Monday, October 26, 2009

HW 15 ABCDEF3 Treasure Hunting

Hiii~ Yu Xi

Video games does makes us think on our feet since most of the time we are limited to time/life we have in the game. Unlike in books it gives a set of things to read and how this character would face this problem. Books are second hand experience but games can give you a more real experience since most of the time this world becomes a part of who we are. Even though we begin to tie ourselves with the other world we gain something that would be much harder to have in the real world. We changed after the first time we lose a game finding new ways that we could pass this level and move on to the next and not giving up and wanting to fight on. Television hasn't done much for me since I don't watch it but from other people sometimes it's like becoming one with the characters of the show and we can relate to how they would feel sometimes creating your own fantasy.

Everything bad is good for you is like a weird advertisement telling not kids but the parents that they should allow kids to go on playing but does it really prepare us for the real world. Video games can teach us many things and faster than a teacher does. Experiencing it gives a thought about what we like to do when we grow up. Television shows us all the things people are capable of. If life became only technology would that be better because when we walk out of our homes sometimes we may be one of those kids that get bullied. If school never was here would it be a better life?

I like to learn things at my own pace so watch things and if I'm not ready for them then I just push them aside for later on. Lots of things cause people to get stress and school is one of the many things so if we were kept home with our technology we would be in a way escaping reality. I remember I overheard a 4th grade student talking about things that a 11th grade would be learning I started to wonder how his knowledge was increasing. I found out that many of his friends are older than him and talk about this stuff so he was listening in and understood. Technology just increase the pace of learning since we can just pick one topic we like the most and learn it for the other topics we can spend less time with.

I'm not sure what you should add but I'd like to hear more about how this connects to your life and what would happened if technology does replace school(which I think never will TT.TT) I like the way you went back and quote the book and no mistakes found. Not sure about anything I bad at helping edit stuff.

It's sound like I'm complain a lot and more like this was a reaction to your blog but I don't know what I was thinking about so I hope it helps =.=''

Thank you for reading and sorry for long comments o.o'''

Hiya Jia Min

Watching television is fun but it gives more information than I need sometimes so I watch things like "Detective Conan" which gave me interesting in all this forensic stuff but it also gives me a chance to face all of my fears. From gaming with my brother and sister I've improve some of my researching skill and now I use those skills to help me catch up with all the stuff I'm falling behind in class with.

I think the main point was that when it's placed in front of us we start to realize that we were all escaping the truth. Parents thought all of this was bad for us and yet here we have a guy that think the complete opposite. Maybe people did know that it was making us smarter but even so it doesn't help us.

There's always a pros and cons to everything in this world even this book. If we did stay home all day learning by playing, watching surfer the internet would we get addicted and not want to leave our home. Even though we are learning we still have to see the sky once in awhile for our health. We have to see the daylight an exercise because we can't this out of watching tv, we'll get very fat and even if sitting makes us get use to the numb feeling what if we can't feel our legs anymore it's like we lose our emotions.

I thought your post was very good, not sure what to improve on just a bit of grammar. I thought it would be better if you connected with yourselve because it shows your experience how it effected you and what you could pass on the other people know this. Would you still recommend this is good or bad this for the up coming generation if it does happen.

Your post made me think about how much I missed out on since I didn't really watch much tv, my parents thought it would reveal too much stuff I shouldn't know and aside from that is settings fears in me. I think the same way as them now watching others kids they just take in the information and make fun of it as if everything was a joke. Kids tend to be very ignorant never thinking about how the things they do will effect others around them. Sometimes it better to stand aside and let it happen rather than doing something cause they'll learn something whether it's right or wrong. Mistakes are repititive.

Sorry I'm not sure what I wanted to say but I hope it helps
THank you for reading o.o''

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