Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hw 12 - Feed A

Technology is a copy of human, more advanced in some ways but there are things we are capable of doing that they aren't. As human do we really get to choose a path? If we had the feed installed in us, everything is planned out as if nothing will ever go wrong in your life. With the feed, your like a more advanced technology because you consist of feelings that we believe technology don't. Technology has a limit just like we do except we believe there is something beyond limitations. So even if we were only given two paths to walk, humans have the ability to make a new path, one that others haven't walked before.

I'm typing right now, my mind feels very empty, but when I think about it I can feel something in my mind flowing. Technology have it differently they it's like a set of option of which words to pick from and what to say next. They are program to operate a certain way.

In feed, those kids went to the moon and played around like they had the whole world under them. I agree that we're all ignorant, ignoring others when they warn us about the truth/dangers of life. In both world we all know that technology is dangerous and yet we continue to use it. Another things is that each of us have our own identity just like technology each of them is one of a kind, no two are the same.

Both humans and technology are imperfect, we're filled with flaws. Of course we won't really admit it. I feel like the feed provide them with too much information that ordinary people wouldn't have yet. It's as if we're parasites that's feeding on information. I would not be able to withstand all that knowledge, would you be able to?

A feed is like another world we create within ourselves. We open these door when feel that it's alright to let others in and close them when we need to be alone. We create another fairy tale. If we keep lying to ourselves then what will become of the truth? Can we really live in a world where everything is believe to be perfectly planned out? We wouldn't know what to do if things go wrong, life never goes as you plan them too.

I have no idea what else to right about...I think my brain died off somewhere...

Thank you for reading

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