Monday, October 26, 2009

HW 15 ABCDEF3 Treasure Hunting

Hiii~ Yu Xi

Video games does makes us think on our feet since most of the time we are limited to time/life we have in the game. Unlike in books it gives a set of things to read and how this character would face this problem. Books are second hand experience but games can give you a more real experience since most of the time this world becomes a part of who we are. Even though we begin to tie ourselves with the other world we gain something that would be much harder to have in the real world. We changed after the first time we lose a game finding new ways that we could pass this level and move on to the next and not giving up and wanting to fight on. Television hasn't done much for me since I don't watch it but from other people sometimes it's like becoming one with the characters of the show and we can relate to how they would feel sometimes creating your own fantasy.

Everything bad is good for you is like a weird advertisement telling not kids but the parents that they should allow kids to go on playing but does it really prepare us for the real world. Video games can teach us many things and faster than a teacher does. Experiencing it gives a thought about what we like to do when we grow up. Television shows us all the things people are capable of. If life became only technology would that be better because when we walk out of our homes sometimes we may be one of those kids that get bullied. If school never was here would it be a better life?

I like to learn things at my own pace so watch things and if I'm not ready for them then I just push them aside for later on. Lots of things cause people to get stress and school is one of the many things so if we were kept home with our technology we would be in a way escaping reality. I remember I overheard a 4th grade student talking about things that a 11th grade would be learning I started to wonder how his knowledge was increasing. I found out that many of his friends are older than him and talk about this stuff so he was listening in and understood. Technology just increase the pace of learning since we can just pick one topic we like the most and learn it for the other topics we can spend less time with.

I'm not sure what you should add but I'd like to hear more about how this connects to your life and what would happened if technology does replace school(which I think never will TT.TT) I like the way you went back and quote the book and no mistakes found. Not sure about anything I bad at helping edit stuff.

It's sound like I'm complain a lot and more like this was a reaction to your blog but I don't know what I was thinking about so I hope it helps =.=''

Thank you for reading and sorry for long comments o.o'''

Hiya Jia Min

Watching television is fun but it gives more information than I need sometimes so I watch things like "Detective Conan" which gave me interesting in all this forensic stuff but it also gives me a chance to face all of my fears. From gaming with my brother and sister I've improve some of my researching skill and now I use those skills to help me catch up with all the stuff I'm falling behind in class with.

I think the main point was that when it's placed in front of us we start to realize that we were all escaping the truth. Parents thought all of this was bad for us and yet here we have a guy that think the complete opposite. Maybe people did know that it was making us smarter but even so it doesn't help us.

There's always a pros and cons to everything in this world even this book. If we did stay home all day learning by playing, watching surfer the internet would we get addicted and not want to leave our home. Even though we are learning we still have to see the sky once in awhile for our health. We have to see the daylight an exercise because we can't this out of watching tv, we'll get very fat and even if sitting makes us get use to the numb feeling what if we can't feel our legs anymore it's like we lose our emotions.

I thought your post was very good, not sure what to improve on just a bit of grammar. I thought it would be better if you connected with yourselve because it shows your experience how it effected you and what you could pass on the other people know this. Would you still recommend this is good or bad this for the up coming generation if it does happen.

Your post made me think about how much I missed out on since I didn't really watch much tv, my parents thought it would reveal too much stuff I shouldn't know and aside from that is settings fears in me. I think the same way as them now watching others kids they just take in the information and make fun of it as if everything was a joke. Kids tend to be very ignorant never thinking about how the things they do will effect others around them. Sometimes it better to stand aside and let it happen rather than doing something cause they'll learn something whether it's right or wrong. Mistakes are repititive.

Sorry I'm not sure what I wanted to say but I hope it helps
THank you for reading o.o''

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hw 14 - Second Text

In "Everything Bad Is Good For You" it shows how the stuff that we do everyday with our technology is actually helping us. The author Steven Johnson, tries to convince us that video games, t.v. and the Internet is all good for us. I think he tries to prove that popular culture is not only growing more complex, but that the complexity is making consumers of pop culture more intelligent. The main idea of the book is divided into two main parts; arguing that video games, television, the Internet and movies have grown more complex in recent years, and the second part outlining the relationship between those forms of entertainment and increased intelligence.

Video games, he points out, cannot be directly compared to books in terms of the types of intelligence they encourage. Video games, according to Johnson, are valuable because they force players to make choices, solve problems, keep track of varied situations and in some cases cooperate with others. I've never been very good at reading since I started later than most people and got stuck in a random class that I don't really ever understand. In games I feel like I can be more of myself again rather than someone who wants to protect. Many kids would get angry when they are playing games and you tell them to stop, you can't really get this reaction when taking a book from someone.

Even reality TV, the easiest target around, is more complex compared to it's historical antecedent, the game show. Rather than reading all the time we can find other ways of learning like watching television. Hard to believe but I've never read any of the Harry Potter series nor the Twilight series to me they don't look that interesting and fun to read. I watch kids spending hours reading those books wondering about all the stuff they could have use that time for. It's a waste since for most good stories there's a story so don't bother wasting your precious life reading when you can receive knowledge another way.

The Internet is valuable in three ways according to Johnson: by virtue of being participatory, by forcing users to learn new interfaces and by creating new channels for social interaction. Johnson provides a laundry list of online interactions that bring people together and make them smarter. Even though we are talking to stranger in a way it's alright because you get to learn a lot from them and interact with people you could never meet. When you made your 1st friend did you ever stop to think about how you guys started out as strangers and slowly became close friends. There are many people we can't trust but we have to learn through experience what we should and should not do.

In Feed, everything looked perfect till the hacker came along and in this book it shows that they experience something they wouldn't have if the feed wasn't installed. If Titus was a ordinary kid without the feed and reading everyday to improve his skills of course he would not be able to compete with the feed since all that knowledge from the feed is in their mind when asked something they could just look it up unlike us we have to think about what happened and if we didn't read or understand it we wouldn't be able to answer. In the end Titus felt human because he realized what Violet was trying to say. In both stories if the world were to end we would spend our last minutes pretending it was a normal day or panic because we don't want to accept that this is the end. We use technology to make everything easier on ourselves and use it to escape reality because we don't want to face, it not ready to face it, and don't know how to face it.


Thank you for reading =^-^=

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hw13 - Feed B

I would want my work of art to be a mirror rather than a hammer because a hammer can shape items in many ways consider the personalities of the person but a mirror reflects a person's inner self which a hammer can not show. I think feed describes humans as a parasite feeding on the information technology can give us. It is capable of advancing the humans to a more advance state. Thinking of feed as a creation of art, it would seem that most people would want it since they would benefit from it. Most people would think that it isn't necessary to go to school anymore.

I don't really get what went on in feed, all I know was that these kids went on a spring vacation to the moon. One of the kids like this girl name Violet and they spent time at the club. All of a sudden a hacker came and the next thing they knew they were in the hospital. Since they were at the hospital both of them spent time together and he learns that her feed was installed later and how different her life was from theirs. Later on in the we found out that Violet's feed is infected due to the late installation and this may harm her. This just shows that even technology has it's flaw, Violet's dad did not want the feed installed since he didn't believe in such things but later on he asked her to make the decision since everyone was getting one. Violet represents the humanity and the people with the feed represent no actual free will in the world. When her dad gave her the choice to get the feed, that was the transition towards the loss of humanity.

I think his audience is mainly young adults because it shows the simple mistakes that we make. We aren't aware of the things we do, rather than thinking about what will happen after, we decide to act first and think later. Maybe it's just human to be that way so that we by pass the rule of perfection. If this was a film I think people would watch it through without thinking about it as an allegory besides this book was very detail if it was acted out I doubt that people could express the feeling to the fullest potential.

*my brain feels dead so I'll stop writing...erm typing*
Thank you for reading~

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hw 12 - Feed A

Technology is a copy of human, more advanced in some ways but there are things we are capable of doing that they aren't. As human do we really get to choose a path? If we had the feed installed in us, everything is planned out as if nothing will ever go wrong in your life. With the feed, your like a more advanced technology because you consist of feelings that we believe technology don't. Technology has a limit just like we do except we believe there is something beyond limitations. So even if we were only given two paths to walk, humans have the ability to make a new path, one that others haven't walked before.

I'm typing right now, my mind feels very empty, but when I think about it I can feel something in my mind flowing. Technology have it differently they it's like a set of option of which words to pick from and what to say next. They are program to operate a certain way.

In feed, those kids went to the moon and played around like they had the whole world under them. I agree that we're all ignorant, ignoring others when they warn us about the truth/dangers of life. In both world we all know that technology is dangerous and yet we continue to use it. Another things is that each of us have our own identity just like technology each of them is one of a kind, no two are the same.

Both humans and technology are imperfect, we're filled with flaws. Of course we won't really admit it. I feel like the feed provide them with too much information that ordinary people wouldn't have yet. It's as if we're parasites that's feeding on information. I would not be able to withstand all that knowledge, would you be able to?

A feed is like another world we create within ourselves. We open these door when feel that it's alright to let others in and close them when we need to be alone. We create another fairy tale. If we keep lying to ourselves then what will become of the truth? Can we really live in a world where everything is believe to be perfectly planned out? We wouldn't know what to do if things go wrong, life never goes as you plan them too.

I have no idea what else to right about...I think my brain died off somewhere...

Thank you for reading

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hw 11 - Self Experiment 1

For this experiment I decided using the internet for 1hour straight without stopping. I don't really get the homework, I was confused so did it randomly.

Most of the things that happened are pretty much the same, nothing new. I worked on my hw instead since I didn't know what to do. As usual when someone talks to me I would go check or when I talk to someone else. The rest of the time I just left it opened and check if anything new happened.

It feels like I was in front of my laptop waiting for something more amazing to happen or maybe I was just bored. My time with the internet was pretty much the same, it doesn't change because we are bound to use it for typing up homework or surfing the internet for answers and many more things.

Without technology my day would pass more slowly. That deep emptiness doesn't go away, its like time has stop and nothing is happening inside of me. I start to wonder if it's really me that thinking or is there something else that tells me what to say.

Comparing this experiment to "feed" it makes it seem like technology has taken control of our lives. I wouldn't want a "feed" inplant inside of me because I would think that I don't have my own will anymore. It would be the same as a doll or a puppet following every command given by the master. Technology does fill that emptiness in us.

I don't think many of us could last 24 hours without technology, saying that we could is kind of a lie because we've become so close to them, how could we just let go of it. It's not that we can't survive without it just that we feel a need to use them since it does make everything a lot easier.
*edit* it's not fair the homework assignment was posted one day I after finished it and now I'm too tired to fix it. I'm going to be lazy =.=

Intership is already giving me a robotic life so it's not pain just tiredness.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

HW 10 - Informal Research Internet

I spend most of my time thinking about things that happen in this world and why it happens. The answer I ended up with isn't the one I want.

I spend time here reading thread people post up, I also came here for research since my siblings play this game so I help them look for information. This website helped me learn a little bit about how to merchant, which would probably help me if I was interested in business. When I'm not looking for information I look through the thread and read the problem people face either in the real world or even online. To these people neither lives they have lived or created are perfect. There's always going to be someone out there that is always against you. Life doesn't ever go as you plan it would, I think as long as you're given life the world will find a way to trap you.

There are a lot of manga sites but this was the first one recommended to me. I don’t read much manga but I like reading to see how the authors view the world. I love writing stories and telling them to little kids because it’s so fun and we both get to learn something. Stories bring a group of people together that’s what I love about it. Rather than always reading manga off the internet I’d rather write one myself but I have to first learn the structure so I have to investigate and observe the layout on these things.

My friends tell me to come here to watch their video and I really admire it. It inspired me to make my own so when I finish learn how the layout work on manga, me and sister might start make them. I really enjoy learning stuff so I tried to look for ways to develop. My sister and I like to work together on writing stories, drawing and learning to use technology. We just learned how to make a video over the summer but never got to post it up on YouTube. I forgot that the font you should be bigger, bad habit of mine for writing small font.

I don’t spend much time I just leave my computer alone till someone asks for me. If no one is on and I have a question like we said in class I would just Google it up.

Thank you for reading~

HW 9 - Video Project GHIJK

Hey Jiamin

Sorry, I took so long to respond to your video and thank you so much for taking your time to comment on my video so that I can improve it. Throughout our lives we are always replacing things with whatever is new. We feel that there's a need to move on and catch up with the world's development.

I don't think freedom really exist it's just that with all the things we have in this world we never really thought about it. Like that story about a man who made wings so that he could fly and get close to god, trying to fly to freedom and in the end he fail to. I don't spend a lot of time with technology unless someone else ask me something I don't know or they want to talk about a big problem. Even though I'm just sitting there and looking at the screen reading, isn't it just the same as reading from a book. They call it exercising the mind. I think that experiencing things first hand is much better because we may be reading a book and say that you understand how it feels like being trap in a void. It's the same as pretending to know something you don't really know.

The reason I didn't show myself in the video was because it wouldn't be me. The world I choose to keep who I was and wanted to stay forever couldn't live in reality, the person that travels to school every day wouldn't fully be the real me. Is it really possible for a person to not lie at all (not counting those people that tells lies and come true >-<) online we can easily lie about our age, name, etc. to make ourselves more of the perfect person. Many people strive for perfection and online we can create the perfect digital version of ourselves. Stranger online tend to ask stuff like "Where do you live? What’s your name? How old are you? ..." not all of us are stalkers so we either ignored the question or lie about things. Like in the movies they show guys/girls bragging about their money that doesn't really exist (it makes them look, sound cool =o=)

Life is eternal, our soul may travel from one body to another but the body cannot live forever, it will begin to rot and the soul moves on. We don't remember anything because our body contain all of our information when the body dies so does the info. The soul is like a computer program, it gets inserted into human so we can operate, if body is injured the soul cannot do much. Spirit ties the soul and body together. That is what I think of life as, the closer to the truth you get to, the more suffering there will be. All of this technology, digitalization is like a distraction from finding the truth, if humans one day did find out how the process of life and death works then just like in FMA they can create a army that is knows no fear, emotionless, undying humans, it would hurt so much to see that. That why we can't choose a path, there is a limit, the freedom we dreamed of never exist but we always pretend it did so we don't have to suffer. We lie to ourselves that everything is possible, we just keep lying to comfort ourselves.

Now I can see why people must keep escaping, tears may run down our faces and not understand why, maybe the soul does remember something even if we were to repeat the same life over and over again, this world can never be our heaven. The world contains a yin-yan that will constantly continue. Technology is our world of escape, I don't think about the things I want to type, sometimes it feels like there's always another me inside of me wanting to do things that I wouldn't normally do. I've always been trying to escape the fact that if there was ever a perfect person in this world they wouldn't be able to live. I can see why now but even though I have come to realize it I won't stand aside and give up.

You and I are alike but not the same; we're humans but not the same type. I'm always lost in a way I feel like you are too but you have everyone around you to care for you, Sometimes I feel like you're not looking at the things in front of you or you’re just avoiding it. If you spend too much time with manga and anime your feeling will become all confused =p We don't want technology effecting the younger kids but have you ever thought about how the adult stepped aside for us? They live during the time it came out but we were born in it. Think about how easy things became for them and how much time they spent to catch up with us so they could help us adapt to it. We don't want the little kids to stop moving forward. The world may rotate to the future but if their minds just stop then they'll be like me, taking apart things to figure out how things work.


Thank you for taking the time to look through my video and commenting so I'll be able to improve on the next one I work on =D

Yes, I feel that we are in a trapped world. I believe it's a way of our protection so we don't have to face the truth (mysteries of the world) Not all of us want new things that we see on TV. some of us feel that what we have is enough to satisfy us while others want more and more. Does a one step less of a process really worth it for you to spend extra money. Do we always have to look after that #1? Why does it matter? Will people look up to you? Will you get more people to be around you? Look at all the money we waste on similar items when we could have use that money to buy presents, go on vacation with family, etc.

When I look up at the sky I wonder why isn't it black when space is. It as if the world never wanted us to be trapped in darkness (except for night time) When we go beyond a certain atmosphere without gears we can't breathe since there isn't any air. It's like we're being cage, we aren't allowed to leave this world. If we wander around in space we may be lost forever this world is our protection. There's a lot about the truth that I believe we shouldn't get to close to like the process of humans and how they die and be reborn. We try not to think too much about these things technology is a distraction from all of this. We lie to ourselves that everything in this world is possible, in the digital world we create lies about who we are sometimes.

Kids use to love stuff animals but after awhile they begin to put these things aside for technology. Is it because they can't talk and yet you can talk to your computer(the person on the other side) When I look at my stuff animals I think why is it that people can let go of their prized possessions they have when they were little yet it's so hard to let go of technology. Both of us don't think much about getting the newest things in the tech world we're happy with what we have. I don't want to ask for more than I already have, I don't want to be those people that have however many different iPods sitting in behind a glass window and not use them at all. If humans can get old so can technology. Think about all the time you've spent with your old stuff, they've probably been there for you longer than what you have now.

Thanx for commenting on my video and thank you so much for reading.
Hope you enjoy~

Thursday, October 1, 2009

HW 8 - Comment on Triangle Partners' Videos Projects

Hi Lauren!

I like how you thoughtfully answer the questions. I agree that not having a bit of sounds make the video seem a bit lifeless. I would loved to add sounds into mine as well but I lack technology skills =P Watching ourselves looking like zombies we wouldn't want our siblings to be the same, following in our footsteps staring at technology all day makes us like lifeless dolls without a mind of our own. It's as if the digital world has take over our mind o.o'' I'm sort of denying that the world is moving forward or maybe I'm just slow but I don't really know what it is. All I know is that lots of people want that box that connects to your t.v. or something and you get to play games. Since I don't know how it works I would spent hours staring at it and trying to connect it to the t.v. Not everyone has much interest in technology like everyone else does.

By placing technology into our lives, we sacrifice valuable time that we could have spent with other and time to improve our skills. My sisters and brother spent so much time at home that the only time they go out is when we have school. I didn't like it since they were out on so much things they can't see in technology. People get angry over little things like when they lose in a game or when they are told to give the computer a rest.

I think it would be better if you show other technology that you use like watching t.v, playing games, etc. Video don't really need music so that people watching the video will understand the mood, you could also use expression =D I really like you response, it was very clear and deep. I agree that this digitalization will continue still the world is always looking for ways to develop.

If we could I think it would be great we could end the video with how the world would/look like if digitalization continues. Since most of the technology we use gives us a great ability to lie, will the world be filled with lies, will we ever drown in our world of lies

I really enjoy watching your video, and agree with your answers too.
(>'.')> Thank you for reading <('.'<)
Na L

Jia Min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-pokes the pro- o3o
The video are great, I agree that we shouldn't let the little kids follow in our footsteps but what can we do. When trying to care for them people would say that you're only thinking of yourself meaning that we're only saying that we care so that we have more time to ourselves with digitalization. We have the world at our feet yet we don't know it, our skills can be the same or better than those who live it when these things came out because we were born in it.

I lack in technology skills so people like me i think it would be alright if they had more time to spend with their technology, thought I end up taking apart mine probably. There are a lot of things you can't do in this world that you can in the digital world. In a world where everyone is against the digital world is a way of escaping and creating a better self-to-be. People believe that if that create a digital character then they can plan out a life story for this character but they are wrong the character we create are no different from us. It's the same as giving your own blood to this character and creating a better you, testing out how different your lives can be.

The anime & manga pictures were great but I felt like it could be improved. I think you could have shown a bit more of what you're getting by using these technology. Like spending an hour on this video is too much, we could have use more time doing something more healthy rather than be frustrated and hurting your head by thinking how could it be better? what will other people think? Thinking about these kinds of stuff just cage us in our own world no different then the digital world.

My head felt empty when typing this, it's like I don't have a brain or maybe I just not thinking anymore. o-o I really like the video, enjoyed watching it. Don't worry about the blog thing, I'll read it when I get bored and starting laughing thinking about why you guys bother arguing =p

(>'.')>Thank you for reading! <('.'<)