Monday, March 8, 2010

Hw 44 - Big Expectation for School

"We need two school system"
"Go to school to become a good employee," this sounds like a demand. I don't like the idea of following what other people are force to do, I've always been trap to pretend that everything is OK but it's not so telling us to go to school and become a good pet for them. People are not your servants, you may have us doing the work for you but we get something and you get even more just because you're at the top but how would it feel if one day your company fell and you're the one standing beneath our feet. I was taught never to see yourself as something so high and telling other people what to do, beside we don't always have to go to school in order to learn how to work. Skills take time to develop and we can practice, we don't need school to practice or else people could just wait till they are the age to work and just go to school to learn. People will always find a loophole and try to take the easy way out. I always prefer to learn from experience unless it's necessary I will turn to books if I had too but skills like things we do in work after a while we get used to doing the same things over and over again. Besides if there's anything new there's always time to learn and it wouldn't be a bother to others to ask if you don't understand since your work may affect the work of others.

"Where the Bar Ought to be"
“Things like curriculum and class size and school size and the longer day." Why do people do things that they know others will disagree with? What's the point of even trying? I think the four main things we are suppose to be taught in school are english, math, social studies and science, the other class are like taking a break from all the work because people need to rest. If a computer kept working eventually it would work less and less effectively and same goes for people. We can't overwork them, it's wrong to do so, the person who choose to do this, I don't think they were thinking clearly enough. Both teachers and students need breaks from their work because we aren't working machines. Making the day longer wouldn't help because people wouldn't have a life outside of school, making school day longer would be the same as caging us kids and never letting us see our fake freedom. If you were to lock a person in a room, and not let them out for a long time they would eventually go crazy. Making the class size and school size depends on the students, some may like smaller classrooms so they can have less people hogging the teacher all day. I prefer classes who don't cause much trouble for teacher because when teachers get angry they take it out on us, it's not fair but understanding since we are really annoying. I like bigger school with a max of 5 floors since I've only train to run that many floors before I'm really tired. If it was a really big school, I might get lost but then I'll learn to take shortcuts and to take certain staircases where I won't have people following me to the next class since in middle school there were 5 different staircases I used them to my advantage. More staircases are mean less crowd.
"Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama: Back to School Event"
"I’ve talked about your parents’ responsibility for making sure you stay on track, and get your homework done, and don’t spend every waking hour in front of the TV or with that Xbox." I don't think it's fair, that fact that it's like he wants us to live the same life he did. He started out talking about himself and then talks about taking away all these things that most kids would have. Why should teachers push us to learn, why force all of these things upon us, we're just kids, why can't they understand that. I dislike this idea because I don't want the same kind of pain force on other kids, I've been teaching kids younger than me and I would never force them to do something they wouldn't like, I let then have it their way and slowly changing the person. Making sure we stay on track, if we are always so focus on these things, people would get tired and won't understand many things. School is't the only way to learn things, why does he think he have the right to push such things into a child's life, just because people picked him doesn't make him any different from any of us. Those people who think they are giving their child a better life, they aren't because they are just trapping us in a world where we can only see their goals and not ours, so try hard to find our freedom. He does the same with taking the things we like always from us. It's understanding his choice but it doesn't work for everyone, he'll change that balance that people have, changing the balance inside of people isn't always a good choice because many students start choosing death as a solution. We have the game world/digital world as our route to escape so we can't let him take these things away from us.

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