Sunday, October 4, 2009

HW 9 - Video Project GHIJK

Hey Jiamin

Sorry, I took so long to respond to your video and thank you so much for taking your time to comment on my video so that I can improve it. Throughout our lives we are always replacing things with whatever is new. We feel that there's a need to move on and catch up with the world's development.

I don't think freedom really exist it's just that with all the things we have in this world we never really thought about it. Like that story about a man who made wings so that he could fly and get close to god, trying to fly to freedom and in the end he fail to. I don't spend a lot of time with technology unless someone else ask me something I don't know or they want to talk about a big problem. Even though I'm just sitting there and looking at the screen reading, isn't it just the same as reading from a book. They call it exercising the mind. I think that experiencing things first hand is much better because we may be reading a book and say that you understand how it feels like being trap in a void. It's the same as pretending to know something you don't really know.

The reason I didn't show myself in the video was because it wouldn't be me. The world I choose to keep who I was and wanted to stay forever couldn't live in reality, the person that travels to school every day wouldn't fully be the real me. Is it really possible for a person to not lie at all (not counting those people that tells lies and come true >-<) online we can easily lie about our age, name, etc. to make ourselves more of the perfect person. Many people strive for perfection and online we can create the perfect digital version of ourselves. Stranger online tend to ask stuff like "Where do you live? What’s your name? How old are you? ..." not all of us are stalkers so we either ignored the question or lie about things. Like in the movies they show guys/girls bragging about their money that doesn't really exist (it makes them look, sound cool =o=)

Life is eternal, our soul may travel from one body to another but the body cannot live forever, it will begin to rot and the soul moves on. We don't remember anything because our body contain all of our information when the body dies so does the info. The soul is like a computer program, it gets inserted into human so we can operate, if body is injured the soul cannot do much. Spirit ties the soul and body together. That is what I think of life as, the closer to the truth you get to, the more suffering there will be. All of this technology, digitalization is like a distraction from finding the truth, if humans one day did find out how the process of life and death works then just like in FMA they can create a army that is knows no fear, emotionless, undying humans, it would hurt so much to see that. That why we can't choose a path, there is a limit, the freedom we dreamed of never exist but we always pretend it did so we don't have to suffer. We lie to ourselves that everything is possible, we just keep lying to comfort ourselves.

Now I can see why people must keep escaping, tears may run down our faces and not understand why, maybe the soul does remember something even if we were to repeat the same life over and over again, this world can never be our heaven. The world contains a yin-yan that will constantly continue. Technology is our world of escape, I don't think about the things I want to type, sometimes it feels like there's always another me inside of me wanting to do things that I wouldn't normally do. I've always been trying to escape the fact that if there was ever a perfect person in this world they wouldn't be able to live. I can see why now but even though I have come to realize it I won't stand aside and give up.

You and I are alike but not the same; we're humans but not the same type. I'm always lost in a way I feel like you are too but you have everyone around you to care for you, Sometimes I feel like you're not looking at the things in front of you or you’re just avoiding it. If you spend too much time with manga and anime your feeling will become all confused =p We don't want technology effecting the younger kids but have you ever thought about how the adult stepped aside for us? They live during the time it came out but we were born in it. Think about how easy things became for them and how much time they spent to catch up with us so they could help us adapt to it. We don't want the little kids to stop moving forward. The world may rotate to the future but if their minds just stop then they'll be like me, taking apart things to figure out how things work.


Thank you for taking the time to look through my video and commenting so I'll be able to improve on the next one I work on =D

Yes, I feel that we are in a trapped world. I believe it's a way of our protection so we don't have to face the truth (mysteries of the world) Not all of us want new things that we see on TV. some of us feel that what we have is enough to satisfy us while others want more and more. Does a one step less of a process really worth it for you to spend extra money. Do we always have to look after that #1? Why does it matter? Will people look up to you? Will you get more people to be around you? Look at all the money we waste on similar items when we could have use that money to buy presents, go on vacation with family, etc.

When I look up at the sky I wonder why isn't it black when space is. It as if the world never wanted us to be trapped in darkness (except for night time) When we go beyond a certain atmosphere without gears we can't breathe since there isn't any air. It's like we're being cage, we aren't allowed to leave this world. If we wander around in space we may be lost forever this world is our protection. There's a lot about the truth that I believe we shouldn't get to close to like the process of humans and how they die and be reborn. We try not to think too much about these things technology is a distraction from all of this. We lie to ourselves that everything in this world is possible, in the digital world we create lies about who we are sometimes.

Kids use to love stuff animals but after awhile they begin to put these things aside for technology. Is it because they can't talk and yet you can talk to your computer(the person on the other side) When I look at my stuff animals I think why is it that people can let go of their prized possessions they have when they were little yet it's so hard to let go of technology. Both of us don't think much about getting the newest things in the tech world we're happy with what we have. I don't want to ask for more than I already have, I don't want to be those people that have however many different iPods sitting in behind a glass window and not use them at all. If humans can get old so can technology. Think about all the time you've spent with your old stuff, they've probably been there for you longer than what you have now.

Thanx for commenting on my video and thank you so much for reading.
Hope you enjoy~

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