Monday, September 14, 2009

Initial thoughts on Digitalization

People tend to spend hours on their computer looking for something to do. In the olden times we didn't have all of this technology, it was hard for many people but at least they would get up and do something rather then having electronics doing everything for them. In our culture we have our own ways of doing things like when we have to talk to each other we would decide a day to meet and have a chat but now we have phones so people get lazy just staying home and chatting through their cellphones or computer.

Humans are always finding a way to make things easier for the world but at the same time did they ever notice that all the things they are creating are also destroying the world. All of the technology create pollution like cars instead of walking or using bikes, the fuel from the car pollution as well as people building more and more factory causing air and water pollution. We even have an a.c. causing the melting of ice, while people from other continent are dying we're just hear relaxing and keep using these things as if we don't know that any of this is happening.
But digitalization isn't such a bad thing, we can help our friend that leave far away, and help people that call in for last minute help. The experience it gave me made me wanted the world more advance then it is but it'll take a long time for me to catch up.

Digitalization lets me talk to people that I don't really know, it can be dangerous but as long as you know what you're doing it'll be fine. People have a lot of problems and often post them on the web pages, I pass by a lot of them but I also stop to read other people point of view in life. If you ever read them, you'll notice that many kids are going through experience like finding out the truth about their parent's relationship and not knowing what to do, being afraid and many others things. These people need a lot of help and want to get advice but asking their friend might cause the situation to be more complicated, so having to ask random people that might have face this situation may or may not help. But at least it's worth trying than not doing anything at all.

Second life with digitalization can also help people understand who they are and who they want to be. Life never goes as people plan them too so many try to create a second life meaning another personality that they think might fit in with the people around them. In the end they mostly find out that the person they really want to be is themselves and no one in this world can replace them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Na Lin,

    I think this was a wonderful post; you brought up a lot of great points and provided evidence for those points. Also your picture on the top of your blog really drew me in, and gave me the urge to see what your blog was about. The quote on top of the picture also gave me something to think about before I read your post, which I thought was good because it set off the gears in my mind.
    I think your point about how humans are always trying to make current technology better is an extremely strong point, and I like how you backed up that point with evidence about the A.C or how this all creates pollution. I would have never thought about how our current technology is polluting the earth, and I thought that was interesting to read.

    One idea that I thought connected to something we brought up in class was your idea about how digitalization helps people figure out who they are. You are stating that they create another personality that might help them blend in with their friends, and this relates to something we said in class. We were talking about how people use technology to put on a mask, so they don’t have to show people who they really are, instead they get to show people who they want to be.

    One point that I think you should expand on further is the point about a second personality. I don’t feel that you focused too much on that point; rather you just put it out there. However, it is a really interesting point, and I would love to read more about what you think about people and their masks they create using the digital world.

    Also, not to be critical, but you might want to proofread your paper, because I found some grammar mistakes that made it hard to understand what you were trying to say. I think you made a strong point in this statement: “Digitalization lets me talk to people that I don't really know, it can be dangerous but as long as you know what you're doing it'll be fine.”, however I was confused by your wording and feel that if you edited the grammar, your point could be even stronger. Although I probably have grammar mistakes in my posts also, so I would not focus too much on this little grammar mistake.

    One thing that your post really makes me think about is how we can use things such as A.C and cars so easily, but we are damaging the world we live in by creating pollution, and instead of spending so much money on A.C’s and materialistic things, we could spend our money helping people in third world countries. However, I think that even though people are aware that others are starving and dying in other countries, we don’t do anything about it because we do not feel like it is our problem, so instead we spend money on useless items. Your post really brought light to my eyes about how others who are not as advanced as us live.
    I really enjoyed reading your post because I think you brought up a lot of good points. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future (:


  3. HW 5 - Response to comments - GHIJK

    I really sorry that you had to read my boring and weird ideas, it must have wasted hours of your life while you could have been doing something better. I appreciate that yuo took the time to comment on my post so that I can expand in a way where it's easier for other people to understand. If only I was a better writer than I wouldn't have soo much truoble with this. Sorry and Thank you so much! ><

    Your comment that I need to proofread is very helpful, I never go back to check the mistakes I make, I make an lot of run-ons sentences that's one of the reasns I really need a editor. I agreed that I have to expand m idea on second life but I didn't know what to write back then since second life is just a lie that people put in front of themselves, trying to make that lie come true. I need to research on this topic more since I just brong up topics that get everyone so confused. >-<''

    The topics that I mainly focused on was what the negatives for digitaliztion was for the world, never thinking about the positive things that it can do to help the world expand their ideas and further their technology. I create a second life in the digital world just like many other but the only reason I create this person was because there isn't a place for her in reality. I don't want the person I created to be perfect I just want a place where I can be who I realy am without hurting ohers around me. The digital world holds a part of our truth the closer we get the more dangerous it is. Spending too much time in front of our technology causes a lt of harm to our body and sometimes we get so attach that we may forget what we were doing before(beware of fire o.o).

    Technology draws us in because most of us want to keep up with the rest of the world, I really bad at technology stuff so I have t research on how these tech stuff work, I would be so clueless, maybe I'm just use to the old way of doing things, I don't want to think about the future because there might not be a tomorrow. Thinking about how our technlogy effects the rest of the world makes me thinks wht if we're next, should we continue to use the items that can cause our own destruction.

    Why is it human that we never stop to think how our actions will effect others around us? Why is it a need for us to keep up with the rest of the world? If we were to leave technology for 24hrs would we last? If we continue to use technology what will happen to us?

    Think about the things you do before doing it.

    (>'.')>Thank you for reading<('.'<)
