Monday, February 8, 2010

Hw 39 - First School Assignment

Part 1
Most people don't really care about school, all they need is to pass, leave and live a life they want too. People like us are just plain stupid and decide on their feeling of what they want and not what they need, these humans never think about the consequences before doing anything. School is a way to teach these things since it's not everyday where someone will come and plan this to be a lesson of the day for you. School is another escape from living all day at home so that we can see the outside world but there are those who believe home is a much safer place while others could care less as long as they have what they need to safe. 

Do teachers get annoyed when we won't listen? I wonder about that a lot since there are so many kid who would not listen at all, to them, it's free education and aren't taking things seriously, do they care or are they trying to make it seem like they care? Students try their best and so do teachers and all we do it throw them into a hole, making every other person seem useless. Humans can be so stuck up, they pretend not to understand or know things for attention and never think about those who really need help. People are so selfish, keeping everything to themselves, never lending and if they do lend they'll probably ask for something in return one day. 

The most interesting about my life is school, I do enjoy a lot but because I wanted to keep learn, because I'm still here that I cause pain to others. I enjoy getting in other people's way when I know their motive, enjoy their stupidity from failing in their plans. Because of school, I am the way I am, because of that I'm not just one person anymore. people are capable of learning so much from school but instead they spend their time talking and fooling around. If you didn't have parents, would you have been in the place where you are now. Humans should be grateful for what they have. Learn while you can, keep what you are given and don't throw it away. There's only one chance so don't throw it away.

Part 2
You started out with everything and chose to throw many of those things way. You made your life pointless throwing these things. I started out with nothing and placed into a life that isn't mine. I followed the life that she suppose to lead. At times I'm tired of this life, I'm free but humans caught me and locked me in this cage. I choose not to leave this cage because there were many other so I stayed. After awhile I walked around in this cage. I talked with the many others. They flew away when they were ready but I stayed behind. Now I don't want to understand, I want to hate, I'm tired of being one just staying behind even if I'm not ready, I want to break the lock on this cage. I keep trying but it hurts because those outside of this cage are humans throwing rocks at us. In this cage there is no where to hide. If one tries to fly the others will get hurt so I have to protect so they can be safe. A human came and threw me out of this cage, now in that cage there is someone else to do my job. I walk a path with nothing again, watching others with everything and just throwing it away. Watching people do things for attention and others who are alone. If humans were all the same it would be as boring life  but it's better because there won't be anyone else. Why can't we have the world that way? What would the world be like with humans that have no emotion and no control over themselves? I want to see that. 

Your time will continue to more forward and mine has stopped. Time separates us because of what you have and what I'm missing. I wait at the end of my gate of time. Both of me continue to wait till those doors open. I've waited and kept waiting, maybe I should give up. I left my world and enter the world of those others who have also locked the door to their world. I walked over to them, when the light of their world shines once again I must leave to find another world. The other me waiting for the gate of time to open. People on the other side of the gate blocked the gate from opening. So the other me stopped waiting as well. She went to the world of many others and when she left the light in that world disappeared. Me and the other me now walk two separate paths. Where there is light, there will will darkness as well. 

This is the path school has given me, to create and destroy the dreams of many others. If this isn't doesn't make any sense, hmm...too bad then =^-^=

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