost, looking for a way out, searching for the truth, but now. I don't know anything anymore. There has never been a person who've kepted me standing up, no one there to keep me moving. I choose to shut myself away because there was no one. The only person that kept pushing was the me I was back then, if I ever gave up I would think back to that moment. Believing in a religion, thinking there was god, a part of me want to see it for myself, a person who's never there when you need them most. I thought maybe it was testing us, which human in the world would be able to do things on there own, listening those storys and thinking about what I could do, what I could give. I was taught to put others before myself, if I ask god anything, I must ask for others before I could ask for myself. I was told many stories about how people in other places are suffering and we are living a life like this. I asked if possible I want to suffer for those that are suffering, I want their pain because people deserve a chance to make things all right again. No matter how hard it is, never give up because that's what it means to be human, we will always stand back up on our feet and walk with our own two legs.

Another motivation is want to inspiration people that there's something important we can find in life, it can be a person or something special, it's like a surprise waiting for you to notice that it's there. You're searching but maybe not hard enough so let's try again because you're not alone, we'll help too. I love to write stories to inspire people but stop ever since the replacments came in, I feel like I want things for my very own and for it to stay that way. If I no longer have any motivation I begin to sing, because it inspires me to see that I can see darkness at the end of my path before I get there.

How should we act towards others?
That depends on the person, there's not mucht aht we can change, just let things happen when they should happen unless you feel that there scould be a better ending to things. I try to treat others how they want to be treated unless they go too far with their tricks of manipulations and when they don't know there bounaries. If it comes to that I can use my other chara to fight it off, I would seem rebelliuos but those types of people are annoying when I see it. Even so if others like being use by them then I won't do anything and let them learn the hard way with only one warning. Other time I'll treat people the complete opposite of how they want to be treated because they way I see things. I think of people as them having there own world they live in, there are some world where there is too much light and some with too little. I try to bring that to a equal level even if it isn't my place to do so. Destroy those who have too much confidence and give to those who have too little.

Will other be able to live up to your theories? Do you force them on other people? How much have you effect the lives of others? How much of your past to you need to hide? How would you feel if you had to take another person's place in suffering, someone that you don't know at all? Have you ever thought about why you loo/ dress the way you do? Are you trying to be someone else? Do you want to live a life of another person?

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48 - Treatment for Savior/Teacher Movie

I'm trying not to put myself and have my type of writing in this story but it's hard. A person writing reflects the inner self and I don't want to do that but when I'm trying not to do that it'll become a boring story. I'm not sure what I want to do but I kept having this idea, I ended up not wanting to add on to the idea. There's knowledge and understanding vs experience and understanding, two different ways to see the situation or read a story. I was told you can feel for someone else rather what you feel is just pity for them. When you say stuff like I know how it feels, do you really understand or are you just saying it to make someone feel better. If you can understand, how can you act? What can you do to help this person

I was thinking of a person just alone in a place, without a home nor anyone else. Even though in the beginning they had family, friend, and a home but compare to now there's nothing left. I picked a girl for this situation but a guy would be fine as well, just that I'm a girl so I know it better as a girl I guess so if I was this girl...

A girl sitting alone in the corner of a dark room, staring outside the window. It's so dark and lonely outside. Humans sleep to rest their body as well as to escape from the darkness. Humans can't run away from it no matter how hard they try. Every morning that girl would walk into the classroom and no one would even care to quiet down or look as she came it. She was invisible to everyone in some ways. It was always in and out of school and none of it changed. It wasn't like this before, she had everything, she wasn't always in the darkness, there was that time where she went up to a person and they started to hang out together but eventually everyone had forgotten since they were so interested in the new girl. What are people really thinking all the time? They take the time to think about what they are going to say before talking so what thoughts do they hide while thinking. Eventually it all comes, connecting all of the clues and their action. Just by looking and talking to people you can tell what they are thinking that very moment. People are like items they get traded and when they become useless fools we just throw then away. Life is so boring you see the same people everyone, do the same thing you pretty much did yesterday. I've learn to never try to change a person because they will always turn on you, taking everything you have away from you, leaving you with dust. Everyone is moving on as time passes but at the same moment the they turn it back. I'm just stuck here in time, never changing or maybe I'm just moving time too quickly even for myself to accept. I wish for a change, a change that won't replace who I want to be and who I am.

The next day, a new class was added, didn't know what it was on but I went to check it out. I bet it's just another boring class...ugh why must these creature pretend to be so human, they want to be something and let that greed just take over, besides we're are just going to die, it's lame and stupid. Looking into the class, I didn't see any desk all that was there are chairs creating a shape around the room, there's even a corner to sit in.

erm...I'm doing this assignment wrong so I have to make it simple.

The story starts out with a girl that believes there's no hope and looking at the down side of life and ends with the new teacher giving her something she could look for through out life because she's lost.
Short and simple way of putting it would be a girl without hope and letting the emptiness inside just eat her away until she looks into the new classroom and find something strange. The girl decide to take the class to see if this would really make any different in her life. She would always try to find a loophole to everything the teacher said but never out loud and make it seem as if nothing was important. The teacher started asking students to split up in the room and making a decision over some questions he had prepare. The student watches as everyone picked their sides and she would be the last one to choose. When the teacher ask why they each choose their sides, it made the student think, why, is one thing more important than the other. What does a person have to give to get what they want? The student found herself lost in her own mind and what she wanted to do. It was an uneasy feeling so she didn't return the class after the first day. The teacher tries to convince the student in coming back, eventually she did but did not know why school was important at all. She saw it as a cage to prepare humans for the world outside and the place we're freedom is just a bigger cage. The teacher could show here that's not what life is all about and tells her that she's not strong, she just saying these things because it's a truth that she believes in. Even though humans have foolish hope it's dream that they have so that keeps them living. Each person in this world is like a beautiful gem, you can choose how you polish each one.

I'm not really sure how I want to end but probably want this character to learn something important and it would be nice to have a dramatic scene like one of those scene in the movie that makes you cry or very happy. I've always know how I want my stories to start out but thinking of a ending it hard because I really dislike those very predictable ending and if I don't make a predictable ending then people will says stuff like it suck because people expect things to end happily just like a fairy tale and live up to the fairy tales that people they hear. I can't even help but to give the detail because I'm just making up a story off the top of my head.

I know this is impossible, but it'll be just an idea. I started with a girl named Midnight.
Midnight was sitting on the roof of a abandon clocktower looking out to the world thinking about why the sunset looks so sad. Thinking about how this image represent the world ending and the darkness taking over.
The next day, she look around in the classrooms to see what the teachers would be like. She stopped at a classroom where there were no tables, only chairs forming a oval shape. Must be one of those classes where people are always going to share about themselves, she thought to herself. It's not any of these people in these classrooms actually care, they go living their own day and when they say they feel sorry, it's just pity. Disguisting, you can't feel for other people, by saying that you'll know they don't know a thing at all.
Welcome to the class, this class will change how you see the world.
Well, how will it change the way I see the world when I've already seen the other side?
You'll have to find out for yourself.
She walks away thinking, what more is there to see? What hasn;t she seen yet? What does he has to show in a class filled with people who depend on knowledge. I'm not the knowledge and understanding type of person, I take it on from experience. Books? They don't teach nothing on how to face life, you've got to figure it out for yourself. She grabs a piece of paper and scribbled something down, dropped it in the box. Maybe it's time I gave a chance to see the light.

I made my story more short and tried it with less details, I'm still not sure if it'll help though.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Trying to Change the Balance

Inside of me I've always want to change things when I think it could have been better or even when things should have a new ending. I don't want a normal story where people just live happily ever after because they don't exist and even if they do, you play the part of the bad guy in someone else's story. I don't mind playing the bag guy as long s things come out how they should the way I see it. I'm forcing things to happen and I know I shouldn't try to change these kind of things but I just want to give a little push for some people.

There are always those shy people or those people that try to be mean so that they can protect them self or even the lone wolf type. I guess I can't help but want to do something about it because I see a part of myself in them. The same as parents wanting to give their children what they couldn't have, I want those children to be inspired by that in some ways but not completely because I also want them to feel as if there's no line that separate us.

I don't just push myself into a person rather I wait for them to open up to me, we all live in our own world we choose to open or close our world to the bigger world outside of us. I feel that if I pushed myself into someone else's life then they'd want to give less and we have to give more. But for me waiting for them to open up to me, they become easier to understanding by their actions and their words. Some people have too much of something inside of them so it must be taken away and there are those who do not have this thing so we must give it to them.

I remember meeting this very shy girl who did not know how to play a game, even though it took a long time to teach her how to play I learned something as well, take time to break things down into little steps, take it one step at a time. No need to rush, we've got time so take it slowly, walk your own pace and eventually you'll catch up. I also learned that if you think too much about things, you won't understand it in the end, many things in this world are very simple, it's just the way you look at. The hardest question has the simplest answers. But wanting to change things, they've become like my experiment of understanding more, understanding everything that i wanted to.

It's said when parents watch as their kids are ready to leave the nest, it's painful, it's not like giving your favorite toy away because a toy has no feelings. It's rather painful, sad, lonely and worrying about how things will turn out. I remember this when this boy, he acted like my little brother and had to leave, even though for awhile, not being able to see him, I couldn't stop worrying what could be happening to him. It was sad and lonely being left all alone just wondering and waiting for this person to call out and say I'm home.

A person I wanted to change, did change but I've forgotten about what would happen after, I've known this person well enough. I did get this person to soften their heart but then when I'm watching far away it's different again. It was something I want to do for this person to show that their not alone but in the end they've become worst in way because I'm not the only one. No matter who it is, your friend, your family they can all betray you, start things about you that would change anther person's heart. In the fairy tale everyone falls for the lies and only one knows the truth, we live the same way where everyone falls for it because they think that's how they should react to all of this, we no longer how a mind of our own. Being manipulated by others but who?

Did you ever try changing the balance or did you destroy it?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I heard a lot of people didn't pass, I really wanted to cry for them, since they aren't crying. People try to act strong but once in a while we all need a shoulder to lean on. I walked in today looking and wondering why there were so many people sitting on the floor, I didn't walk through them so I went downstairs and went up the other way. For me I would think it's rude for me to walk through so many people so I would rather walk around. I waited outside for my exhibition to start but couldn't help listening to what the other students were talking about. I also wanted to know how they were doing, hoping they all pass so they could get on with things. At 2o'clock the hallway was asked to be cleared out, so I waited I really want everyone to pass but that's the grader. Do they want us to face the hard truth? Are we ready for the hard truth that it's not good enough and that we have to work harder because that's just the way of life. After I presented I waited outside the next thing I heard made me really want to fail, I guess I had that feeling in the beginning after listening to everyone talk, the words they had to say. Do they really think I'm even happy being Asian, do they think I don't understand how they feel. Last year I past by 1.5 points I think and someone failed by the same amount I said if only I could give those points to that person even if the happiness for a little while. But we all have to face that sad truth.

In that hard way, it looked like everyone was gonna cry but holding it in, being strong making sure it doesn't rain inside and worrying those around them. They are all kind people, I can't help but step away from them because they make me want to cry so badly. Those kind hearts, I don't want to see them being crushed, even though the words they said we kind of mean, they don't really mean it, they just couldn't help it because I understand. They said if many of the them were to fail maybe they could fix it during vacation and ask the principal if we could just have a second chance to make thing right. They said they wouldn't mind coming in because they were helping each other. I was thinking I want to help too if they didn't mind. They said it's not fair if everyone that's walking won't be able to walk with their friend, I agree with this, they said probably all of the Asian would pass and other a hand full of them will get to walk. Asian don't have to worry about anything but that's not true because I just like one of them, I understand how it feels like to fail, to watch everyone just walk away because you can't catch up but not here, not at SOF, I'm watching everyone work together as a team, backing each other up, it gives off a sad and happy feeling, I just want to help so badly. Please don't think of me as just a normal Asian because I'm not I can understand how it feels to fail and succeed. Every time you think I don't understand it hurts because it's as if you reject me from your world, even if it's for a moment. Just because I'm Asian it doesn't mean I'm smart, I'm not smart at all, it's just the people I'm with. All I try to do is always have fun, pretending as if everything is always okay. The only thing I wanted from it was hoping that everyone would be happy, not matter how hard thing are, I can take it as long as you're happy then I'm fine with it.

Even if we fail this time, we'll always have another chance to fix it, work together to make things better. If your work isn't good enough, changing it even a little bit and understand what you want others to hear from you can make a change. Like a plant, you plant it together and slowly it will grow, it will come to grow out of your happiness making big changes in your life. Another thing is, so what if you fail, failing isn't a life and death thing so you'll have another chance. In life you'll have to face something more harsh and dangerous then this so to cry over a little thing like this, when you think back to this time, you'll laugh about it thinking this is something so little. Failing is just another lesson and one step closer to achieving something like those movies we watched in Andy's class where the teacher fails to win the students attention and so they try again and what do they get? Think about it.

Sorry for my harsh words ._.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Today was a strange day, almost everyone was acting weird. I don't really get, is it the weather or exhibition...maybe I'm just thinking about it too much. This morning I walked into advisory and a teacher asked a student if they knew the 11th grade schedule, usually one answer is enough. "I don't know" I think that's what the student said, the teacher responded "Don't have to give such an attitude" I don't think the student was giving an attitude, just that the teacher didn't consider the fact that the student was eating and most student don't learn the schedule of others, besides the teacher could have asked someone who's actually in 11th grade. I happened to hear another complain about this teacher, it was about a mural. She said "can you do one in my room?" the student not wanting to be mean/rude said "sure" I think. The words the teacher uses were "can you?" she never said if you had the time too nor did she asked if it was alright and this saying you have to do one in my room since you did it in this teacher's room. At first the student may consider helping but not after what happened next. The next day the student went to work on the mural the teacher was yelling at them for walking into the class while the day before that we did the same, it's not really their room away, they are borrowing it and the student have permission to walk in. It felt like the teachers were just taking it out on those students. Judging from their teaching this is their attitude since they teach kids that are behind class and yelling at them all the time. There's a better way to teach kids why can't they make things more fun then even the teachers wouldn't be so boring and always yelling taking their anger out on the students that have nothing to do with the situation.

I feel sorry for the teachers and student today, we're all acting very different. I wonder what's the cause for all of this. In class I hear teachers saying how different everyone is today. In the very same class we had a student that cried during a test, others heard it was a headache, those who would never worry about this student asked if something was wrong with her, I thought it was weird. I heard others blaming the teacher for the cause for her headache and it's really annoying, if you don't know the answer then just move on, it's not the end of life, is it for attention then? Well, it'll just be another lesson to those people who call themselves smart or think that way. Don't think to hard because you'll find the easiest solution. If it was over a test/quiz then it's a lie because that student understood more than I did before the test and the test was a lot easier than the homework. No one helped me with that while that student had more than enough help so if it was the test than it's a lie. If it really was a headache, then it's no one's fault but her own because she choose to do this and that, is there ever a time for a break? The answer is rarely, what can people accomplish from a yearbook. I agree with Kinory that the yearbook is a waste of paper and time so why make it? Why couldn't it be on a computer? Why can't we just make our own? A yearbook does not even cost as much as it's named price, we could just take a camera and some other supplies and make our own, make tons of copies and it would be the same except there's one thing that different and that is that it's your own because you choose what to put in it and no one else, made with what you want to remember. Kids like us, buying a yearbook is like throwing money over a bridge, we wasted time, time that we could have spend together rather than just always working, as we have seen in movies putting work before people does not have a good ending. Yearbook is a chance to skip class and make it look like you doing something important and placing yourself in a place where people can remember you, it make people look dumb in my opinion. Why couldn't we just have taken all that time to do something more important like helping another student because there's a chance they will remember you, if your just in a yearbook, eventually that book becomes nothing and get thrown somewhere but when helping others, you'll remember something eve if it's a little thing about them, when they are gone, you'll know that they were here for you and that they are stilling living within your memories.

It would be nice it people could redo this day or even go back to apologize to the people that they have acted mean to today. Even I've changed today, I think I'm just upset about that teacher this morning, they seem to ask a lot from us. I don't really know why but I have this feeling as we are a bother to have, even thought they ask for so much from students in our grade. We don't mind the things we have to do for them so why can't they just treat us the same way. If they don't change then eventually there will a day where there will be a student they won't be able to handle or they will cause that student to close their world, meaning isolate them self or maybe worst. Even though today was a bad day, I've learned a lot from it, everyday in life has an important lesson, there is no limit to knowledge. If we believe there is a limit, then we have limited ourselves in a small world.

Those words "I wish I were you" it makes me kind of sad because I don't think people could handle it. "If only I could live you life" would you want to try it? I know these words aren't real and if they were they would regret it because even I do at the worst times in life. I don't want people to say that anymore, it's painful even if you look stronger you're looking for a shoulder to lean on and hoping they would understand you pain and not complain. Always having to plan your next day so you could live, no one in this world ever understanding you. It's because you never opened your world to anyone else but I did, no one came so those doors closed again. Waiting for a place, waiting for someone. There is so much in this world humans can't see, they can't know, and must think it's only a creation of our imagination. Is it really just that? The things people think about in their hearts, if they think about it too much, they attractive things we don't know about leading to events that shouldn't happen and regrets. Be careful for what you wish for.

If someone in this world had planned each of our lives out, how would that feel? I would want to meet that person, I want to understand why he choose the things he did. There would be so much to ask about but I won't say a thing. I want to listen to all the things this person has to say because he's probably been waiting for someone to come, waiting in a place where things never change. I won't say a thing, He's waited all this time so if I come to speak then I'll be just another human that will continue to greed.

I want a place of my own, a person that doesn't exist, a time that never changes. A never ending story.