Monday, March 1, 2010

Hw 42 - More Researching or More Thinking

Top 5 Thing That Should Be Taught In Every School by Brian Kim
#1. Personal Finance
Teaching us to keep a budget on things and learning the difference between want and need. Not every child has learn the needs and wants and the importance of what to put before other things.
#2. Communicating Effectively
Your communication skills help you lead to a point in the discussion and won't leave people not understanding what you're talking about.
#3. Social Skills
Approaching people with different background, you don't what your first impression to be bad so talk respectfully and politely. Respect the customs of other people. Listen before talking so you know when is it right to speak and when you are not allowed to.
#4. Sales
It helps to develop our marketing skills knowing when to buy stuff and save money or selling our ideas. Learning to make money on our own, social skills and communication would help in this section as well.
#5. Time Management
We need to set time for when things are due, any free time/extra time for after-school learning, job, meals, etc. We can't always be working, we need time for breaks and organizing our time helps us so that we won't wait till the last moment to do everything.
+1. Health
There isn't enough time in school for students to run around and play sports. Even though we have health class it's just another class where we sit and get fat. When we have gym class there are still students sitting down and doing their homework.

Social Skills Taught in School: Do Adults Really Behave That Way?
When we were little we learned to trust and to be comforted through interactions. As we grow up we were taught to read and write, as time passed by our skills developed and new skills were opened to us. We were taught to follow certain rules at certain times, but the things we do as a student do we need them when we become an adult. We don't see adult raising their hand to talk but the social skills are necessary. There are things that we should keep with us as we grow up but we also have to get use to the adult. We are still learning even as an adult but most of the stuff we have to learn by ourself.

Part B:
I've been wondering why it is even necessary to go to go because when I look at school, I don't remember anything I've learned or maybe the reason I can't remember is that the students in the school hit me so much. I want to look into this topic because if it was something simply then I don't want my siblings going to school. I don't want to risk their lives in a battle field at school where the teacher don't understand anything at all about us and act like they do understand it.
I'm looking at the topic where teachers don't teach student what they need to know to live their own life rather they teach things that bring us to that lesson and at the same time we are developing our skills but some class if a student feel that there is no motivation then they tend to slack off. There are many things that teachers don't teach us to live our own life. We do learn things as raising our hands before we speak but as an adult we don't need many of these things, they are a part of our memory but most people would just throw these kinds of memory when they get out of school.
I also want to look at the topic of how much time does a teacher take to understand a student, when I hear things from my siblings I really feel like charging into the school and setting it on fire since no one is willing to do anything about it, even if a child were to tell the teacher then the child would receive as well, if not from the adults then it's from the students around them. I feel like they have become useless in these situations so we kids have to take on everything by ourself, this is one of the reasons there are so many bad kids out there now, it starts out with a misunderstanding or something going wrong. Since there are these people to torture these kids, now I have become a object in the game world people would come and tell me their trouble because I'm willing to understand and look at the situation carefully before taking action but I must look at both sides and listen carefully to the words they choose because a liar is here.
But eventually there will be someone in this world that wants to replace you and the thigns you choose to do and you'll have to find a new place and a new job because the old "you" has died and a new is born.

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