Monday, March 22, 2010

Hw# 47 - Class Film Preparation 1

I'm not sure what ideas would be good for a class film since I don't watch T.V. or go to the movies. When I heard people talking about the crowd of students it reminded me of a herd of sheep. I think a nice scene would be maybe a class of students where the we are sitting into the auditorium and the teacher comes in where we have a moment where everyone stares at the teacher, the piano is playing and when it stopped everyone goes back to what they were doing before. I don't really know any good ideas,

I just think these ideas are lame because everyone uses them, we all know how it will end so why bother making as film that tell the same things over and over again. It's those book, little kids read about the Disney princess movie, even thought each story is told differently they all end the same boring way. Even my ideas are lame so why don't we think of something new, if we use the same trope, how will the film turn out? What does the teacher want from this? We are making a film and what does it teacher us?

Thinking about the teacher/savior film there is always a person who plays the bad part and someone that plays the good part, these are the basics so I want to start with that. Just as in each society there is a bad guy and a hero person, the teacher can sometimes play both parts but how do we want that in our play. I've been teaching little kids for many kids but I'm just an observer watching as things happened as they should and acting when it's necessary. I can understand why our guest teacher is very popular in some way and I do agree with a lot of the things she said since I also use those strategy among kids I've taught. I'm only an assistance for the after school and a sort of teacher in the summer but ever since school start I didn't have much to do, there wasn't enough time in my day for after school things so instead I decide to help over the net, it was easier since you get to interact with the little kids without knowing that your older or younger rather age didn't really matter. But in the digital world I didn't enjoy the fact where everyday became a lesson I had to set up and teach because in a way I was hurting them so I took a break. During my break I realize it wasn't possible for me to escape this, no matter what I did people kept asking for help and it would come back to the lessons again, negative feeling just kept coming back to me and then I understood that it's necessary to play both part in order to balance things out.

Another character we should have is the kid that doesn't believe/trust in the teacher. There's always a kid that think the teacher would never understand them and that the words they spout aren't true and that is a fact. How would the teacher understand if you never said anything? If we kept ourselves closed in our own world then who can enter it? Not everyone is willing to wait a life time for you to open your world to us, some people would wait but those people come rare to this world. There is that scene where the teacher try to enter your world, pushing their way through but it doesn't work so the student has a talk with them-self and think is it really alright to let others know your dark secret. Eventually the student tests the teacher's trust but here's the two paths we directors get to choose where there is a moment of misunderstanding in trusting and the teacher turns things around fixing everything or where other people come to shut that kid back into the darkness so the teacher has to find another way to help this child or teacher hits the child with the hard truth.

Depending on the three choices chosen or any other choices made it'll be easier to work from there knowing what types of character we need. I heard that the other class we making a film and thought it was really lame since the plot and the layout even the directing wasn't that good but I didn't say anything because humans are fragile. But it isn't fair if they would do things that hurt me and I can't. Even if I haven't done anything, others already have. Little comments telling them the truth hurts them a lot, that why we call it a big kid daycare, the words people want to hear are those words that compliment them anything else they will try not to hear it. I won't say anything because of the how things are already falling apart so I'll just watch how things come out.

During vacation I flipped through this box that sat on my table using this object with buttons on it. In this box there are different pages and each page has it's own story to tell(I'm flipping through the channels on my t.v.) I don't spend much time on this though I don't have much interest since things have become too predictable just like books and people. We are the main character of our own story but this world does not belong to one person, it's yours and mine so it's ours to live in. Each person has their own part and without them we lose something important, sometimes not knowing. In each film each character is important in fulfilling their part to make the other actors shine, if one actors fails to do their part the light just gets stuck in one part. One of the characters I enjoy watching is the wise person that belongs on his own side, the character that no one knows and he just comes out, says a few words of wisdom and leaves, hinting the main character what to do but in this teacher film i don't think we need that. I don't really understand what you want to come out of this film since I don't believe there is a super teacher thing. Things that they show is movies are like dreams they can and can not exist.
I don't believe such things as a super teacher since they've never trusted their students. Even if the student thinks that maybe they could go to the teacher for a something, the bond between them starts to break. What goes on in a teachers mind? I've only been an assistance teacher, I understand the thing where the teacher has to play both parts of a nice and mean teacher because in those little rooms is like another home or at least it used to be. I had to choose a side to play as well because I wanted to balance out the power between teacher and student. If a student got betrayed by the teacher and the teacher starts making things to tell the parents I would want to see how it ends and try to at least fix it though students bringing me to their parents is kind of weird. Just maybe I've played that part once but it's heartbreaking so that part to play is boring now.
In any movie I think there should be something surprising, something that other people wouldn't have guessed would happen but then again something something new is a boring idea to people they just want to stick to things as if they'll never grow up. There are things that as a kid we can see, we can sense but as we grow order, we no longer remember it. Even though your smart doesn't mean that you'll understand everything, this is shown in movies that I've seen and it's true. We have people in our class that are smart but what' so good about intelligence if you can't use it the right way. Do you need to be smart in order to understand others? No, you just need to want to understand others instead of trying to fight them, people can't just open up to you nor can they let you in their world. Not everyone can turn out the way you want them too.
When you want to affect someones life, there are two ways to do it.
1. By bringing light
2. By taking light
Never give too much because human greed takes over a person. Or maybe it's just something I want that I can't have so I place that desire in others. I've also seen in movies where if an adult can't have something they push their desire on others. I'm not sure what this video needs, it just what you choose to put in it, people says as long as we can all work together, thing will come out good enough but this time it depends and it really does. The things each of us chooses may contradict each other or fit together like puzzle pieces.

1 comment:

  1. na lin.. you're a really inspirational student. can i have some of that motivation?
