Saturday, November 28, 2009

HW 25 - Story Comments and Analysis

This homework was posted since my computer wasn't working, sorry for the trouble.

Jia Min
In your story what makes a person cool is someone that stands up for other people. She's already the president for the archery club which puts her at the top so what would happen if someone at the lower class were to stir up courage in themselves and protect the kid, how would that have ended?

I felt like this stories is too common but common is what makes it cool to most people since if we were to do something new you would mostly likely say it's not cool unless it's inspiration of something new. If something ever new happens in a fairy tale people would dislike it since it's different, disrupted the flow of the story.

Yu Xi
Cool in this stories is like someone who can inspire you to keep moving forward. Guys have their way of cool just like the mangas there's the relax vs hot head, understanding vs saying whatever is on their mind. There's so many combination authors how use and yet they all come to one ending, a fairy tale.

We live in an endless fairy tale, when we think we've grown up we didn't because that fairy tale still exist in us. Inspiration is how I would define cool as well, it's something to admire, we inspire others to keep moving on without noticing. The fairy continues to revolve around us, what if one breaks free from this cage?

Your story is about a girl who's not liking the attention she's giving since it's the wrong reason. When she stood up for that other girl something inside of her change, she doesn't have to buy expensive things to make her look cool, sometimes being cool is being yourself, the person you want to be deep down.

The coolest person is you, yourself not having to want to be like someone else. We do what we like to make it work for us. After reading the first two stories it felt like the ending of this stories is ruined for me since every fairy tale has a predictable ending. It's not that people are physic like we think they are I think it's because they are closer to the truth. They have already realized this and understand this. Who will break free of this cage is also a fairy tale, hen what isn't a fairy tale?

This story get right to the point, she stand out in class and doesn't give others what they want when they ask for attention, sort of like a cold shoulder. She doesn't need popularity to be cool, she's like the lonewolf kind. Your story was very descriptive it's like watching it while I read(imagine you as that girl). =p

This story stands out from the others since she's just doing what she likes, it doesn't seem to bother her that other people are looking at her or talking about her, she just ignores them. We tend to see this kind of school in the beginning of the school year and then later they are bound to open up to us.

Your character of cool seem to be very relaxed and wanting to stay cool it looks like she has to sacfrice her time since you mention about the busy night. When the teacher said cool as in you didn't do your homework but you can do this or cool to how much she understood the question/answer. She stand out in class and seems to be popular.

Most people try to be cool and find it that they don't know who they are anymore, while others are seem as cool and don't really have a choice. If a fairy tale continues to live even after we are reborn why can't each fairy be diderent from the last, most people don't get bored of the same story over and over again but I do sometimes. How can we escape the fairy tale if escaping it is making a new one?

Thank you for reading!

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