Monday, November 30, 2009

HW 27 - Informal Research - Interviews and Surveys

Even though we don't want to be cool, not wanting to be cool is cool to others. We see each other differently, our perspective. They will always be at least one person that thinks other is cool, it's like going back to what we said in the digital unit. I'm going to us e the example from class, if I go into a store and see a pair of shoe and I say that's so not cool but the next day I see someone else with them and I rethink about what I said yesterday even thought it doesn't look cool on me doesn't mean it won't look cool on other people(Andrew & Andy).

From the interviews most of the answer were reactions unless they didn't really understand what we were asking the first time. I felt like most people say sorry we don't have time, we're late for class which reminded me that people that come late to class gets a lot of attention, most people have that reaction to sound and door is a common one in school when they come in we look toward the direction of the door and ignored the lesson. It's a fancy entrance to class and even if you come in the ask for anything people would just look in your direction the unwanted/wanted attention is all yours.

Most people we ask say no I don't think I'm cool but is that their honest answer, they could just be putting up a front. I agree that everyone can be cool and that being cool and popular are different things. Cool depends on how we define it, how we see it and want to see it. Cool is something that's idolize in our society, no one would want to be uncool unless they think being uncool is cool one of the people we interviewed said. Being cool is a interesting and positive thing.

If everyone were to wear the something as everyone else long time ago, we would look plain and all the same, this in another example from class. Why do soldier wear the same thing during war? It's so that even when they die it's just another person that died in order to protect their country rather then a specific person who fought. Coolness gives each and every person an identity that's different from others no two are the same. This topic probably originated from someone who wanted something different, another exmaple from class. If everyone were living in this endless fairy tale, who will break free of it. That one person will always be making hte change in everything. All it takes is one person that wants to be different and the idea just spreads until they all want to break free of that cage.

Thank you for reading!

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