Monday, November 30, 2009

HW 27 - Informal Research - Interviews and Surveys

Even though we don't want to be cool, not wanting to be cool is cool to others. We see each other differently, our perspective. They will always be at least one person that thinks other is cool, it's like going back to what we said in the digital unit. I'm going to us e the example from class, if I go into a store and see a pair of shoe and I say that's so not cool but the next day I see someone else with them and I rethink about what I said yesterday even thought it doesn't look cool on me doesn't mean it won't look cool on other people(Andrew & Andy).

From the interviews most of the answer were reactions unless they didn't really understand what we were asking the first time. I felt like most people say sorry we don't have time, we're late for class which reminded me that people that come late to class gets a lot of attention, most people have that reaction to sound and door is a common one in school when they come in we look toward the direction of the door and ignored the lesson. It's a fancy entrance to class and even if you come in the ask for anything people would just look in your direction the unwanted/wanted attention is all yours.

Most people we ask say no I don't think I'm cool but is that their honest answer, they could just be putting up a front. I agree that everyone can be cool and that being cool and popular are different things. Cool depends on how we define it, how we see it and want to see it. Cool is something that's idolize in our society, no one would want to be uncool unless they think being uncool is cool one of the people we interviewed said. Being cool is a interesting and positive thing.

If everyone were to wear the something as everyone else long time ago, we would look plain and all the same, this in another example from class. Why do soldier wear the same thing during war? It's so that even when they die it's just another person that died in order to protect their country rather then a specific person who fought. Coolness gives each and every person an identity that's different from others no two are the same. This topic probably originated from someone who wanted something different, another exmaple from class. If everyone were living in this endless fairy tale, who will break free of it. That one person will always be making hte change in everything. All it takes is one person that wants to be different and the idea just spreads until they all want to break free of that cage.

Thank you for reading!

HW 26 - Photos & Questions

(Left to Right) Ruo Ming, Anita, and Glory
::: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
*:: (=' :') : !!!!...................Cool!!!..........

♠Rou Ming
What do you think cool means? =O
lacks in being fun, no fun at all
What part of a person makes them cool? =O
their face, uhh conceited people?
Would you rather try to be a cool person or self you want to be? Why? =O
myself, I feel weird trying to act like someone I'm not
How would you know if people are trying to act cool or just being themselves? =O
if I get to know that person long enough
Name some people you think are cool and what about them makes them cool?
Maggie because she's friggin conceited!

What do you think cool means? =O
I think cool means to me is it something specials and something I find something looks interesting
What part of a person makes them cool? =O
Would you rather try to be a cool person or self you want to be? Why? =O
self u want to be because I don't want to act cool, I just want to be when I think it is cool.
How would you know if people are trying to act cool or just being themselves? =O
on the things they say, or the way they act...
Name some people you think are cool and what about them makes them cool?
Mandy - she say stuff that I am very into it.

What do you think cool means?
Something that stands out…
What characteristics makes a person cool?
uniqueness?...someone who does crazy things that other people won't do.
Do think people would rather be their true self or a person that is cool? Why?
Well I think people would want to be someone who's cool just so that they'll fit in. They'll think it's a way to be liked by everyone else. But personally, I think people would rather be themselves because it takes less effort to be something you are rather than "changing your identity" to being someone who's cool, which not might be actually "you"
How does a person show that they are conforming?
uhh... a person shows that they are conforming when they're somewhere they should be or like they're doing things they USUALLY wouldn't do…like.. you know those people who suddenly change the group of people they hang out with… just to be liked by a greater group of people
If you could be one person in this world who would it be? Why?
umm.. for last question:
I would want to be myself? :P

(She's not gonna give me a picture, so I ask her to pick one.)
What do you think cool means?
Cool is something out of the ordinary, people have a deeper meaning
What characteristics makes a person cool?
Multi-personality, unique, one of a kind, acceptance
Why is it that people throw away their self to be for a cooler person?
To get attention, it's a need without it we feel empty.
How would you know if someone is conforming?
I guess it's when they come in the next day acting all different and realize how much they lost throwing their self away.
Who is someone that you think is cool, would you want to be them? What makes them cool? Why?
Myst is cool but I wouldn't want to be her, it's like the one of a kind thing, you only get one chance to be with her if you don't know her that is. Though she's quiet if you come to accept her you just can hate her anymore. People always judge others, it's a stupid thing to do, sometimes you just have to do what you have to in order to live the life you want. People wouldn't like Myst because of the things she says but that's because we don't take the time to understand her. Just taking to people you learn how unique they are, you can't find anyone else the world like this person that's what I think cool is.

ƸӜƷ I don't want this fairy tale still everyone keeps dying ƸӜƷ

Saturday, November 28, 2009

HW 25 - Story Comments and Analysis

This homework was posted since my computer wasn't working, sorry for the trouble.

Jia Min
In your story what makes a person cool is someone that stands up for other people. She's already the president for the archery club which puts her at the top so what would happen if someone at the lower class were to stir up courage in themselves and protect the kid, how would that have ended?

I felt like this stories is too common but common is what makes it cool to most people since if we were to do something new you would mostly likely say it's not cool unless it's inspiration of something new. If something ever new happens in a fairy tale people would dislike it since it's different, disrupted the flow of the story.

Yu Xi
Cool in this stories is like someone who can inspire you to keep moving forward. Guys have their way of cool just like the mangas there's the relax vs hot head, understanding vs saying whatever is on their mind. There's so many combination authors how use and yet they all come to one ending, a fairy tale.

We live in an endless fairy tale, when we think we've grown up we didn't because that fairy tale still exist in us. Inspiration is how I would define cool as well, it's something to admire, we inspire others to keep moving on without noticing. The fairy continues to revolve around us, what if one breaks free from this cage?

Your story is about a girl who's not liking the attention she's giving since it's the wrong reason. When she stood up for that other girl something inside of her change, she doesn't have to buy expensive things to make her look cool, sometimes being cool is being yourself, the person you want to be deep down.

The coolest person is you, yourself not having to want to be like someone else. We do what we like to make it work for us. After reading the first two stories it felt like the ending of this stories is ruined for me since every fairy tale has a predictable ending. It's not that people are physic like we think they are I think it's because they are closer to the truth. They have already realized this and understand this. Who will break free of this cage is also a fairy tale, hen what isn't a fairy tale?

This story get right to the point, she stand out in class and doesn't give others what they want when they ask for attention, sort of like a cold shoulder. She doesn't need popularity to be cool, she's like the lonewolf kind. Your story was very descriptive it's like watching it while I read(imagine you as that girl). =p

This story stands out from the others since she's just doing what she likes, it doesn't seem to bother her that other people are looking at her or talking about her, she just ignores them. We tend to see this kind of school in the beginning of the school year and then later they are bound to open up to us.

Your character of cool seem to be very relaxed and wanting to stay cool it looks like she has to sacfrice her time since you mention about the busy night. When the teacher said cool as in you didn't do your homework but you can do this or cool to how much she understood the question/answer. She stand out in class and seems to be popular.

Most people try to be cool and find it that they don't know who they are anymore, while others are seem as cool and don't really have a choice. If a fairy tale continues to live even after we are reborn why can't each fairy be diderent from the last, most people don't get bored of the same story over and over again but I do sometimes. How can we escape the fairy tale if escaping it is making a new one?

Thank you for reading!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hw 24 - Short Story 1

I remember waiting in line for after school, it was freezing watching people jump up and down to warm up and others causing friction in their hands. This guy came and cut in line with his friend giving him a spot, I never saw him in the school before but I knew that we did go to the same school the next day. My friends didn't like him since he was different and skipped the line but they did the same, I just didn't say anything against them(I wish I did though, asian should stand up for each other) but he just didn't care what they said and ignored it. Inside the cafeteria we would usually sit in the corner but this time we saw him sitting one table away from us. I know that's where they usually sit but like usual he didn't mind what they were saying. I've wanted to be like that, then I wouldn't have to be with these girls that play cool and not get good grades. The format of the school was easy to remember most of my classmates create this line behind me which gets annoying so i run through every staircase till I lose them and get to class right on time, it was fun since it's their punishment for being so mean and yet ask for help. I would help it's just I know they will continue this war if I did help them. They hated my kind and I had no idea why but this is my way of fighting back. I'm a delinquent behind the teacher when I have to be(but that side of me has been casted away and now people are telling me they see my twin, very weird). When those same people go to pick on him, he has this gang that follow him and they show their pride that we shouldn't be afraid of them.

We're all human, he and I were fighting for the same thing but I didn't think it's fair that he got in trouble and I didn't. I took my anger out on them when we had a game in math class, it was a game of 24 with poker cards, this did make it worst for me though. When a team gets the answer everyone in the group has to raise their hand, I was too angry to care about a stupid game so when my table got answer everyone but me raise their hand and they kept yelling at me, all the fear inside was gone by the rage that covered it. The teacher moved on after 5 minutes of yelling of students yelling at me, I was thinking why should I care when it's just a game not your life. They gave their answer and after awhile I raise my hand to prove them wrong, they started to say weird things like she didn't even know what our answer was how could she know it's wrong.

When I entered this school I was hoping for something more different then the life given to me in the school before, I never knew about transferring. I didn't understand why asian would fight asian even though we are the same kind, I just think it's plain stupid. Every morning I would watch that guy fight back with confidence that we should have pride in who we are. Thinking about those words just made me feel better everyday, until one day the dean came down to get him and after that he was never seen again, we would check the area he would go to. Everyone knew those boys were the real problem not him. I hated the dean for taking away someone that helped defend the right people.

More trouble came I remember being at a park with my sister telling her how I wanted that dream not to be hers anymore because it was something I wanted I didn't want her to get hurt anymore. After he left, I find light and left the group of girl thinking what's wrong with me, more people started picking on the people I was with, my real friend that have always been there I was just blind by all that anger. Realizing this wasn't good enough I still needed a solution but then I saw four of the girls in my school. I was wishing this would just go away I'm tired of this I want my normal life back where there was only a cage that negative emotions could never touch. Those girls got closer and wouldn't leave us alone. When people pick on those I care about most I forget who I am and inside of me filled with emotional strength that continues to fight( in the wrong way T3T) it wasn't wrong of me that's what I'll always believe, I threw the swings at that girl she dodge but I got her by the neck I told her to stop or else I would kill her and she tried to grab my neck. I remember how scared my sister was when she saw the person standing before her and said that I wasn't me. When I woke up from the rage I told them to shut up and left leaving fear. That park always felt safe whenever I look up it felt like someone was protecting us because I don't think that was me.

I just wished that he would come back because it's unfair to have a girl fighting all by herself against a class of holding volleyballs ready to hit me. I just wished it didn't have to be like that. I'm tired of remembering these things, I don't want to go back anymore. Always hoping for that light I threw away a side of protection now I can't save her anymore.

Sorry if this is a sad story but thank you for reading(don't read it the wrong way I don't want to write this again T.T)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What I think about "Cool"

We all have our own ways of defining the word cool, to me cool is like my own style or the style I just like. A cool person is define as somewhat cold, usually pleasantly so or someone that stays calm or not showing emotions, especially nervousness or fear. But it doesn't always have to define in these ways that's just the dictionary definition, in a way cool is also being free like doing things without having people telling do and doing things because you like it not because others tell you too.

I've been told many times by others that I'm not cool and since I don't conform with other people and how they dress. But I don't really want to dress so that I can fit in because that wouldn't be me, it's better not to categorize people.

I remember how people got pick on in middle school if they weren't cool or not the right type of people. I thought it was really ridiculous, it's not fair that we can't live a normal life and learn like a normal student just because we're different. I was once very delinquent because I wanted to protect those I care about and what I believe, I don't want to give up no matter what I had to do in exchange I was willing as long as they're safe that's all I cared most about. I can't help but love and hate school at the same time. I love helping and learning but I hate those kids that never think about how any of this can cause a huge scar inside us. If only those kids could see the truth. I really dislike how I was left behind and used since I didn't fit in the category as cool. I didn't care I did cause a lot of trouble for them but good thing not for the teacher I still have to learn =P

Though this experience did hurt and left many things behind that I can't get rid of, I'm glad that they're safe. I never wanted this to effect my siblings and friends but it made me realize how weak I was and how I never fight back even if someone were to kill me. I look back at these memories and think look how stupid I was, look at all those uncool things I did and laugh it off.

I just get so tired of it all, I wish it would just end but I know it never fill but I don't want to keep fighting. I want people to live normally without thinking about what makes us better than others. I don't really care if it's cool or not. It's just me, my style doesn't matter if others do the same, I'm just glad you like it.

Thank you for reading~

HW 22 - Final Draft & Writing Tips

I'm not sure what else to add so I'm just going to leave it as it is for now though O-o''

Technology has given us a step further in the future, without it where would we be behind with everyone else trying their best to advance. People feel that there's so much to do yet not enough hours in a day to finish it all and we can't do it the next day. Having so much to do we can't always give attention to kids so technology is a distraction to keep them clam rather than causing more trouble for the parents. Not all parents know English or can teach us how to do our homework like a teacher teaches class, technology helps us with this as well. They have an online teacher/ librarian that can answer most of your questions without fee required. Technology changes our lives, even if there are only 24 hours in a day now we can finish most of the things we need to do while kids are receiving more help than we can give them. Parents won't always be there for us it's a sad truth but we need to learn to move on with our lives and learn to face them, technology prepares us for this.

Technology is big bulletin board with all these advertisement on it. With it we find something that we feel that only we can do or we find a path that we want to walk. It gives us an interest in what we want to do when we grow up. Giving us a little dream to hold on to and something to believe in and a purpose in life. Even though it's not real it gives us something to do before having to face the truth and learning to understand the world outside of our homes. When you go on the internet most of the time you see all of these ads or they pop up so that you can't miss. It's like an idea that just pops up in your mind out of nowhere and you say you want to be a super hero, doctor, police, etc. It's like the making sure we have a reason to live so that we can keep moving forward even at the times we feel like we can't move forward we depend technology to give us the strength to keep moving. Our parents are probably busying working so that we can live in a place and we can't always ask them for help because we're bothering them since they are doing something more important for the family. We can't always talk to our friends about stuff, so we would go online talk to people to make it all better. Technology isn't always bad it helps us when we need someone to talk to most and we can't always get attention from our parents, we can't always have someone to inspire us in what we want to do when we grow up.

Gaming helps improve our skills. Gaming is a way to test our minds, it's like living in the story. We live two different lives one which is reality, the digital world forces us to face things we wouldn't be able to experience in real life. It gives us to think of our feet and that moment what would we do, it's like practicing for the world out there. So when we see these things again we won't be a afraid because we've face this before. Many of us kids hate having to go through all the combinations of how to open locks or cheats on a game so we search it up. this helps improve our skills in researching because in school when we need to right a paper we can look things it helps us a lot if we miss class since we got sick we could look up how to do the homework. It's better than bother your friends that might be asleep. Video games, he points out, cannot be directly compared to books in terms of the types of intelligence they encourage. Video games, according to Johnson, are valuable because they force players to make choices, solve problems, keep track of varied situations and in some cases cooperate with others. We can't do everything by ourselves we need help to learn new things and find new ways of doing things to make it easier on ourselves it's not like we would spend a week on one problem we have to move on with it and come back to it later when we understand a bit more. Not only is gaming use to help improve researching skills, it can also help you practice what you want to do when you grow you, like doctors they probably have to be good with talking with people and be very patient. Technology has only help us it does give an experience on how to stand up to bullies making us want to get stronger.

Do your parents yell at you for talking on the phone for too long? I don't talk on the phone much but I see this one television when I turn on it. Well now we have aim, aol, tweeter, facebook, etc. we can talk through the internet making it easier. We don't have to worry so much about our phone bills and aside from that we can meet new people so study more about people from other countries and how they live it. We've never been limit to how many people we can meet and how many things we can learn the more friend the better. The world has always been big but we've create a smaller world using the net to help us make it easier to face life, we're not alone anymore. Technology has made it easier for us to talk to our friend, love ones, stranger, etc. interacting isn't always a bad thing we just have to make sure we don't let too much information out. Technology gives us many choice on how to live our lives as we want also give us/ preparing us for what we need to walk out into the real world.

Many people say that games are bad, internet is bad for us, we spend too much time on these things. We're missing out on the things that outside world has to give us, but would you rather have you child be at home or outside where you have no idea what they could be doing, no idea what they are learning, who they are with. I know I would get worried if My sister doesn't come home and he wrong time, if my brother doesn't come home I would go look for them but if technology was there I don't have to worry as much. Even if they can't get away from the computer screen I can get them to learn stuff, it’s the same as dealing with little kids giving them something and they'll do what you want them too. Technology and us are like puppets someone is always at the top getting us to do something just like in feed where to hacker hacked them they were being used for something that will benefit others. In wall-e it shows how people were getting fat by sitting there all day and talking to a screen they were safe by couldn't protect themselves if anything were to happen.

Even though we say and think technology is bad we still use it. We use it since it make life a lot easier. It's the same as not having to building a fire to cook our food rather just turning the stove on to cook our food. We don't have to ring the town bell to tell people there's going to be a meeting you can just call people with the phone and let them know. It's help the people of the older time a lot even though they have to adapt to it. I wonder what did people back then do to make their day pass by faster because now we have technology even though we know it's bad for our eyes to stare at the screen all day. We can't deny that it's something that we need even at my internship place we depend on computers so much to organize all of our work and make it easier so that we don't have to file everything.

Technology just makes everything easier for us without we don't really know how to do things anymore since all of the old stuff is in the pass. We depend on it too much to let go of it, there was a time where we had a black out in the city I wonder how people had to live during the three days. Technology can fail us just like humans not is made for perfection everything has a flaw so even if I do argue that technology is good others may say that it's bad. Others may say that technology has only made people lazier I do agree with that but I believe it has helped us more than harming us. Many people who close themselves from the outside world tend to find others way to interact with people. Technology prepares us to face real life experience later on just as school does but school does give enough of what we need to learn. This just what I like since we all live different lives we experience things differently as well as depending on it technology in different ways.
Thank you for reading and sorry for all the trouble

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hw 21 - Art Project 1

Art are piece of art creating a shadow behind the true meaning of each word. For this project I want these words to show a piece of art work that you won't really find in a picture.

the "truth"

put bluntly, we all know the truth
we may not know all of it but most of us can see the ending

some of do not accept it; thus, it is hidden
some of us accept it; eternal peace is achieved
some of us do not seem to accept it--
some of us do but with plenty complaints.

if you seek the truth, you are merely wasting your time;
look around and you will realize it's been all around--
all along.

the "truth" is never far, it is always near
the "truth" is sometimes ugly, sometimes beautiful
the "truth"-- all together, it is difficult to hide and yet, hard to find.

do you want to believe in the "truth" in which you learn?
when you realize the truth does not favor your side,
what will you come to think of it?
will you... blame truth?
will you... decide to find a way to use the truth to aid you?

true "happiness"
can be obtained once we realize and accept
put bluntly, we know all the answers
we may not know it but we eventually come to hate the "truth."


pieces of literature reflect our souls, mind, spirit.
the personality that is not shown to anyone...
is shown through thoughts and arts.
you cannot hide it,
your destiny can be changed
but your reflection cannot.
reflection awaits us at the end of fate.
destinies combine to create a greater force, fate.
as do puzzles form to depict a picture, a reflection that will not change.
reflection involves fate, fate involves reflection.
reflection can be a truth thrown under bed sheets.
once one flies over to reveal it, conflict occurs.
conflicts are easily solved more if they are visible.
reflections do not turn invisible.
the reflection is your deepest secret.
your "secret".
"my, your, our..."

I read through these and thought that they show a deeper imagine that a normal picture would, her poems are shaped oddly it makes me wonder why it was formatted that way.(they way I'm posting it won't be shape the same way so maybe you have to go on her blog to me) Was it just the feeling she had while writing the poem? I like all of the poems but these two stood out for digitalization to me there was a great connection.

This piece of art to me is still a mirror, art to me has always been a mirror reflecting the inner truth that we can't escape. I never thought of art as a hammer since even though a hammer may or may not shape things it's like a weapon to test what this person would do with it and how the person would use it. Though we say that we can hide our feelings but how long can we hold back till that shadow in us appear, no one is perfect there's always some kind of flaw that makes us human. Our reflection, the other you knows how we feel because what can you hide from yourself, nothing. How much longer do we want to keep ourselves safe from the truth eventually you'll have to face it.

Myst puts a lot of feelings into her writing, it shows that she's been through a lot. If a person that live a happy life read it, I'm guessing they wouldn't have the same reaction as me, when I read it, it made me feel really sad and a hate towards humans. People tends to put themselves before others. That's why the digital world is our path to escaping this, a truth that people avoid seeing. In each world there will always be people of the ying and yang so that there's never peace or perfection. Perfection is only a dream that we try to touch but can never reach it. That's why we should never put 100% of what we have in the things we do sometimes because we know it hurts so we try to escape that same pain by giving less each time.

This isn't my art but I can connect our experiences, I did talk to myst and we have a lot of similar experiences. Betrayal is very painful, watching others walk away and leaving you behind isn't something we like. Art is a a way to expressing ones self not everyone can understand it but art does have feelings. There are many things that words just can't say for us, so we present it in an artistic way.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

HW 20 - Big Paper Revised Draft

Technology has given us a step further in the future, without it where would we be behind with everyone else trying their best to advance. People feel that there's so much to do yet not enough hours in a day to finish it all and we can't do it the next day. Having so much to do we can't always give attention to kids so technology is a distraction to keep them clam rather than causing more trouble for the parents. Not all parents know English or can teach us how to do our homework like a teacher teaches class, technology helps us with this as well. They have an online teacher/ librarian that can answer most of your questions without fee required. Technology changes our lives, even if there are only 24 hours in a day now we can finish most of the things we need to do while kids are receiving more help than we can give them. Parents won't always be there for us it's a sad truth but we need to learn to move on with our lives and learn to face them, technology prepares us for this.

Technology is big bulletin board with all these advertisement on it. With it we find something that we feel that only we can do or we find a path that we want to walk. It gives us an interest in what we want to do when we grow up. Giving us a little dream to hold on to and something to believe in and a purpose in life. Even though it's not real it gives us something to do before having to face the truth and learning to understand the world outside of our homes. When you go on the internet most of the time you see all of these ads or they pop up so that you can't miss. It's like an idea that just pops up in your mind out of nowhere and you say you want to be a super hero, doctor, police, etc. It's like the making sure we have a reason to live so that we can keep moving forward even at the times we feel like we can't move forward we depend technology to give us the strength to keep moving. Our parents are probably busying working so that we can live in a place and we can't always ask them for help because we're bothering them since they are doing something more important for the family. We can't always talk to our friends about stuff, so we would go online talk to people to make it all better. Technology isn't always bad it helps us when we need someone to talk to most and we can't always get attention from our parents, we can't always have someone to inspire us in what we want to do when we grow up.

Gaming helps improve our skills. Gaming is a way to test our minds, it's like living in the story. We live two different lives one which is reality, the digital world forces us to face things we wouldn't be able to experience in real life. It gives us to think of our feet and that moment what would we do, it's like practicing for the world out there. So when we see these things again we won't be a afraid because we've face this before. Many of us kids hate having to go through all the combinations of how to open locks or cheats on a game so we search it up. this helps improve our skills in researching because in school when we need to right a paper we can look things it helps us a lot if we miss class since we got sick we could look up how to do the homework. It's better than bother your friends that might be asleep. Video games, he points out, cannot be directly compared to books in terms of the types of intelligence they encourage. Video games, according to Johnson, are valuable because they force players to make choices, solve problems, keep track of varied situations and in some cases cooperate with others. We can't do everything by ourselves we need help to learn new things and find new ways of doing things to make it easier on ourselves it's not like we would spend a week on one problem we have to move on with it and come back to it later when we understand a bit more. Not only is gaming use to help improve researching skills, it can also help you practice what you want to do when you grow you, like doctors they probably have to be good with talking with people and be very patient. Technology has only help us it does give an experience on how to stand up to bullies making us want to get stronger.

Do your parents yell at you for talking on the phone for too long? I don't talk on the phone much but I see this one television when I turn on it. Well now we have aim, aol, tweeter, facebook, etc. we can talk through the internet making it easier. We don't have to worry so much about our phone bills and aside from that we can meet new people so study more about people from other countries and how they live it. We've never been limit to how many people we can meet and how many things we can learn the more friend the better. The world has always been big but we've create a smaller world using the net to help us make it easier to face life, we're not alone anymore. Technology has made it easier for us to talk to our friend, love ones, stranger, etc. interacting isn't always a bad thing we just have to make sure we don't let too much information out. Technology gives us many choice on how to live our lives as we want also give us/ preparing us for what we need to walk out into the real world.

Many people say that games are bad, internet is bad for us, we spend too much time on these things. We're missing out on the things that outside world has to give us, but would you rather have you child be at home or outside where you have no idea what they could be doing, no idea what they are learning, who they are with. I know I would get worried if My sister doesn't come home and he wrong time, if my brother doesn't come home I would go look for them but if technology was there I don't have to worry as much. Even if they can't get away from the computer screen I can get them to learn stuff, it’s the same as dealing with little kids giving them something and they'll do what you want them too. Technology and us are like puppets someone is always at the top getting us to do something just like in feed where to hacker hacked them they were being used for something that will benefit others. In wall-e it shows how people were getting fat by sitting there all day and talking to a screen they were safe by couldn't protect themselves if anything were to happen.

Even though we say and think technology is bad we still use it. We use it since it make life a lot easier. It's the same as not having to building a fire to cook our food rather just turning the stove on to cook our food. We don't have to ring the town bell to tell people there's going to be a meeting you can just call people with the phone and let them know. It's help the people of the older time a lot even though they have to adapt to it. I wonder what did people back then do to make their day pass by faster because now we have technology even though we know it's bad for our eyes to stare at the screen all day. We can't deny that it's something that we need even at my internship place we depend on computers so much to organize all of our work and make it easier so that we don't have to file everything.

Technology just makes everything easier for us without we don't really know how to do things anymore since all of the old stuff is in the pass. We depend on it too much to let go of it, there was a time where we had a black out in the city I wonder how people had to live during the three days. Technology can fail us just like humans not is made for perfection everything has a flaw so even if I do argue that technology is good others may say that it's bad. Others may say that technology has only made people lazier I do agree with that but I believe it has helped us more than harming us. Many people who close themselves from the outside world tend to find others way to interact with people. Technology prepares us to face real life experience later on just as school does but school does give enough of what we need to learn. This just what I like since we all live different lives we experience things differently as well as depending on it technology in different ways.
Thank you for reading and sorry for all the trouble

Thursday, November 5, 2009

HW 18 - Big Paper 1 Rough Draft

Game start!

I've always been with my technology because having technology betraying you isn't as much pain as your best friend doing the same. I never had much interest in changing who I was I just followed everything at my own pace so I never talked to anyone else since I was the odd one out. Technology helped me escape all of this without it I wouldn't have been able to understand why a person would act the way they do. I used technology as an open test experiment watching carefully why people act the way they do. They never asked so I don't say a thing. Questions like why can't you trust us? and why aren't you telling us anything? Why should I trust? Why should I tell you anything when I know the answers your going to give me? Spending time with technology many of the things people do become so predictable, it gets boring. I'm like a little kid playing a game over and over again looking for something new that I haven't found yet.

Technology is big bulletin board with all these advertisement on it. With it we find something that we feel that only we can do or we find a path that we want to walk. It gives us an interest in what we want to do when we grow up. Giving us a little dream to hold on to and something to believe in and a purpose in life. Even though it's not real it gives us something to do before having to face the truth and learning to understand the world outside of our homes.

Gaming helps improve our skills. Gaming is a way to test our minds, it's like living in the story. We live two different lives one which is reality, the digital world forces us to face things we wouldn't be able to experience in real life. It gives us to think of our feet and that moment what would we do, it's like practicing for the world out there. So when we see these things again we won't be a afraid because we've face this before. Many of us kids hate having to go through all the combinations of how to open locks or cheats on a game so we search it up. this helps improve our skills in reasearching because in school when we need to right a paper we can look things it helps us a lot if we miss class since we got sick we could look up how to do the homework. It's better than bother your friends that might be asleep.

Do your parents yell at you for talking on the phone for too long? I don't talk on the phone much but I see this one television when I turn on it. Well now we have aim, aol, tweeter, facebook, etc. we can talk through the internet making it easier. We don't have to worry so much about our phone bills and aside from that we ccan meet new people so study more about people from other countries and how they live it. We've never been limit to how many people we can meet and how many things we can learn the more friend the better. The world has always been big but we've create a smaller world using the net to help us make it easier to face life, we're not alone anymore.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hw 17 - Outline Suggestions

you have a great start by backing up your arguments with evidence. You did a job with quoting people from class. I don't know you can improve it though. Technology has always been helpful to us so I can't see it in a bad way. I think you could probably write about what technology did for you and how it effect your life. Has reality fill up that emptiness in us more than technology did. Technology is a copy off us human beings except more advance that's why we become so attach to them. Technology has helped more people than hurt them. It's a big world out there not many people we can trust. I watch people trying to live a life of a fairy tale because they want it that way human have to aspect something new. It's boring when we have to watch the same story over and over again. One day if we lose interest in it's probably because we live a fairy tale ourselves. I don't know how it can be improve, you might have to ask someone else I see things differently.

-brain stopped working might need a new one-

Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW 16 - Big Paper 1 Outline

Game start!

I've always been with my technology because having technology betraying you isn't as much pain as your best friend doing the same. I never had much interest in changing who I was I just followed everything at my own pace so I never talked to anyone else since I was the odd one out. Technology helped me escape all of this without it I wouldn't have been able to understand why a person would act the way they do. I used technology as an open test experiment watching carefully why people act the way they do. They never asked so I don't say a thing. Questions like why can't you trust us? and why aren't you telling us anything? Why should I trust? Why should I tell you anything when I know the answers your going to give me? Spending time with technology many of the things people do become so predictable, it gets boring. I'm like a little kid playing a game over and over again looking for something new that I haven't found yet.

I'm always behind in understanding what's going on in class so when I come home rather than asking people all the time(I'm just bothering them)I look things up on my own if I can't find an answer I'd rather give up and move on. I don't like it if I were to stay in a place for too long like people they eventually move on from one place to other. People are forever changing moving from one world to other(child to teen to adult). It's sad to watch them move on like that but I'm glad for them sometimes if in a good way if not I'd watch their mistakes till I can see a change. Aside from technology test trying to get people to move from one place to another I can do that in reality too. People sometimes feel stuck and can't move on with their life giving up or lost. I use the stuff I learn about humans to help them move on, if they can't move on I'll stay until they see the light because I don't want that sadness to be lingering around them anymore. That's way I've been doing my whole life a never changing thing I enjoy doing. Technology has help me realized that I loved helping people in that way.

Technology made me realized that I was very different from other people creating an impossible personality. I wished to keep this pure gift in this planet no matter how much it may hurt or how people would hate me. I believe we all started out the same way just that we got inflicted by different things around us. I have no memories of my past and keep on losing memories(I think I got hit in the head too many times =3=) I spend time behind a computer because even if I were to forget so many things it wouldn't hurt as much if I did spend time with my friends and forgot I don't want to see it rain. I know life is painful so I just choose this way to lived it. Even though all of this technology may advance you generation what would we get out of it, little kids starting to go to work? I haven't watch t.v at home but too me it's just a form of entertainment that gives little kids too much information, I don't enjoy hearing about a 9 year old kid knowing why people would smoking, drugs, alcohol, etc. I don't think they are ready for all that information because it's just too much for them to handle and they wouldn't really understand all that nonsense. I mean it takes us many years to understand all of this and giving that much to a little kid might explode their brain out o.o''

I think I went to deep -decides to stop- O.O'''
Thank you for reading?...