Monday, November 9, 2009

Hw 21 - Art Project 1

Art are piece of art creating a shadow behind the true meaning of each word. For this project I want these words to show a piece of art work that you won't really find in a picture.

the "truth"

put bluntly, we all know the truth
we may not know all of it but most of us can see the ending

some of do not accept it; thus, it is hidden
some of us accept it; eternal peace is achieved
some of us do not seem to accept it--
some of us do but with plenty complaints.

if you seek the truth, you are merely wasting your time;
look around and you will realize it's been all around--
all along.

the "truth" is never far, it is always near
the "truth" is sometimes ugly, sometimes beautiful
the "truth"-- all together, it is difficult to hide and yet, hard to find.

do you want to believe in the "truth" in which you learn?
when you realize the truth does not favor your side,
what will you come to think of it?
will you... blame truth?
will you... decide to find a way to use the truth to aid you?

true "happiness"
can be obtained once we realize and accept
put bluntly, we know all the answers
we may not know it but we eventually come to hate the "truth."


pieces of literature reflect our souls, mind, spirit.
the personality that is not shown to anyone...
is shown through thoughts and arts.
you cannot hide it,
your destiny can be changed
but your reflection cannot.
reflection awaits us at the end of fate.
destinies combine to create a greater force, fate.
as do puzzles form to depict a picture, a reflection that will not change.
reflection involves fate, fate involves reflection.
reflection can be a truth thrown under bed sheets.
once one flies over to reveal it, conflict occurs.
conflicts are easily solved more if they are visible.
reflections do not turn invisible.
the reflection is your deepest secret.
your "secret".
"my, your, our..."

I read through these and thought that they show a deeper imagine that a normal picture would, her poems are shaped oddly it makes me wonder why it was formatted that way.(they way I'm posting it won't be shape the same way so maybe you have to go on her blog to me) Was it just the feeling she had while writing the poem? I like all of the poems but these two stood out for digitalization to me there was a great connection.

This piece of art to me is still a mirror, art to me has always been a mirror reflecting the inner truth that we can't escape. I never thought of art as a hammer since even though a hammer may or may not shape things it's like a weapon to test what this person would do with it and how the person would use it. Though we say that we can hide our feelings but how long can we hold back till that shadow in us appear, no one is perfect there's always some kind of flaw that makes us human. Our reflection, the other you knows how we feel because what can you hide from yourself, nothing. How much longer do we want to keep ourselves safe from the truth eventually you'll have to face it.

Myst puts a lot of feelings into her writing, it shows that she's been through a lot. If a person that live a happy life read it, I'm guessing they wouldn't have the same reaction as me, when I read it, it made me feel really sad and a hate towards humans. People tends to put themselves before others. That's why the digital world is our path to escaping this, a truth that people avoid seeing. In each world there will always be people of the ying and yang so that there's never peace or perfection. Perfection is only a dream that we try to touch but can never reach it. That's why we should never put 100% of what we have in the things we do sometimes because we know it hurts so we try to escape that same pain by giving less each time.

This isn't my art but I can connect our experiences, I did talk to myst and we have a lot of similar experiences. Betrayal is very painful, watching others walk away and leaving you behind isn't something we like. Art is a a way to expressing ones self not everyone can understand it but art does have feelings. There are many things that words just can't say for us, so we present it in an artistic way.

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