Monday, October 19, 2009

Hw13 - Feed B

I would want my work of art to be a mirror rather than a hammer because a hammer can shape items in many ways consider the personalities of the person but a mirror reflects a person's inner self which a hammer can not show. I think feed describes humans as a parasite feeding on the information technology can give us. It is capable of advancing the humans to a more advance state. Thinking of feed as a creation of art, it would seem that most people would want it since they would benefit from it. Most people would think that it isn't necessary to go to school anymore.

I don't really get what went on in feed, all I know was that these kids went on a spring vacation to the moon. One of the kids like this girl name Violet and they spent time at the club. All of a sudden a hacker came and the next thing they knew they were in the hospital. Since they were at the hospital both of them spent time together and he learns that her feed was installed later and how different her life was from theirs. Later on in the we found out that Violet's feed is infected due to the late installation and this may harm her. This just shows that even technology has it's flaw, Violet's dad did not want the feed installed since he didn't believe in such things but later on he asked her to make the decision since everyone was getting one. Violet represents the humanity and the people with the feed represent no actual free will in the world. When her dad gave her the choice to get the feed, that was the transition towards the loss of humanity.

I think his audience is mainly young adults because it shows the simple mistakes that we make. We aren't aware of the things we do, rather than thinking about what will happen after, we decide to act first and think later. Maybe it's just human to be that way so that we by pass the rule of perfection. If this was a film I think people would watch it through without thinking about it as an allegory besides this book was very detail if it was acted out I doubt that people could express the feeling to the fullest potential.

*my brain feels dead so I'll stop writing...erm typing*
Thank you for reading~

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was interesting how you call it "parasite feeding" and how you presented Violet as the humanity in the book. =D It was a cool idea you've came up with from the book.

    I think your points on the book was how technology is taking away our "humanity" like it did to Violet, how technology feeds on us more than we feed on them and how because of our actions are being used first that mistakes happened and then our thoughts/answers comes in after that.

    I agree how if Feed was made into a film, a lot of us would think how stupid the kids were int he film but actually its a mirror of us teenagers. As well as that even though we created the technology, the technology advanced our humanity, our humanity is still going to decline because we're being sucked in by the technology; the technology that we've created are killing us as well.
    (Adding the "E" letter here too) Your insights have sparked me a lot that no one forces us to choose to use the technology. Because we choose it, it can already be a mistake like Violet (or was it her Dad?) that chose to put the feed in her brain. I agree that technology has flaws and we've been carelessly thinking that there are technicians that would help us but actually we need to pay more than the amount of help that we would get from the technicians. Like how it was in the book; Violet and her dad protested on the phone but a point that I saw was, why not just take out the feed? and be a "nature" person instead? But anyways, I think that because we've created this whole digital system, that mostly everybody is using it that we've already lost many of the natural things and the feeling of wanting to be with the wilderness and etc. I believe that the teenagers now have lost a lot of the insights that we should look upon (like the teenagers in Feed) and I wonder when would we realize what's happening to us and the younger generations.

    Well just to say, I thought you could develop on "by pass the rule of perfection" as I don't really understand it much. And also do you think that we are losing our humanity also because unlike a big technology like Feed, we have more smaller technologies but are we being consume (our minds) by the technology?

    Always happy to read your intriguing post. Hope to read more next time~ =D
