Monday, March 15, 2010

Will you play God's game?

I've been a gamer since school has never made me feel any better about myself. School was just a place where people put me down. To them I'm just trash and I don't enjoy that feeling of being targeted all day. People think that we don't know what goes on in their minds but sometimes we actually do. I've been gaming for years now, I know my parents dislike it a lot but it helps me find a place where I won't be as tortured as I am in school.

In the game world I don't need to be anyone else but myself, I don't have to worry as much about what other people think because I'm alone and helping others when it's necessary. I follow the same set of rules given to game master sometimes. In the game world I'm living a better life but it's only for a short amount of time, so I give what I can and take what's given as the payment for my job.

My brother started gaming before I did and he would look over at my screen and always ask how come you get this and that. I said I'm not sure but to him I'm the same as a hacker since I would get more that a regular gamer does. There's never anything about a special gamer getting something or having a advantage over other people. My life and my digital life are the same except they are played out differently. Since other people don't see anything except for a avatar they would go assuming things about other people, the only thing the would know is a bit about their personality. But this isn't really true, since some people in this world can tell what others really want to say by the words they choose to say.

Looking at the school unit, by now almost everything is a game to me, you don't get to save anymore, you only get one life and one chance to live. In games we can go back and make things right for ourself, we learn from experience and the things we feel inside of us but in the world we call reality it's different. We see ourselves as the main character of the game we play. We can choose experiencing things or reading about it. School tells us about the experience that other people had while we have other kids that skip school and doing their own things. For example we could read a book on how to cook vs. actually cooking. When we read how to cook we don't have the experience on how it really works while if we actually cook we have to taste our own food and learn from bad tasting food and making it good.

The world we call reality, it's God's game, in each country there is someone at the top like a boss. If we think about defeating all the boss, we won't ever reach the final boss, all that we end up with is nothing. We'll end up thinking about we came all this way and think you've found nothing but the truth is that you probably opened a new path. Just like a game we gather information before going out, team work, developing our skills, leveling up(improving your skills), etc. But what happens when you reach the max in the game? There is never an end to a game, the game of life will continue forever as long as there's another gamer, the game will never end. Same as life, as long as there is another person living it isn't really a game over yet.

How will you escape God's game?


  1. Na Lin this was such an amazing post!
    I've learned more about you reading your blog then I ever imagined and you are such a deep intelectual person!
    I'd love to discuss this further in person if you'd ever be up to it!

    My favirite line (other then the last question) is "The world we call reality, it's God's game, in each country there is someone at the top like a boss."

    This is so much like capitalism, there is always someone at the top to put others down.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I really enjoy reading about them :D

  2. I was thinking about the topic we were discussing in class; I realized that I remembered this from somewhere, the things we are like games. Even though we only get one life, we can make mistake and take the chances to make things right. Don't waste the second chance we're given, make every second counts. When a person leaves the game, we can be gald for them because it's finally time to take a nice long nap.

    People is this world, it doesn't matter how much knowledge they have the first thing they should think about is understanding, if its always books you'll think you know everything but never understand people at all. Books are only a small part of creation made by people but those people that you talk to everyday, they are alive now so don't waste this chance to be with them or you'll regret it. The memory you chare with others don't throw it away because it keeps those dea alive inside of you.

    There's so much in this world I want to know, so many secrets this world holds, and this is just a small part of it.
