Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW 4 - Triangular Comments 1

Hi Rachel,

I thought your view on digitalization was very interesting, you put a lot of thought into your writing, relating it to how it affects people around our age. I agree that people strive for a better and faster world to live in as well as people becoming so close to technology as if it’s something they need rather than just something they want. People upgrade their items so that it's fast and more proficient. Another interesting thing I wanted to read more about was people facebooking; it’s human to want to cry for attention. After reading your view on facebooking, I felt like words that people can say easily online start to lose its meaning. For example, people are saying “I love you” online a lot — you can’t really get anything from this because you can’t really see the other person so when you hear it in the real world, it starts to lose its meaning.

People just want to think that they can’t survive a day without technology but that’s only because they’ve gotten so attached to it and rely on it so much that they forget the use of other things that can be used around them. Humans just find that electronics make life easier for them, like using music to control their emotions. Facebook helps people show a side in which they can’t show in the real world, sometimes traits of a person like kindness can’t be shown because they become big targets for bullies. People feel that using Facebook is a place where they can be themselves. T.V. is a way of escaping reality and all of the problems being forced on to them. People use technology to make time fly by so that we won’t have to live so many boring hours in a day.

I think you could make the paragraph on how people create a mask better if you use the quote from class so that we can see that many other people also agree with this statement. In class Cindy said that “You don’t get to show your emotions so it’s easier to lie,” this relates to the masked people created in your post. This also relates to what Andy said, “Representation Reality hollows the meaning in reality”.

I think it would be better if you use the technique we are learning in English with the synonyms because some of the sentences are repetitive. Another suggestion is talking about the human wants and needs because people don’t need 4 iPods, an iphone, 2 laptops and a computer. They could be like Jia Min who has 1 iPod and someone else who has 1 phone and 1computer/laptop. People shouldn’t waste money when knowing that there are others who could have made better use of it and save the injured/poor. Pardon my discourtesy. ><’’

Your post made me think a lot about the people I talk to online even though I don’t really know them; I spent hours in a day listening to their problems. I don’t think I’ve wasted those hours listening because I’m glad I was able to sit down and help that person. I’ve found many people online with problems by flipping through posts and looking at all the people who have to face hardships. I was thinking if this person didn’t have a computer to post these questions, then they might have been the one crying (I read a post about a girl who saw her mother with another guy and is worrying about whether she should tell her dad, ask her mom or do nothing). Everything has its positive and negative as well as technology.

Reading your post made me realize that digitalization isn’t really that bad, I’ve been looking at all of this with one eye. I agree with a lot of the things you said in your post and enjoyed reading it as well. I’m hoping to read more of your intriguing ideas. =^-^= Sorry for my super long response.

(>'.')> Thank you for reading! <('.'<)
Na L

Hiya Jia Min!

There are many things I agree with in your blog like all the effects that digitalization can cause for the world. I think there is still a place without technology, but humans were meant to strive for the best so sooner or later they will eventually surrender to digitalization.
I can't see your main point since you tend to argue with yourself. Though it is a great thing that you can look in both directions at the same time but sometimes it best to look one way and argue. From your post I understand that there are pros and cons to all technology. Technology will continue to develop just as we learned in 10th grade the world is always looking for a way to upgrade itself.

People feel that technology makes it's easier for them and helps them keep up with the rest of the world. We're all like children, if we see something new, cool, better than before, etc. we want to get it. Is it human to be that way? Do people ever think about the harms technology cause for the environment? Humans are careless, when things go wrong they start to feel the guilt, if the world was perfect we would never know that what we're doing is hurting other people in this world. What's yours but also mine? The world is ours so we have to make it right.

Not to be mean! I'm just doing as told TT.TT I think you should proofread your writing since I didn't understand what you were trying to say till I read it again.(not saying I'm any better =.=) I think your post would have been a lot better if you had pick one side for your argument. Throughout the post I felt like you were trying to find a way to prove yourself wrong.

I would really much like it if you could talk about people in the digital realm, since not all of us spend time using cell phone or facebook. Many people post up problems and wait for a respond on how they should go on living a life they feel impossible, we can't always go face to face with people we know to talk about things like this.

(>'.')>Thank you for reading!<('.'<)
Na L

Haiiiiiiiiiis Yu Xi!

I really like your post, can’t think of anything you can improve on though. I enjoyed reading about how all of the technology helps us and how the world has change from then. People feel a need for technology not realizing that they don’t need it at all. Digitalization is like a cheat sheet, it makes everything easier for you, so that you don’t have to worry about wasting your time.

I think the main point of your post is that things have change a lot throughout history due to the improvement with technology, the world is power advancing. All of this technology keeps us up to date with world event like what is the weather today and shows to occupy our time when we’re bored. Chatting through Facebook or aim makes things seem less realistic since we can’t see their real expression. Even though all this technology may seem good it also causes pollution harming our environment.

The more technology there is in this world the more we humans are harming it. For us to build technology I’m guessing that factories have to build for this kind of stuff and factories can cause air pollution. The technology we use like A.C. generates heat that can cause the melting of ice in the North Pole; if the ice were to melt it would flood cities and the heat could dehydrate people living in hot places.

I would like to see you write more about the cons about digitalization. I like the fact that you’re using evidence as well. There are some small grammars mistakes; I probably have plenty of them in this post. We all make mistakes (+w+). I don’t really know anything else you need to work on, sorry. =.=

(>'.')>Thank you for reading! <('.'<)Na L

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Na o^u^o

    I'm really glad you liked it. Plus you go indepth about what our technology is doing to the planet. Kudos, because its affecting us right now and its sometimes easy to forget that when people are online or using the electronic devices.

    Digitalization is like a cheat sheet and its the quick way to get an answer, that's pretty true with google and everything, though we may end up wasting our time anyways with it. I think even though things like google do make it easier to do things like research, that doesn't make that method any less valid, its a natural developement considering humans like to do more things in a way that expends less energy on their part.

    I will add more cons to it next time. I liked reading the tone of your comment hehh.. it was fun and like how we usually chat on aim so its easy to read. Plus its very encouraging XD

    I didn't really notice any grammar mistakes in your post anyways ^^

    Bye Na, thanks for reading! =D
