Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hw 43 - Jornaling About School

Can't find the post for this homework yet ToT so I'll do it anyway.

Looking up at the ceiling, I didn't know what to think about so I kept staring looking around. I don't remember anything but I wonder what school would be like if I only learned off my computer. I kept wondering and wondering, I didn't realize I fell alseep. I wonder what would my life have been if I didn't go to school.

Even though life is very safe, it's boring and I would have grown up happily but I would be as dumb as those smart people. There's a story where evil is let out into the world and one person was chosen to seal it all alway but after how boring the perfect world people regret the choices they made. Just like in a game, they reflect our lives in the real world, facing danger, making friends, learning new skills, questing(test and quiz). There are times where I know that without school I would live a better life but I just choose to erase that. The are so many students out there in the world who have suffered and stressed more than I have so I can't feel bad about myself. I don't want a different school experience than the one I had because it's a part of my history that makes me different from everyone else. If I didn't go to school, I wouldn't know how to prevent others from giving up all the time, when I come home to listen to others talk about their day and how bad it was or even giving up on life. I know how to deal with that now because I was there once and I don't want them to make the same mistakes I made. I'm grateful that I could see the life I would have live but it was just a dream.

I remember during the summer I worked at places where I had to assist the teacher and around the place I had worked at there was many racist people including the teachers. I watched as all the wrongs kids get blamed and every time I told they were wrong they said but this and but that. These teachers are from the age 19-26, the assistance were from the age 14-19. I know I'm not suppose to say anything against the teachers but it would bring bad reputation to the program if they kept it up, no one would join the summer program. Parents blame their kids not knowing what really happened so I walk over to tell them. Teacher always playing favorites with the adorable kids(those are always the ones causing trouble). I didn't like how this would influence the children when they grew up so I stood for their side, the only problem is they cling on to you when you get a lunch break. They started to switch me around when they realize this so that I wouldn't have any evidence if the wrong kid was blamed for something. Those teachers never knew when they were taking the game too far and cause the kids to cry. I think they should hired less Cantonese teachers, it's hard to make out even one non-racist can of cheese(Cantonese).

Why do something you tell others not to do? Are you sure you have the right to dislike others when you are the same?
In school, we have those times where the teacher is waiting for us to all quiet down so s/he can start talking again. This is one thing they don't teach us do in a non violent leading way. When some of us notice the teacher waiting for us, we just stop talking or warn our classmates so it will eventually get quiet but there are always those few people that continue and not notice so one of the students tell them to quiet down. The other student not noticing would say no you quiet down and this eventually goes back and forth. Instead of telling the other person to quiet down once more we could have said nothing or say I am quiet. I think this should be taught more without having a lesson on it rather experiencing it.

There are times you tell your friend not to do this and when you do that thing you don't realize you told others not to do it. How do you think your friend feel about about this? Do you have any right to dislike them? When someone told me not to spam and them knowing I wouldn't I said okay. She said she hated and it gets her mad but I think she said that because she's always taking her angry out at those around me. When I heard her spam my chat I ignored it but when my friend did this she got mad and blamed us. When she went away I told the others that it wasn't their fault it's just she's using people for so don't fall for those tricks people use to tear you a part. I posted that question and all she did was agree, I started to think is she agreeing with it for the performance? She used that technique to take from others and can she still use it now that I have place this truth?

Does it make you feel better when you ruin someones success only because you know you're incapable of accomplishing the same thing?

School is always teaching us to to our best and that becomes aim for the best evolving to fight your way to the top with any means necessary. The change in the words over the years have change people so much, students get lazy and forcce the work on others, teacher not realizing it sometimes. There's always that competition to be the best even betraying your friend, making them do all the work but than you submit the work in as if you did everything all by yourself. There was once when we had an art project for class and when everyone gave in their work the teacher said only a few of them wil be hung up. When people see that their work is hung up it usually means you did a good job. One of the students didn't see theirs and when they saw the work of others , that student decide to destroy the work. Since I was the last one out of the classroom, I watched it's not like I could do anything. If it was a pair of scissors I would stop that person but it was a box cutter I think.

How can people just say they love something when they know nothing about it?

This is one of the feelings we have to learn by ourself but what about all those other kids that won't ever get too. When I hear other people say I love you to thing and that I keep thinking how can you say that so easily when you don't understand a thing about them. It's the same as going up to a movie star and saying I love you I know everything about you. But do you really know anything? What we see it a cover, behind the scene the movie star might be a totally different person so when those words have a special meaning why can't people save them so that they will actually mean something in the future rather then letting them those words become an empty shell for us.

Why do I deserve to be alone in this world?
In the beginning I was alone, with nothing so I'm used to it by now. I don't want to choose a topic where I know I will end up with others rather I want to choose a topic I'm really interested in. It's not like I'll be with my friend forever so why not just get use to it. When we started school, it's not like we had friend in the beginning, we had to develope trust and all those others stuff that we can lie about now. I choose to be alone because there won't be anything I can lose.

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