Sunday, November 15, 2009

HW 22 - Final Draft & Writing Tips

I'm not sure what else to add so I'm just going to leave it as it is for now though O-o''

Technology has given us a step further in the future, without it where would we be behind with everyone else trying their best to advance. People feel that there's so much to do yet not enough hours in a day to finish it all and we can't do it the next day. Having so much to do we can't always give attention to kids so technology is a distraction to keep them clam rather than causing more trouble for the parents. Not all parents know English or can teach us how to do our homework like a teacher teaches class, technology helps us with this as well. They have an online teacher/ librarian that can answer most of your questions without fee required. Technology changes our lives, even if there are only 24 hours in a day now we can finish most of the things we need to do while kids are receiving more help than we can give them. Parents won't always be there for us it's a sad truth but we need to learn to move on with our lives and learn to face them, technology prepares us for this.

Technology is big bulletin board with all these advertisement on it. With it we find something that we feel that only we can do or we find a path that we want to walk. It gives us an interest in what we want to do when we grow up. Giving us a little dream to hold on to and something to believe in and a purpose in life. Even though it's not real it gives us something to do before having to face the truth and learning to understand the world outside of our homes. When you go on the internet most of the time you see all of these ads or they pop up so that you can't miss. It's like an idea that just pops up in your mind out of nowhere and you say you want to be a super hero, doctor, police, etc. It's like the making sure we have a reason to live so that we can keep moving forward even at the times we feel like we can't move forward we depend technology to give us the strength to keep moving. Our parents are probably busying working so that we can live in a place and we can't always ask them for help because we're bothering them since they are doing something more important for the family. We can't always talk to our friends about stuff, so we would go online talk to people to make it all better. Technology isn't always bad it helps us when we need someone to talk to most and we can't always get attention from our parents, we can't always have someone to inspire us in what we want to do when we grow up.

Gaming helps improve our skills. Gaming is a way to test our minds, it's like living in the story. We live two different lives one which is reality, the digital world forces us to face things we wouldn't be able to experience in real life. It gives us to think of our feet and that moment what would we do, it's like practicing for the world out there. So when we see these things again we won't be a afraid because we've face this before. Many of us kids hate having to go through all the combinations of how to open locks or cheats on a game so we search it up. this helps improve our skills in researching because in school when we need to right a paper we can look things it helps us a lot if we miss class since we got sick we could look up how to do the homework. It's better than bother your friends that might be asleep. Video games, he points out, cannot be directly compared to books in terms of the types of intelligence they encourage. Video games, according to Johnson, are valuable because they force players to make choices, solve problems, keep track of varied situations and in some cases cooperate with others. We can't do everything by ourselves we need help to learn new things and find new ways of doing things to make it easier on ourselves it's not like we would spend a week on one problem we have to move on with it and come back to it later when we understand a bit more. Not only is gaming use to help improve researching skills, it can also help you practice what you want to do when you grow you, like doctors they probably have to be good with talking with people and be very patient. Technology has only help us it does give an experience on how to stand up to bullies making us want to get stronger.

Do your parents yell at you for talking on the phone for too long? I don't talk on the phone much but I see this one television when I turn on it. Well now we have aim, aol, tweeter, facebook, etc. we can talk through the internet making it easier. We don't have to worry so much about our phone bills and aside from that we can meet new people so study more about people from other countries and how they live it. We've never been limit to how many people we can meet and how many things we can learn the more friend the better. The world has always been big but we've create a smaller world using the net to help us make it easier to face life, we're not alone anymore. Technology has made it easier for us to talk to our friend, love ones, stranger, etc. interacting isn't always a bad thing we just have to make sure we don't let too much information out. Technology gives us many choice on how to live our lives as we want also give us/ preparing us for what we need to walk out into the real world.

Many people say that games are bad, internet is bad for us, we spend too much time on these things. We're missing out on the things that outside world has to give us, but would you rather have you child be at home or outside where you have no idea what they could be doing, no idea what they are learning, who they are with. I know I would get worried if My sister doesn't come home and he wrong time, if my brother doesn't come home I would go look for them but if technology was there I don't have to worry as much. Even if they can't get away from the computer screen I can get them to learn stuff, it’s the same as dealing with little kids giving them something and they'll do what you want them too. Technology and us are like puppets someone is always at the top getting us to do something just like in feed where to hacker hacked them they were being used for something that will benefit others. In wall-e it shows how people were getting fat by sitting there all day and talking to a screen they were safe by couldn't protect themselves if anything were to happen.

Even though we say and think technology is bad we still use it. We use it since it make life a lot easier. It's the same as not having to building a fire to cook our food rather just turning the stove on to cook our food. We don't have to ring the town bell to tell people there's going to be a meeting you can just call people with the phone and let them know. It's help the people of the older time a lot even though they have to adapt to it. I wonder what did people back then do to make their day pass by faster because now we have technology even though we know it's bad for our eyes to stare at the screen all day. We can't deny that it's something that we need even at my internship place we depend on computers so much to organize all of our work and make it easier so that we don't have to file everything.

Technology just makes everything easier for us without we don't really know how to do things anymore since all of the old stuff is in the pass. We depend on it too much to let go of it, there was a time where we had a black out in the city I wonder how people had to live during the three days. Technology can fail us just like humans not is made for perfection everything has a flaw so even if I do argue that technology is good others may say that it's bad. Others may say that technology has only made people lazier I do agree with that but I believe it has helped us more than harming us. Many people who close themselves from the outside world tend to find others way to interact with people. Technology prepares us to face real life experience later on just as school does but school does give enough of what we need to learn. This just what I like since we all live different lives we experience things differently as well as depending on it technology in different ways.
Thank you for reading and sorry for all the trouble

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