Sunday, January 24, 2010

HW 37 - Cool Paper Done Draft

How does it feel like know that someone in this world is capable of replacing you? If you were to disappear one day, no one would realize it, maybe they would but not if your existence is no longer in this world. In many books they try to get readers to realize that in this world there are only be one of us and that you are the only you, no can replace us but someone inside of us we have doubt. We create an illusion that one day someone better than you will come along and replace you so we try are best to make sure that person doesn't ever have a chance to do so.

Up on that stage many people walk by and think about the way we act and things we do, we continue to test which possible us do these people like the most and people that person. We crave of attention and approval. We don't want just one person to accepted us, we want more(yes we are very greedy people -.-;;, that's why we are humans -o-). Even though we have everything we want we continue to search for more and constantly change a part of us to fit in with the people around us. The feeling of others trying to replace you, it's painful, the people you trust most leaving you behind for someone else. But the truth is that we are thinking about it too much, other people want to be accepted too, you can't just keep them all to yourself because you'll forget how to walk on your own two feet. Maybe the people you thought that left you really didn't it's just the illusion you created inside of you because you are afraid of them leaving so inside of you there is a negative feeling of wanting to get them back, get back the people that have never left you.

I was watching a detective conan episode where a girl want to fit in with these people and so she pretended to be a rich girl but her friend found out and told her other friends. The girl over heard the conversation and later on ended up killing her friend. She spend so much money for these people she wanted to be friends with and never realized that friends are people that will give and ask for nothing is return. She wasted so much money just to be with them(in debt too) but they were never really friends.

The person we are now may not have started out the way we did, those around us and the things around us have changed and shaped us into who we are now. We feel a need to live with a reason, without a reason we don't know which path to take. Out there in that big world is an audition to see who fits the role best, if you not the one to play this role they kick you off the stage and you'll have to audition for another one, you'll keep trying till you find one. We continue to observe the people around us to find a reason for their actions and they finding a reason for ours. There are many things we don't understand so we watch carefully before making a move, just like a game of chess or GO, if you make the wrong move find a way to turn things around to fit you. People use you for the things your good act or someone just to blame everything on. We are constantly used by others to improve our performance. People who want to be just like others no longer know what they want or are confused about what they are looking for, why be someone else there's nothing you can get out of it and even if there is something you just might end up regretting your decision. You should never want to anyone else other than yourself because it's your life, live how you want to live it and not how others want to live it.

I remember reading about an lady who ruined her face so that she would look just like the owner of the mansion. She was looking for the treasure within the mansion, there were clues left behind but in the end the treasure was not what she excepted it to be. When people think of treasure the first thing that comes up is gold and expensive jewelry but the treasure was the view of a beautiful sunset. Those who have it no longer want it and those who want it are willing to give up anything to get what they want.

There is one thing. If you do this for people, you will go to hell. If you do this for yourself, you will go to heaven. Rich people want this. Poor people have it. If you eat this you will die. What is it?*Nothing*

Everything around us has become an performances, the words you write are no longer the truth, do you think that we can't see it. Behind your words is a sound of laughter while you're thinking we are blind we can see it all. They way you want others to see you, if you're not honest about who you are the words people speak when you're not around will become a knife stabbing you everytime you look away. Why do you think that we can see the you behind that mask, to you the mask is a wall you're hiding behind not wanting them to know who you really are? Why do you think that way? Why did you think that we wouldn't like the person you really are? The reason I'm with you is because you won't hide anything from me, walking down a dark path, you'll hold me hand so that at the end of the path I'll know it's you and not someone else, right? I don't believe that people are really mean and I won't stop believing that, I'm sure that their is kindness in everyone, I just have to wait for those doors to open so I can walk into their world to find it. Even though those doors are open I don't want to push them open, I'm waiting till it's okay with you that I'm entering. I have my ways and you'll have yours, but pushing those doors will only let you see the fake world others see that's why there are so many that won't look at that pain even though they see it, they feel like they have to go through the trouble to open those doors.

What can bring back the dead; make us cry, make us laugh, make us young, born in an instant yet last a life time? *Memories*

When I think about, we say stuff about other people and yet we don't understand them. We say bad things about and don't try, just giving up everytime. It upsets me to hear it, since I'm near them those who don't want to understand and try not to understand, are you pretending to care? I wonder a lot about it and continue to think that I should say something but won't because they won't understand me either. Acceptance and rejection when you say you are one of them, you might not be the one that you think you are. If people completely understood another person then that would be a bad thing in some way so I won't change it. I shouldn't and won't change the things I feel that I shouldn't touch and let things be. I'll do things my own way so that there's is only one of me. I never thought of doing things different from others as something cool rather it's something I enjoy. I can't control what other people think so that they think it's plain or cool. Those who seek attention way acted one way and approval another. Even if I don't want to be something at least one person in this world will think that way of me, I can't stop them from thinking such things, I'll just let them think as they want, same goes for others as well.

I am the riddle of life. Know me and you will know yourself. *DNA*

No one wants to be replaced by other and no matter what is necessary to keep us in the picture, we are capable of doing anything. No one is this world can ever be the same as you, aren't all of our DNA different. That's a part of us that makes us unique but people forget about. I forget many times that there's only one of me, when I forget I would be by myself thinking about how lame and stupid this person is for trying to be someone else they aren't. I want to tell them to give up and move on but I just won't do that since life is suppose to have many obstacles, if I tell them they will only be taking the shortcut and won't learn anything.

HW 36 - Triangle Partner Help

To Yu Xi,
I agree with you that our environment, our culture map shapes to who we are now but there are people who just shut them self in their own world without an explanation and later on open themselves back up tot he world. The people around affect us by staying close to us and leaving us behind, in both ways we feel like we are missing something, want something or no longer want it.

The person we've become is due to the people around us. The role we play we chose it our self no one else chose it for us. Other people see us differently and so we are chosen to help them play their role. When we notice that we are being used by them, should we continue or choose to leave the stage?

Do we like things just because of others or do we like them because it's apart of who we are? Why do we seek for a new culture map, is our old one to difficult for to live in since the standards are different by time?

The person I am at school and at home is the same, a person that will continue to follow the expectations of the time before me while the moment I leave school I must put on my guard in case other people were to come after me again. It's not like I did anything wrong for what I believe rather people come after to pick a fight for me not being one of them.

I enjoyed reading your story, it made me think a lot about other possiblities we have in this world besides the ones set for us, at first I dislike one of the people I know for changing so much even though I know I should feel this way but I don't like the feeling of being replace since it feels like death comes at any moment but reading this made me realize those words I've been told many times. There's only one is this world never a second, only one of you and no one, no matter how good they are can replace you.

Thank you~

Everything around us has become an performances, the words you write are no longer the truth, do you think that we can't see it. Behind your words is a sound of laughter while you're thinking we are blind we can see it all. They way you want others to see you, if you're not honest about who you are the words people speak when you're not around will become a knife stabbing you everytime you look away. Why do you think that we can see the you behind that mask, to you the mask is a wall you're hiding behind not wanting them to know who you really are? Why do you think that way? Why did you think that we wouldn't like the person you really are? The reason I'm with you is because you won't hide anything from me, walking down a dark path, you'll hold me hand so that at the end of the path I'll know it's you and not someone else, right? I don't believe that people are really mean and I won't stop believing that, I'm sure that their is kindness in everyone, I just have to wait for those doors to open so I can walk into their world to find it. Even though those doors are open I don't want to push them open, I'm waiting till it's okay with you that I'm entering. I have my ways and you'll have yours, but pushing those doors will only let you see the fake world others see that's why there are so many that won't look at that pain even though they see it, they feel like they have to go through the trouble to open those doors.

Sorry if I don't make sense but these are my thoughts before reading the next draft, if you don't understand it's alright maybe this was only written for myself or those who need to read it =^-^=

To Maggie,
I agree with you that we continue to seek for attention and approval so that we can fill up that hole inside of us but what are people willing to give up for the things they seek, what are they willing to leave behind or throw away?

The stories we write are reflection of the person we want to be but can't be so we tell this tale to cover up for the type of person we are or can be if you like the person in the story. The things we want to be, the person we wanted to be written in a story to test if others around us will be willing to accept this character before showing it or the becoming character, the character we become because other people like their personality.

The roles we are put into, we continue to test which character would best fit with the people we are with. We act differently depending on the people we are with. We look at the roles other people play and think of one that would fit in with their but not all of us would jump in with a character sometimes we have to do it slowly. What if we walk a path with no name, no history, nothing at all, what will happen then?

How much does it take to satisfy a human? What are we willing to leave behind? The thing you seek, how do you know if it's really yours? Is anything in this world really ever yours?

I really enjoyed reading your cool paper, I think you should write how "cool" has affected. Has your way of thinking about it ever change, how do you see the people around you now that you know more about them and more about yourself? =^-^=

When I think about, we say stuff about other people and yet we don't understand them. We say bad things about and don't try, just giving up everytime. It upsets me to hear it, since I'm near them those who don't want to understand and try not to understand, are you pretending to care? I wonder a lot about it and continue to think that I should say something but won't because they won't understand me either. Acceptance and rejection when you say you are one of them, you might not be the one that you think you are. If people completely understood another person then that would be a bad thing in some way so I won't change it. I shouldn't and won't change the things I feel that I shouldn't touch and let things be. I'll do things my own way so that there's is only one of me. I never thought of doing things different from others as something cool rather it's something I enjoy. I can't control what other people think so that they think it's plain or cool. Those who seek attention way acted one way and approval another. Even if I don't want to be something at least one person in this world will think that way of me, I can't stop them from thinking such things, I'll just let them think as they want, same goes for others as well.

blank text clue:
1.text viewed through a simple marker flashed across by the fleeing mouse tied to the implement

have fun reading =^-^=

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HW 35 - Cool Paper Rough Draft

Nothing in this world ever comes for free. What are you willing to give up for your wish? Wanting to become someone your not in trade we lose who we really are and no longer know ourselves. The life we are giving, the thing you really want is to know who you are, the thing we seek is all for our self, to find our self, the path that lead back to yourself, your true self. Throughout life we tend to forgot who we are, losing our self, we become lost. Searching for our self, who we are, the rest of our life leads us back to that path.

The world, our stage, we continue to preform on it hoping that someone will stop to notice us. Humans long for attention unless they were emotional hurt be their own kind, then they begin to close their doors, when that happened the only thing we can do is support and hope that someone would come and notice the person lock behind those doors. Inside of us there we have a heart, we believe that it's the center of us, the thing that keeps all of our emotions. I think the brain is the illusion of my emotions, the thing that hurts us is the words used be others, they help create an illusion within us, a way of brain control. The things that we feel don't really exist, it's said create by our mind, our needs and wants can also create these feelings as well as the emptiness inside of us. If humans really did come in the three parts soul, spirit, and body, the spirit that ties the body and soul together, the soul which comes to exist without any data and the body, an empty capsule that contains all of the data. The body that is empty and our soul that keeps the body moving and alive we are similar to robots, the only thing different is that we contain emotions.

The characters we create become another possible you that you want to be but this character might not be the true you. We have many reason for creating this character, usually to fit in, to protect, wanting something, giving something, etc. The past continues to exist, without a past there is no future, history is meant to repeat itself. The person we are now may or may not be the really us but we all have reasons. We also have reason to no longer be the person we once were, it's time to move on, there's no turning back, walking straight forward. The path we walk in find ourselves. Every person has their own secret either to share or hide with those around them. Those who need to know will know when the time is right, the rest "need not to know" we believe we can trust show with our secret. The character I chose was to protect and therefore I gave up a part of me, even though there is fear inside of me I still want this character to protect those I care about, I don't want to see others get hurt because of me. When I no longer need this character I throw it away because it just wasn't me but every time I throw it away, those people bring it back. Just wanting the courage and yet don't have it.

Wanting something makes us too predictable, it gives us an opening, a weak point other people will eventually find out about. How long can we keep hiding the person inside of us? We are nothing but an empty shell, inside of us there is only our soul but it feels dark though nothing is there. Walking around in the darkness, there is nothing but an endless space is every direction, a small yet big world inside of us. We want to fill that darkness, looking and continue to look for something a reason that we are living and why we are with the people we are with. We look for those answers hoping to find the truth, the things that people would not normal look for or talk about we look for it when we don't understand why a person is the way they are now.

Watching others wanting to be cool and giving up the person they once were is painful. They are willing to give up so much for the acceptance of another person. Apart of me thinks it's really dumb for people to do such things and makes me wonder if I did the same before hoping that I won't do those things again. I won't do things just because you tell me too, I don't just because your a friend, I don't want to do things for other people, I want to do things because I believe it's right. On facebook, people ask for stuff and I give it to them but if they keep asking and I feel like their is not manner in the way they are speaking I will no longer speak with them. These kid games are too easy to read now, I get bored because I can tell what they want from me and what their aim is, I won't give them what they want. I'll do what I feel like doing, realizing things we become closer to our self and closer to finding out who we really want to be. Life is a path that we continue to walk, we think the path is straight since it's long that we won't notice the curves but in the and we end up back at the starting point again. By then the thing that has changed is that we realize the meaning of our life and what we've been searching for. Maybe being cool or trying to be cool eliminates one of our choices of the person we might be like 2 + 2, we eliminate all the answers it can't be until we only have 4 as an answer.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

HW 34 - The Cool Pose and Various Approaches to Life Rooted in Class, Race, Gender, Age, etc.

Our perspective in this world has been different, we are affected by the people around us, they change us and we do the same to them. Sometimes the things we see are illusions we create inside our own mind. If there is a pattern do we want to see it? Do we need to follow it? Why not make your own that's more unique? Is there a prize for being cool? Many of us aim for perfection, though it's impossible and yet we try not to think this way. We believe that there is always a way for everything, there is a prize but it's something you can't hold or won't hold. The prize is an emotion, different emotions, you may love it or come to hate it. There is a positive and negative side to everything. Like a rose representing love to accept the rose you must also accept the thorns that come with it.

People do think about death and we think about it more when we are closer to death. I think people don't talk about it because it causes sadness thinking about the people around them, those they have lost and don't want to lose. Death is a part of the cycle of life, to never talk about would be a waste, don't you ever wonder what will happen to that soul of yours after your body rots? Death isn't the end it's a new beginning, as long as there is time, if time continues to keep moving than there really isn't an end, just an illusion. The end of a beginning is a new beginning, the beginning is a new ending.

Our world are empty from the beginning, as we grow those around us add things in our world. We watch other people walk around in our world and they leave behind a memory every time. Our world may be clouded and we shut ourselves but some of those may enter and open their world once again. We don't have to follow everything that others plant in our world though they want those things, we may choose to follow or create our own path. Those whose world are fully grown know more than us and try to protect our world from being polluted/contaminated. Being cool is something that other people leave behind, to me it's only something that very interesting but it does not mean that I want it, I would follow it or I'd be with these people because ot that. People don't say what they really mean.

What do we want? What can we get out of all of this? What more are we looking for? What are we searching for? Looking for something to fill that empty glass heart, the emptiness takes away everything you no longer can feel anything, no longer know what your purpose is. When we have it, we may no longer want it, like having coolness may give you attention and that eventually might become too much and it will become something we don't want, regret but we learned.

Doing something different from others, wanting to think more, wanting to know more about our creation. What are we? WE call ourselves humans but others may call us monsters or something else. How did we come to be? There is a story that God created us but how do I know it's true, people have come and plant that thought in my world but the more I look at it, the more I compare it to science, it doesn't fit. Is there a missing piece of the puzzle? I'm always missing something, we know something is missing but don't exactly know what is it. Is there a piece of the truth that humans must never know? There are times where we feel we had done this thing twice or this happened to us before but not sure what it is, we give it the name déjà vu. There are many things that humans can't explain how they know these stuff or can't find a reason why these weird things and we just say it's a coincidence later on forgetting it ever happened.

Everyday I just keep looking around and eventually over hear other people chatting or watch people, it makes me think what will s/he do next? If you keep watching a person carefully, eventually you'll know their next move, that will eventually bore you so you move on to someone else. What do people think about? How does this person really seen me as? They could be saying one thing and in their minds thinking another. So even if they say we are cool, are they really thinking that? Do you know that person enough to know exactly when they are lying and when they are telling the truth? A person understands you enough when you no longer have to speak in order for them to know you want something from them. When you do speak it shows that they don't know so you have to tell them which means the words they speak have been thought about in order to make you feel a certain way. The things I say don't fit the role I play but it makes me want to reach for the truth no matter how disgusting my world may become because it's what fills my emtpy glass heart.

Our glass heart is empty in the beginning and each person comes by filling it with something. When we first open it, it's filled with water and then they fill it up with something, a feeling. Once in awhile someone would come to change the water in the glass and it continues until the glass is closed.

Thank you for reading! =^-^=

Monday, January 11, 2010

-under construction-

Our limit
When we look up, do you see a distance sky or a ceiling closing on you? The one thing, the one person that limits a person is themselves. There is no limit to knowledge, the only person who no longer wants to learn more puts a ceiling over their roof so that nothing can come in. There are those who keep believing that there will always be a way to everything will keep reaching for the sky, hoping that it can take us to a place that normal people would not be able to reach.

A wish
Humans believe that if we wish hard enough, our wish will come true. Is that really true? If you think about this world when does anything comes into your hands for free, people either work hard for it or spend their money to get it. Have you ever made a wish? Was your wish granted? Did things go as you wanted it? What did you lose after your wish was granted? I believe like many other that wishes are like items you buy at a shop, in order for the wish to be granted you must pay a proper/fair price for it. It's also like a contract making a wish you must give up something of equal value for it to be granted, if you don't name the price you are paying you will lose something very important to you.

Life is a endless fairy tale
As kids we were taught to read many books and to keep reading so that we can improve our skills but I stop reading. Everything became just like the books. Comparing the people around you to the characters in the book, how similar are they? Don't people get tired of watching the same things over and over again? I wonder if I was living in someone else fairy tale and I don't really exist, there's only one main character and the rest of us are just there to make the story really. The creator, our creator watching over us and writing our story, our world has intercepted with others. Our books have link together at one point and then we eventually leave. Humans are special, we can enter the world of others to change their future, manipulate them as well. Things become dangerous if humans had the knowledge to do such things.

A Rose
The flower that most people would pick for their love, it's beautiful yet painful. To fall in love you must as well prepare yourself for some pain. Why can't people just pick other flowers instead? In the beginning that rose may be pretty but those who come to touch will cause the petals to fall off. Each time the rose comes back someone new will appear. What if the rose wasn't meant to be touch by others? Maybe the rose doesn't want to be near others in a form where it can only hurt those that it loves. It doesn't want to be heal, it's not strong like other think they are, it just wants to protect the thing that hurts the most just like a person.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

HW 33 - Cool Paper Outline

Thesis: When is a person their true self, observing humans everyday, learning, looking for the real them. The person standing in front of me, is that the person they really want to be?

*People are cool in their own way, just as each person is unique.

*Many of those who look for ways to be cool begin to lose themselves and become unsure about who the real them is.

*The world is a stage, we fit ourselves and others into the roles that best fit then, when things go wrong then we take them off the stage or we can accept them. We live into our little worlds, everyday we open those doors letting people come and go, we change with every meeting

*The emptiness in us cause by the same people who gave us wonderful feelings, we look for something to fill it up again. Not wanting to be swallowed up be the dark hole.

*Following what everyone else is doing is cool, rebelling is also cool, what is not consider cool then? There will always be at least one person in this world that thinks your cool.

*Life is a fairy tale, the story we base our lives off of, even when we try to escape it we are still following that same fairy tale

* From birth people have given us attention, there is always someone watching over us, when we feel that no one is there to watch over us, we feel a need to find something to make us stand out so that they will talk to us again

*The person we put out there to let the audience see who we are and what we are capable of, wanting to be known. More people will talk and think about you, like famous, your name will be like a ring tone that starts a conversation.

*Kids have been a source of money, parents giving us what they couldn't have, spoiling us, hoping that giving us what we want helps us. We go out and buy things that are popular thinking that you would fit in a group with people that have the same clothes as you or more people would look at how awesome your style is.

*Having Style: tattoo, piercing, etc. getting your hands on one of these even though you probably would get in trouble, it's something that makes you the real you and when you show it if to others they will think it's cool or how brave you were to take on this challenge.

Looking for something that is perfect, somewhere near perfection, a character that people would like to be with. Wanting that acceptance, even if it's only for awhile, just wanting a chance, give me a chance to play this part, if I'm not good enough then I'll leave, but I'll keep trying the next time I see an opening. I want to be able to play this part better than what you imagine, so that you can come to accept me as one of you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 32 - Tattoos & The Presentation of the Self

I agree with some of the reason listed of why tattoos would be cool, like the reason of an item expressing one's self and another who one is? The world is our stage we show our audience what we think of the meaning of cool is. "Make it your own" having a style that only you would start out with, choosing what fits you or what you would fit into. Either let the item choose it's owner or you choose what you want to do. Designs on tattoo show what type of person you are just as the others things you wear, way you do things.

Getting a tattoo makes a person stand you a lot just like piercing, our parents tells us not to get these things for our health or others reasons but by getting on they think rebelling against our parents show others that you're cool or brave enough to do things other people wouldn't be able to do. If our parents don't find out at that moment(though they do eventually) it makes it look cool that we are able to get away with things. We choose to do things for ourselves and could care less about others. Many people have gotten tattoo and gotten in trouble and those who care about them usually punish them while us teens are like who cares, not understand that they are just doing this because they care and are worry that if we are able to do things on our own at this age that what else are we capable of doing next(same goes for piercing).

Why bother following a trend, when we follow a trend we throw something away in order to do something new, how much of the old self do we have in us now? What good will it do for you to follow a trend? You may get a lot of attention and stuff but how can you be sure that is what you want? "Those who have it don't want it and those who want it don't have it" both sides we realize something important, those people who have everything don't know what to do with it that they no longer want it anymore, those who want it will continue to do whatever it takes to get what they want forgot who they once were. Humans make mistakes, are you ever willing to make a permanent one? A mistake of your life, do you ever regret it? Do you ever think about what would those who really care about you would think? Think about how much it would effect others before yourself? What are the possible ending for your story? Who are you doing all of this for? Is it for those hi, bye people or for those who really care?

We let our desire get in the way because we don't have everything to begin with so we keep on reaching for this everything, if we had this everything to begin with then we wouldn't know what to do with it and no longer want it. Those poor do not think the rich would understand and those rich think the poor do not understand, there are only a few would take the time to understand how the other feel. How much of our desire will only benefit ourself and no one else? Some of us just lie to ourselves that it's not only for me it's for others to see what I can do. What one can do alone isn't much when you decide things on your own, we should ask others people but not always the people who you know will agree with you but those most capable of making the right decision.

In middle school lots of students would have their ears pierce so that they could wear earrings, people would hang out in groups, things would get annoying walking up the stairs since people would stick together rather then walking correctly up the stairs. Another problem was that the boys and girls were separate among the five staircases, knowing that the girls staircase would be crowd I took another one closest to the one I'm taking even though the boys complain it's better then listening to my classmate telling me about how cute the others boys are,(-.-;;) besides it's a faster way to class. I know my way around school so people tend to follow me(I used to hate that, since they were using me) I remember that same classmate ask me if I was busy after school(I would always ask why to see what's more important) she said she wanted to get her ears pierced, I asked why would you want to do that? Then she gave a speech about wanting to look cute/cool in front of that guy before she ask him to be her boyfriend. I thought that was a waste of time and I couldn't go anyway so she said she would get me one if I went with her and my answer became a definite no. I know I tend to do a lot of things without permission but this is one of the things that I don't want to regret so I left and the next day she came complaining to me about how it swelled up and it's hurting a lot(I'm not a doctor -.-;;) she told me about how her parents got upset and people just get over.
Things happened, we regret it and then get over it or it could leave a scar forever so that we can remember the mistakes other people made and blame on them for making that choice for us.